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The 4 Best Real Estate Newsletter Templates in 2024

Get Inspired by the Top Real Estate Newsletters in 2024

There are nearly 2 million real estate agents in America.

If you’re looking to get ahead of the competition, you need to stand out.

With a sea of competition around you, how do you compete in real estate? The answer is with an email newsletter.

Why email?

  • It has the highest return on investment (ROI) of any marketing channel.

  • Your messages aren’t filtered by algorithms like social media posts.

  • It’s the safest channel. You own your email list (no one can take it).

Many realtors are still living in the past –: handing out business cards, dropping off pamphlets, and throwing up billboards.

Instead, you need to launch a newsletter.

The best place to start is by using an effective real estate newsletter template.

In this article, we’ll cover five powerful beehiiv newsletter templates for real estate that you can start using to generate more leads in 2024.

Let’s begin.

Why Newsletters for Real Estate?

The 4 Best Real Estate Newsletter Templates in 2024

An email newsletter is a simple and effective way to nurture leads.

In our recent beehiiv report, 2024 State of Email Newsletters, real estate agents received an average open rate of 42% and a click rate of 1.7%.

This means that if you have 100 leads on your email list, you can expect about 42 of them to open your beehiiv newsletter every time you hit send.

If you have 1,000, that’s 420 people who are seeing your marketing messages daily or weekly (depending on how often you send your newsletter.)

How long would it take you to call 420 people up to connect with them and stay top of mind? 

How long would it take for you to knock on 420 doors? 

How about 420 lunches?

A newsletter gives you a simple opportunity to build a connection with your leads, nurture them, and stay top of mind – and do it at scale.

That way, when it’s time for them to buy or sell a house, they’re likely to come to you over anyone else.

Here are four of the best templates in real estate to help you generate some newsletter ideas.

Why Listen to Me? I’ve generated over $1 million with email and written over 1,000 blog posts. I run Storey Time, a newsletter where I teach people how to become full-time digital writers. You can reach out to me on X (Twitter) anytime!

1. The Blueprint

The 4 Best Real Estate Newsletter Templates in 2024

The Blueprint is a twice-a-week newsletter led by Ben Teller and real estate moguls David Parnes and James Harris. With over 25,000 subscribers, they’re one of the largest real estate newsletters in the world.

The 4 Best Real Estate Newsletter Templates in 2024

The real estate newsletter is jam-packed with advice and insider tips into the world of residential real estate.

The 4 Best Real Estate Newsletter Templates in 2024

The Blueprint is a quick, 5-minute read, making it easy for real estate agents who want expert advice from two of the best realtors in America on how to grow their business and sell more homes.

The 4 Best Real Estate Newsletter Templates in 2024

While some newsletter templates take a strictly news-based, journalistic approach, The Blueprint does a mix of both. They’ll put in headlines and top stories from recent updates in the real estate market.

The 4 Best Real Estate Newsletter Templates in 2024

But they’ll also take dives into trends and showcase forecasts on where the market is headed – including their expert takes on the matter.

The 4 Best Real Estate Newsletter Templates in 2024

At the end of their real estate newsletter template, you’ll see that they always include some “Advice from James and David to win the day” that features a practical tip for the day.

Key Takeaways:

  • News-style content can help capture attention.

  • A quick read is more likely to be read than a long template.

  • You don’t have to pick advice or news. You can do both.

  • Use graphics or images to improve the branded, personal experience.

Read the complete “Creator Spotlight” on Ben Teller and The Blueprint to see how it became one of the top real estate newsletters.

2. Zillow Gone Wild

The 4 Best Real Estate Newsletter Templates in 2024

Are you familiar withZillow, the leading real estate marketplace?

Well, Samir Mezrahi noticed how many unique and eccentric homes were listed there, so he decided to start posting about it on social media.

Next thing you know, Zillow Gone Wild is born.

The 4 Best Real Estate Newsletter Templates in 2024

Zillow Gone Wild is a real estate newsletter that is all about revolutionizing how to view and purchase homes through Zillow. 

Originally, it started as a hobby but quickly turned into a thriving business with over 175,000 subscribers — making it one of the fastest-growing real estate newsletters.

The unique angle of the real estate newsletter is summed up in its tagline: “Never miss a wild Zillow home.”

The 4 Best Real Estate Newsletter Templates in 2024

Zillow Gone Wild’s real estate newsletter template is quite simple.

Samir gives an introduction to readers, then dives right into the most wild, luxurious, and strange homes listed on Zillow.

Oh, and he’s monetizing the newsletter with sponsored ads (as is the case with Masterworks in the example above).

The 4 Best Real Estate Newsletter Templates in 2024

One thing that’s unique about this newsletter template is that it’s very image heavy.

Samir will put in a paragraph or two about a home and then show off a few pictures before moving onto the next home.

The 4 Best Real Estate Newsletter Templates in 2024

At the bottom of the template, Samir signs off (before reminding advertisers that he’s got spots up for grabs). He also leverages beehiiv’s one-click polls feature to keep the newsletter interactive and engaging for readers.

The 4 Best Real Estate Newsletter Templates in 2024

Key Takeaways:

  • Leverage introductions to be personal with your readers.

  • Put an advertising slot in your template if you want to monetize with sponsored ads.

  • Improve your newsletter template by incorporating images.

  • Don’t be afraid to think outside of the box with your real estate newsletter angle.

Read the “Creator Spotlight” on Samir Mezhrahi and Zillow Gone Wild to see how it became one of the fastest-growing real estate newsletters.

3. The Briefcase

The 4 Best Real Estate Newsletter Templates in 2024

Briefcase is a twice-a-week, news-style publication that features the latest news stories and trends in the real estate industry.

The 4 Best Real Estate Newsletter Templates in 2024

With over 40,000 readers, the newsletter helps real estate agents and other professionals stay up to date with the latest happenings in the market.

The newsletter template starts off with a headline, followed by a captivating AI image that shows a visual representation of the topic at hand.

The 4 Best Real Estate Newsletter Templates in 2024

Next, the real estate newsletter template goes into the top headlines in the industry, followed by a section called “By The Numbers,” before closing out with “Lighter Side.”

The 4 Best Real Estate Newsletter Templates in 2024

Key Takeaways:

  • Briefcase does a great job of relaying engaging real estate news.

  • If you want to add striking visuals, try using AI.

  • Creating template sections can help streamline content creation.

4. CRE Daily

The 4 Best Real Estate Newsletter Templates in 2024

If you’re in commercial real estate, then you’ll want to check out CRE Daily’s real estate newsletter template.

Every day, the five-minute newsletter is delivered to readers’ inboxes to keep them up to date on the latest trends, news, and major transactions.

The 4 Best Real Estate Newsletter Templates in 2024

Right out of the gate, you’ll notice that CRE Daily shows off their sponsored ad partner.

Then, they dive into their intro and get right down to business. They close out their intro by reminding readers of the sponsored partner. Then, they ask readers to leverage their referral program by sharing the issue with a friend for rewards.

The 4 Best Real Estate Newsletter Templates in 2024

Right after the intro, the newsletter features a “Market Snapshot” section showing what’s going on in the stock market, which is a unique, quick hit of valuable information right before diving into the core of the newsletter.

The 4 Best Real Estate Newsletter Templates in 2024

Next, CRE Daily dives into the main story of the day with an eye-catching custom image.

You’ll notice that the banner images follow the same congruent style in each newsletters – black and white with a slight touch of color and congruent editing.

The 4 Best Real Estate Newsletter Templates in 2024

After the main story of the day, CRE Daily’s template dives into the sponsored ad of the day.

One thing the newsletter does well is their clean design. Even the ad doesn’t seem intrusive. It flows well and is part of the newsletter experience.

The 4 Best Real Estate Newsletter Templates in 2024

Key Takeaways:

  • Leverage design to help your newsletter template engage your readers.

  • Break up large bodies of text with smaller sections to make it easier to read.

  • Get audience feedback on your newsletter with beehiiv polls.

Start Your Real Estate Newsletter on beehiiv Today!

The 4 Best Real Estate Newsletter Templates in 2024

Want to grow your real estate business? You need to nurture your leads.

An email newsletter is the easiest way to expand your network and stay top of mind. But without an effective newsletter template, it’s hard to create content your network loves.

With beehiiv, you can design beautiful templates for your newsletter in minutes.

If you’re ready to turn your leads into clients with a newsletter, give beehiiv a try.


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