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Mastering Email Marketing Campaign Statistics for Growth

Trends, Challenges, and Opportunities in Email Marketing

If you've been focusing on the latest marketing trends and neglecting email, you're absolutely missing out on a marketing treasure trove.

In 2022, the email marketing industry was valued at around $9.2 billion.

That number is predicted to rise to more than $20 billion by 2028! 

Now, that's an impressive growth rate to get anyone excited. 

In my opinion, email has been and will continue to be king of the marketing jungle when it comes to ROI. 

It's your direct connection to your audience, forging a strong link between you, your brand, and your consumers.

In this article, I'll share some awesome email marketing campaign statistics that might just blow your mind.


Email Marketing Campaign Spending Statistics

Mastering Email Marketing Campaign Statistics for Growth

Let's take a look at some email campaign spending 

Some of these may shock you. 

Budget Allocation and Spending

In 2022, 37% of brands planned to increase their email marketing budget.

Here are some more quick stats:

  • Around 82% of marketers dedicate up to 20% of their budget to email marketing.

  • Self-managed email marketing campaigns could cost between $9 and $1000 per month.

  • Using a professional email service provider could range from $300 to $ 5,000 for low and middle-level plans, while higher-end services can exceed $5,000.

As you can see, more companies are investing more money into email marketing. 


Because it brings in a ton of money and gets a lot of people to buy stuff.

Strategies and Effectiveness

Automating emails through a drip campaign can be a game-changer for your business, increasing revenue by a solid 34%.

Mastering Email Marketing Campaign Statistics for Growth

Another powerful strategy is segmenting your email lists to create personalized campaigns, and this approach can skyrocket your email marketing revenue by an astonishing 760%. 

Additionally, triggered email campaigns like "Abandoned Cart" have proven to be exceptionally successful, boasting a remarkable conversion rate of 54.9%.

This outperforms the average email by a whopping 168%.

As you can see, you will get impressive results when using these dynamic email marketing tactics.

Usage and Influence

A bunch of small businesses, roughly 64%, use email marketing. 

What's shocking is that 37% don’t.

Mastering Email Marketing Campaign Statistics for Growth

Wisely, about 57% of these small businesses plan to up their email marketing game over the coming years. 

Only 10% are thinking of cutting back in 2023. 

Here are a few more cool stats for you: 

  • About 79% of marketers say email is one of the top 3 ways they connect with people.

  • 59% of us admit that these emails help us decide what to buy. 

  • And almost 6 out of 10 of us actually buy something from these emails every month.

Global Spending

Both small and large businesses are allocating roughly 15-20% of their budget to email marketing, and they use cool tricks like segmenting their audience and using automation to get the most bang for their buck.

But just spending more on email marketing doesn't always mean you'll make more money. 

The best businesses dig into their email stats, try different things, and make exclusive content for their audience. 

And guess what? 

They often end up making more money. 

So it's all about spending your email marketing budget wisely.

Looking ahead, people are going to keep pouring money into email marketing. 

Adding dynamic content within emails is set to change the way consumers interact with emails. 

So it's good news for businesses, whether they're big or small.

Email Marketing Campaign ROI Statistics

The average ROI for email marketing is pretty darn impressive, often hitting around $42 for every dollar you spend. 

Yeah, you read that right! 

That's quite a jaw-dropping figure.

But it gets even more impressive in the Retail/eCommerce/Consumer Goods sector, where the ROI soars to a whopping 45:1.

And when your marketing team grows from two to a group of three to five, your email ROI jumps from 30:1 to 42:1. 

Factors Influencing ROI

Making personalized email campaigns can pump up your conversion rates sixfold! 

It's a game-changer.

Marketers have seen their revenue spike by a jaw-dropping 760% from hyper personalized campaigns. 

Email sending times also matter.

Sending out emails at just the right moment can boost your revenue by 10%, so nailing that timing is key to getting more opens and conversions.

Consider diving into advanced analytics to turbocharge your email marketing campaigns' ROI. 

This lets you delve deep into how your subscribers behave and what they prefer. 

For instance, analyzing click-through rates and conversion rates can unveil what works best in your emails. 

Armed with this knowledge, you can fine-tune your strategies and watch your ROI skyrocket.

Comparison With Other Marketing Channels

Mastering Email Marketing Campaign Statistics for Growth

Digital marketing happens in a lot of ways, like emails, social media, and more, but remember, no single way works for every brand out there.

Social Media Marketing vs. Email Marketing

Here's a crazy stat you might not know about Facebook. 

Around 74% of folks started leaving the platform between 2017 and 2018.

That could have been because roughly 49% of people in the U.S. aren't so sure about Facebook keeping their data safe. 

But when it comes to email, 66% of U.S. adults trust their email providers with their info.

Surprisingly, not many millennials chat with brands on social media (only 30% monthly), but they love email for business stuff (about 73%).

Globally, more people use email (3.8 billion) compared to social media (2.34 billion).

ROI Challenges

Mastering Email Marketing Campaign Statistics for Growth

Some people who advertise on social media (52%) struggle to determine if it's making them money. 

But with email marketing, you can easily track your ROI. 

On average, Google Ads will bring in $2 for every $1 spent.

That's not bad, but it still falls way short of email. 

The significantly lower ROI is likely because the ads you see online, like the ones on Google, are often annoying and not click worthy. 

But when it comes to emails, people click more often (around 3.2%).

Just how annoying are those Google Ads?

A whopping 64% find today's ads annoying, and almost everyone (92%) doesn't even notice them.

And if you're like all my buddies, you're probably running some sort of ad blocker. 

Nowadays, most people (70%) like reading content instead of looking at regular old-school ads, but this could all change. 

With platforms like TikTok changing the way we view ads (the ads don't feel or look like ads), that could all change. 

Only time will tell. 

Email Marketing Campaign Effectiveness Statistics

When it comes to checking how well your email marketing is doing, ask yourself: Do my emails resonate with my audience

I'm talking about understanding if your subscribers are really into your emails.

Does the content make sense to them? 

And is it actually leading them to do what you want them to do?

Subscriber Engagement

Mastering Email Marketing Campaign Statistics for Growth

One big thing to watch is how engaged your subscribers are

If a lot of them are opening your emails (which, on average, is around 18%) and clicking on stuff (usually about 2.6% of them do), it's a sign that your emails are hitting the mark with your audience.

Content Relevance

Here's the deal: Your content needs to matter to your subscribers. 

If it doesn't, they're going to tune you out. 

I'll reiterate a point I made earlier. 

If you personalize your emails, you can bump up customer engagement by a whopping 74%, so the lesson here is to make sure your emails are packed with stuff that actually matters to your readers.

Conversion Rates

Conversion rates could be the most important thing to focus on in marketing.

Mastering Email Marketing Campaign Statistics for Growth

You could optimize conversions by convincing someone to purchase something, signing up for a webinar, or downloading your own resource. 

On average, about 1% or 2% of folks take that final step. 

Nike and Adidas hover around 2.4%-3.1%, but I've seen much higher. Amazon's conversion rate is a ridiculously high 8%, so it really depends on you and your business or brand. 

Metrics Analysis

Don't forget to check other important metrics like bounce rates (the number of emails that never even make it to the inbox).

Mastering Email Marketing Campaign Statistics for Growth

You don't want a bounce rate higher than 2-3%

Unsubscribe rates (the number of people who are saying "enough") shouldn't be higher than 0.5%. If you achieve lower percentages than that, you're doing an amazing job.

Mastering Email Marketing Campaign Statistics for Growth

As for delivery rates (the number of your emails that actually get to where they're supposed to), these should be very high. 

Something is drastically wrong if your delivery rates are lower than 85%.

Ideally, you want that number to be in the 90s.

Your delivery rates tell you if your email campaigns are healthy and doing what they're supposed to.

Right now, I'm all about making emails more personal, using automation to save time, and making sure our emails look great on mobile. 

About 51% of marketers are using email automation to make things easier and more efficient.

Challenges Faced by Email Marketers

Email marketers deal with some challenges, like keeping their email lists clean, making sure emails actually get to the inbox (instead of the spam folder), and avoiding spam filters

On average, 21% of emails don't reach the inbox, so improving that is a big deal.

A small 5%-10% improvement on this can result in significant returns, so this should be a main point of focus. 

Opportunities for Enhancement

The good news is that technology keeps getting better, and that means we can do even cooler things with email marketing. 

By getting savvy with targeting, segmenting, and personalizing, you can bet on seeing more engagement, higher conversion rates, and overall better results from your email marketing.

Why Trust Me?

I bring expertise, results-driven strategies, and a powerful arsenal of email marketing knowledge to supercharge your business. 

With a track record of driving substantial revenue through compelling copy, I'm here to help make an impact on your email marketing efforts.

Email Marketing Campaign Growth Statistics

You should always be looking to keep your email list growing.

List health and new acquisitions are what really matter here.

If your list is healthy and you have new ways of getting subscribers, then that's a win-win. 

Subscriber Growth

A healthy growth rate indicates that your email marketing strategies are effectively attracting new subscribers. 

The average monthly email list growth rate is around 1-2% – anything higher than that, and you are smashing it. 

List Health

Mastering Email Marketing Campaign Statistics for Growth

Regularly cleaning your email list and removing inactive subscribers can help maintain a high engagement rate and improve deliverability.

You can accomplish this by using tools like Neverbounce, Hunter, or even beehiiv. 

Acquisition Strategies

Utilizing strategies like offering valuable lead magnets, optimizing the sign-up process, and leveraging social media platforms can help enhance subscriber growth.

Ideally, your customer acquisition cost should be about three times less than what a customer will spend with you over a lifetime. 

So, for example, if a customer is going to bring in $15 over their time with you, spending $5 or less to get them on board is a pretty good deal.

Tools and Resources for Measuring Email Marketing Campaign Metrics

Mastering Email Marketing Campaign Statistics for Growth

Measuring how your email campaigns are doing is super important. It's like having a GPS for your marketing strategy. 

Luckily, there are tools and resources to help you get the job done.

Email Analytics Tools

There are some cool tools out there, like MailChimp, HubSpot, and Campaign Monitor. 

They give you the inside scoop on how well your emails are doing – things like open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates. 

It's like having a report card for your emails. 

These tools make it easy to see what's working and what needs tweaking.

A/B Testing Tools

Mastering Email Marketing Campaign Statistics for Growth

Have you ever wondered which email subject line or content gets the best response from your audience? 

That’s where A/B testing comes in.

You can do this with beehiiv or with other tools like Optimizely and VWO.  

You can try different versions of your emails to see what clicks with your readers. 

It's like experimenting in the lab to cook up the perfect recipe for your emails.

Survey and Feedback Tools

Mastering Email Marketing Campaign Statistics for Growth

Within beehiiv’s platform, you can poll your audience to find out how you did with your email. 

Alternatively, tools like SurveyMonkey and Typeform let you ask your subscribers what they think. 

You can find out what they like, what makes them happy, and what they expect from your emails. 

This feedback is like a secret ingredient for your email marketing recipe. It helps you make emails that your subscribers love and keep them engaged.

Additional Email Marketing Campaign Statistics

Mobile Email Statistics

Did you know that most people check their emails on their phones? 

Yep, more than 60% of email opens happen on mobile devices. 

That's why it's important to ensure that your emails are optimized for mobile. 

Simply optimizing for mobile will result in a 15% bump in click-through rates. 

Personalization and Segmentation Statistics

When you make your emails personal, it pays off – like a 20% increase in sales kind of payoff. 

And when you send targeted emails to specific groups of people (we call it segmentation), you could see a 14% boost in open rates.

Email Timing Statistics

Mastering Email Marketing Campaign Statistics for Growth

Monday: With a top open rate of 39.3%, Monday starts the week strong. The ideal time for sending out emails is in the morning to capitalize on the high engagement, while the afternoon is better avoided.

Tuesday: Emails sent on Tuesday see a solid open rate of 38.7%, slightly below Monday's performance. Despite this, consistent engagement throughout the day makes it a reliable day for email campaigns, particularly around 10 a.m.

Wednesday: Consistency is key on Wednesday, showing a high open rate of 39.0%. While engagement remains steady during the morning hours, it’s wise to steer clear of the evening commute time when open rates tend to dip.

Thursday: Thursday ties with Wednesday for high engagement, presenting another 39.0% open rate. Mornings are again the sweet spot, especially between 9 and 11 a.m.

Friday: The open rate on Friday slightly drops to 38.2%. However, sending emails between 10 and 11 a.m. can still yield a strong response, setting a positive tone right before the weekend.

Saturday: Weekends kick off with Saturday seeing the lowest open rates at 36.5%. No surprise there. Despite this, a typical 10 a.m. send time will get you the highest engagement rates before it tapers off as the day unfolds.

Sunday: Sunday surprises everyone with an open rate, equaling Monday at 39.3%. It's an underutilized day in email marketing, where even a 10 a.m. send can result in high engagement, which does decrease towards the evening.

Click-Through Rate (CTR): Across the week, CTRs don't fluctuate dramatically, hovering around 1.5-1.7%, signifying steady audience engagement with the content of the emails regardless of the day.

Email Benchmarks by Industry:

Mastering Email Marketing Campaign Statistics for Growth

Email Benchmarks by Region

  • AMER: Open Rate stands at 21.0%.

  • UK: Open Rate is slightly higher at 22.9%.

  • EU: Open Rate is at 22.1%.

  • APAC: Open Rate is at 22.4%.

That's a Wrap

Now, you're all set to measure, analyze, and make your email marketing better than ever.

Remember to personalize, segment, time things right, and make your emails look good on mobiles – all of these things make a huge difference. 

Keep an eye on your email stats, tweak your strategies, and make sure your emails aren't just getting to your audience but are also hitting the right notes and driving them to take action.

Email marketing is your ticket to growth, engagement, and success. 

Ready to supercharge your email marketing? 

Join beehiiv today and unlock the full potential of your email campaigns.

Happy mailing.


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