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  • When to Inject Humor in Your Email Marketing

When to Inject Humor in Your Email Marketing

beehiiv's Expert Guide on Mastering the Perfect Timing for Humor in Email Marketing

Welcome to the world of email marketing, where creativity and effectiveness go hand in hand.

But have you ever wondered how to add a touch of humor to your emails without sounding like a clown?

We will explore the dos and don'ts of using humor in email marketing and help you strike the perfect balance between witty and informative.

So, get ready to tickle your reader's funny bone!

Table of Contents

Mastering Humor in Email Marketing

Using humor in email marketing can be an excellent way for small businesses to stand out from their competitors and connect with their audience personally.

However, it's essential to approach humor strategically and thoughtfully to avoid potential pitfalls.

  1. Know your audience: The first step to effectively using humor in your emails is understanding your audience's preferences and sense of humor. 

Research and analyze your audience's demographics, interests, and behaviors to tailor your humor to resonate with them.

  1. Keep it relevant: Humor in email marketing should always apply to your brand and message. Avoid using humor just for the sake of being funny. 

Instead, use humor to add value and enhance your message in a way that is consistent with your brand's voice and personality.

  1. Use humor sparingly: While humor can be a powerful tool, it's essential to use it in moderation to avoid sounding unprofessional or insensitive. 

Use humor to accentuate your message, not overpower it.

  1. Test your humor: Before sending out humorous emails to your entire list, test your content with a small group of subscribers to gauge their reactions. 

This will help you refine your approach and ensure your humor is well-received.

How would you like to make your audience laugh or at least put a smile on their face when they open your email?

beehiiv has the tools to help you.

beehiiv offers a comprehensive suite of tools and strategies to infuse humor seamlessly into your email campaigns. When you use beehiiv, you can add humor to your email marketing by deep diving into your audience's psyche and preferences with beehiiv’s campaign analysis insights. 

You can also create storytelling content filled with puns and witty sarcasm to leave a lasting impression on your audience in a competitive space.

Embrace beehiiv as your trusted ally in the world of humor content marketing. Be funny in a tasteful manner to engage your audience’s inner belly laughter!

Understanding the Impact of Humor on Engagement

The Art of Timing: When to Inject Humor in Your Email Marketing

Humorous emails can be a powerful tool to increase engagement with your audience.

Using funny content can enhance your brand's relatability, increase your open rates, and prompt more interaction with your content.

Also, using humor in emails can help build a connection with your audience by making them feel more comfortable and involved with your brand. It can also help humanize your brand and create a sense of authenticity to which your audience can relate.

Here are some practical tips on using humor in emails to increase engagement:

  1. Use humor strategically: Humor should align with your brand and message. Don't use humor just for the sake of it; make sure it supports your overall message.

  2. Keep it light: Humor should be lighthearted, not insulting or offensive. Avoid using humor that may be perceived as inappropriate or insensitive.

  3. Use visuals: Adding visual elements like images or gifs can help to enhance the humor and make it more engaging for your audience.

Defining Humor in the Context of Email Marketing

Humor in email marketing can be defined as using amusing or entertaining content in email campaigns to create a positive emotional response from the reader.

Unlike other forms of humor, such as stand-up comedy or sitcoms, humor in email marketing does not have to be about making people laugh out loud.

Instead, it uses a playful tone, puns, witty remarks, or storytelling to connect with the reader and leave a positive impression.

Several types of humor are effective in email campaigns.

Here are five examples:

  1. Puns: Puns are clever plays on words that can be used to make a humorous connection between two seemingly unrelated things.

A pet store could promote its products using the "Pawsome Deals" subject line.

  1. Jokes: Jokes are a classic form of humor that can add a lighthearted touch to your email campaigns.

A joke could be, "Why did the tomato turn red? Because it saw the salad dressing!"

  1. Storytelling: Storytelling is a powerful way to connect with your audience and create a memorable experience.

A brand could use storytelling to share a funny anecdote or a relatable experience that their audience can relate to or use user-generated content and share it on their social media platforms.

  1. Irony: Irony is a humorous way to point out a contradiction or unexpected outcome.

A gym could use the "Skip the Gym Today" subject line to promote a new workout program.

  1. Satire: Satire is a humorous way to criticize or mock a particular subject or idea.

A brand could use satire to poke fun at their industry or a competitor in a lighthearted way.

It is important to note that only some types of humor will work for some brands or audiences.

The key is to keep it relevant, aligned with your brand's voice and message, and appropriate for your target audience.

By using humor in email marketing, brands can create a memorable and engaging experience for their audience that leaves a positive impression and increases brand loyalty.

The Benefits of Using Humor in Your Email Campaigns

The Art of Timing: When to Inject Humor in Your Email Marketing

Did you know that adding humor to your emails can be a game-changer for your content marketing strategy?

Incorporating quirky humor can increase engagement and improve open rates and shareability.

Funny emails are more likely to be shared with others, expanding your reach and potential customer base.

It can help break the monotony of traditional emails and make your readers smile or laugh out loud, making your emails more memorable.

Knowing Your Audience: The Key to Effective Humor

The Art of Timing: When to Inject Humor in Your Email Marketing

Incorporating humor in your emails can make them more appealing to your audience.

However, it is important to note that only some will appreciate the same type of humor.

Understanding your audience's preferences and boundaries before using humor in your emails is essential. Awareness of their cultural, social, and political sensitivities will help you balance being funny and not offensive.

You don't want to leave a wrong impression or cross the line.

To create humorous and respectful emails, tailor your content to your audience's tastes.

Here are some tips to understand your audience better:

  1. Analyze your audience's behavior: Look at your audience's past interactions and buying patterns to gain insights into their preferences and interests.

  2. Use social media: Analyze your audience’s profiles and interactions to gain insights into their personalities and preferences.

  3. Create buyer personas: Creating buyer personas can help you create content that speaks directly to your target audience. This can include humor elements tailored to their specific interests and preferences.

  4. Study your competitors: Look at what your competitors are doing and analyze their approaches to humor in email marketing.

The Art of Timing: When to Inject Humor in Your Email Marketing

In a global audience, humor can be challenging as cultural differences can cause some jokes to fall flat or even offend some recipients.

To ensure that your humor is inclusive and respectful, here are some tips for navigating cultural nuances in email marketing:

  1. Understand Your Audience: Research your target audience before incorporating humor into your email marketing. 

This will help you better understand their cultural background, beliefs, and values. Doing so allows you to tailor your humor to their sensibilities and avoid missteps.

  1. Avoid Stereotypes: Humor that relies on stereotypes can be offensive and insensitive to various cultures. 

Avoiding stereotypes and focusing on universal themes everyone can relate to is essential.

  1. Use visuals: Sometimes, humor can be lost in translation, and more than words alone may be needed to convey your message. 

Adding visuals like memes, gifs, or videos can help bridge cultural gaps and make your humor more accessible.

Understanding Humor Boundaries and Avoiding Offense

The Art of Timing: When to Inject Humor in Your Email Marketing

Understanding your audience's cultural and social boundaries is crucial to creating content that resonates with them.

This is especially true when incorporating humor into your content or email marketing strategy.

Humor is a powerful tool for connecting with your audience but it can backfire if not executed correctly.

Here are five tips to help you avoid offense and ensure that your humor is well-received while understanding your audience's cultural and social boundaries:

  1. Stay away from sensitive topics: Avoid making jokes about sensitive issues such as religion, politics, or race. These topics are often unsuitable for humor and can quickly turn your audience off.

  2. Keep it light-hearted: Humor works best when light-hearted and in good taste. Avoid making jokes that are too dark or that make light of serious situations.

  3. Use humor sparingly: Humor is powerful, but too much can be overwhelming. Make sure it is relevant to your content.

  4. Get feedback: Finally, always get feedback on your content from your target audience. This feedback can help you fine-tune your content and ensure your humor is well-received.

Nobody wants to see their jokes fall flat, but we’ve all been there! 

If you're writing risky humor and your gut sounds an alarm, listen to it. 

When you follow these golden rules and trust your instincts, you will surely hit your mark every single time and leave a lasting impression on your customers. 

Tailoring Humor to Different Audience Segments

The Art of Timing: When to Inject Humor in Your Email Marketing

Segmenting your email list can be a powerful tool to help you create engaging and effective email campaigns.

Tailoring your humor to different groups within your audience ensures that it resonates with each one. In fact, according to research, segmented email campaigns have an open rate of 14.32% higher than non-segmented campaigns.

To identify the humor preferences of different demographics within your email list, you can begin by analyzing your customer data to understand more about your audience.

Look at age range, gender, location, job title, and personal interests to gain a deeper insight into their preferences.

Here are five practical ways to tailor humor to different audience segments:

  1. Use humor that is relevant to the audience: Create content that aligns with the interests and preferences of your audience.

If you target a group of working professionals, use humor related to their work life.

  1. Use personas to create targeted content: Create different personas for the various segments of your audience.

If you offer products and services for women between 18 and 25 who are professional athletes, that would be your persona.

  1. Test and refine your content: Use A/B testing to test different types of humor and see which ones work best for each audience segment. 

Refine and adjust your content based on the results.

  1. Use visuals to enhance your humor: Use images, videos, and memes to improve your humor. 

Visuals can help you effectively convey your message and make your content more shareable.

  1. Avoid using offensive humor: While humor can be a great way to engage your audience, it's essential to avoid it. 

Be mindful of cultural sensitivities and avoid jokes that could be seen as discriminatory or insulting.

By segmenting your email list and tailoring your humor to different audience segments, you can create more engaging and effective email campaigns that resonate with your subscribers.

Use customer data insights to understand your audience's preferences, and follow these tips to create targeted content that speaks to each group.

Crafting the Perfect Funny Email: Tips and Tricks

The Art of Timing: When to Inject Humor in Your Email Marketing

Sending a funny email can be significant if you want to put a smile on someone's face or brighten up their day.

However, writing a funny email that resonates with readers is easier said than done. 

It requires more than just a witty one-liner; it takes careful crafting to create a truly engaging and memorable experience.

To help you in your quest to create the perfect funny email, here are some actionable tips that you can start using today:

The Art of Timing: When to Inject Humor in Your Email Marketing
  1. Start with a catchy subject line: Your subject line should grab the reader's attention and give them an idea of what to expect in the email. Use humor, puns, or wordplay to make it memorable.

  2. Use visuals: Funny images, gifs, or videos can add an extra layer to your email and make it more shareable.

  3. Keep it short and sweet: People have short attention spans, so keep your email concise and to the point.

  4. Don't force it: Don't try to move it if you're not feeling funny. It's better to send a sincere email than one that falls flat.

  5. Use humor to convey your message: If you're writing a business email, humor can be a great way to break the ice or convey a problematic message.

  6. Use conversational language: Write as if speaking to a friend. Avoid formal language or jargon that might be confusing.

  7. Test it out: If you're unsure whether your email is funny, send it to a friend or colleague for feedback. They can give you an honest opinion before you hit send.

  8. Don't offend: Humor is subjective, and what's funny to one person may be offensive to another. Avoid controversial topics or jokes that might be deemed inappropriate.

  9. Have fun with it: It will show in the final product if you're not enjoying writing your funny email. Have fun with it, and let your personality shine through.

Following these tips can create a funny email that resonates with your readers and leaves them smiling.

Try them out—your inbox (and readers) will thank you!

Incorporating Visual Humor: GIFs and Emojis

The Art of Timing: When to Inject Humor in Your Email Marketing

Visual elements such as GIFs and emojis can add a touch of humor and personality to your emails.

However, using them sparingly and appropriately is essential to avoid being unprofessional or immature.

To use GIFs and emojis effectively, you should first consider the tone and purpose of your email. If it's a more severe or formal message, it's best to avoid using them altogether.

But if you're sending a friendly or casual email to someone you know well or want to lighten the mood of a potentially stressful situation, a well-placed GIF or emoji can be a great way.

The Art of Timing: When to Inject Humor in Your Email Marketing

Here are five examples of appropriate usage of GIFs and emojis that can complement the email's text:

  1. When expressing gratitude or excitement: 🙌🎉

The Art of Timing: When to Inject Humor in Your Email Marketing

I appreciate your help on this project! 🙌 I'm so excited to see the finished product! 🎉

  1. When apologizing or acknowledging a mistake: 😔💦

I'm sorry for the delay in getting back to you 😔. I've been swamped with work lately 💦.

  1. When offering congratulations: 👏🏆

The Art of Timing: When to Inject Humor in Your Email Marketing

Congratulations on your promotion 👏🏆! You deserve it!

  1. When making a joke or light-hearted comment: 😂👍

Looks like we'll be working overtime this week 😂. At least we'll get some extra cash 👍!

  1. When expressing empathy or understanding: 🤗❤️

I know this is a tough time for you 🤗. Just know that we're all here for you ❤️.

Remember, while GIFs and emojis can be fun and engaging ways to add personality to your emails, using them appropriately and avoiding overdoing them is essential.

Why Trust Us

Linda Hwang has extensive experience in B2B marketing and previously worked at a renowned international facilities management company. She was crucial in creating effective content and social media marketing plans there. Now, Linda is a marketing consultant, helping small businesses create compelling brand stories.

Strategies for Crafting Humorous Subject Lines

Subject lines play a critical role in the success of email marketing campaigns.

They are the first thing recipients see, so they must be carefully crafted to catch the reader's attention.

If you aim for a humorous tone, your subject line must be engaging, funny, and clever. A funny subject line can help you stand out in a crowded inbox and increase open rates.

Here are six best practices to help you craft catchy and funny subject lines:

  1. Keep it short and sweet: A brief, straightforward subject line is easy to read and more likely to grab attention.

  2. Use puns and wordplay: Clever wordplay can add a touch of humor to your subject line and make it more memorable.

  3. Ask a question: A question can pique the reader's curiosity and encourage them to open the email.

  4. Use emojis: Emojis can add visual interest and convey emotion.

  5. Be unexpected: A subject line that is even a little bit quirky can stand out and be more memorable.

  6. Use Subject Line Testers: Ensure you choose the best subject line for your email by testing different options.

By following these best practices, you can create subject lines that are both humorous and effective in engaging your audience.

Analyzing the Tone and Structure of Funny Emails

When writing funny emails, your tone and language are crucial in delivering humor effectively.

Here are some elements of tone and language that contribute to successful funny emails:

  1. Conversational tone: Write in a friendly and casual tone, as if conversing with a friend.

  2. Use humor throughout the email: Don't save the punchline for the end. Incorporate humor throughout the email to keep the reader engaged.

  3. Short and to the point: Funny emails are more effective when they're short and to the point. Stick to one or two central jokes and keep the email brief.

  4. Use vivid descriptions: Use descriptive language to paint a picture and help the reader visualize the humor.

  5. Be relatable: Make sure the humor in your email is relatable to your audience. Use references that your readers will understand and appreciate.

Following these tips, you can structure your emails to deliver the punchline and keep your readers engaged.

Examples of Humor in Email Marketing Done Right

The Art of Timing: When to Inject Humor in Your Email Marketing

Email marketing can be a powerful tool to engage with your audience, and adding humor to your campaigns can make them even more effective.

When done right, funny email examples can be incredibly successful in creating a memorable and positive experience for your subscribers.

Here are some examples of humor done right in marketing and what made them work:

  1. Dollar Shave Club: This subscription-based service humorously promoted its razors. The company's CEO, Michael Dubin, starred in a viral video showcasing the company's brand personality and unique selling proposition.

The video was funny, entertaining, and relatable to the target audience, which helped increase brand awareness and drive sales.

  1. Grammarly: This grammar-checking tool uses humor to connect with its audience and make its product more approachable.

In one of its email campaigns, it joked about the commonly misused "your" and "you're," which resonated with its audience and reinforced the value of its product.

The Art of Timing: When to Inject Humor in Your Email Marketing
  1. BarkBox: This subscription-based service for dog owners uses humor to create a unique and engaging experience for their subscribers.

Their email campaigns feature funny images and jokes about dogs, which resonate with their target audience and create a solid emotional connection.

By creating a positive and memorable experience for subscribers, these companies were able to increase engagement, build brand loyalty, and drive sales.

Timing is Everything: When to Send Humorous Emails

The Art of Timing: When to Inject Humor in Your Email Marketing

Timing is critical when it comes to sending out funny content via email.

It is essential to ensure that your humorous content is fresh, relevant, and aligned with current events and trends. Timing your email’s funny content correctly can make all the difference in how well it is received.

Here are three tips for when to send humor emails:

  1. Holidays and Special Occasions: Take advantage of holidays and special occasions to add a touch of humor to your email campaigns. 

Whether it's a quirky Valentine's Day message or a funny April Fool's Day joke, incorporating humor can help your emails stand out.

  1. On Fridays: Many people view Fridays as the end of the workweek and look for a bit of fun. 

Sending your humorous emails on Fridays can be a great way to start the weekend on a positive note.

  1. When Relevant: Consider incorporating humor into your email marketing if a current event or trend relates to your brand or product. 

Avoid sensitive topics or anything considered offensive. When done tastefully, humor can be a great way to engage with your audience.

Planning and developing a detailed marketing calendar are essential to ensuring your humorous email content is timely, relevant, and well-received. This will help you organize your email campaigns and ensure your funny content is well-timed and aligned with your overall marketing strategy.

Leveraging Holidays and Events for Timely Humor

The Art of Timing: When to Inject Humor in Your Email Marketing

Incorporating humor into your email marketing during the holidays or around the time of big events can be an effective way to engage your audience and build brand loyalty.

Some great ways to tackle humor during the holidays are:

  1. Use holiday puns: Puns are a great way to add a touch of holiday humor. If you sell gingerbread kits for Christmas, ask customers to post their finished product on Instagraham to create engagement.

The Art of Timing: When to Inject Humor in Your Email Marketing
  1. Incorporate pop culture references: Pop culture references can be a great way to connect with your audience and make them smile, like doing an event for Star Wars on May 4th (be with you).

  2. Use holiday-specific jokes: Using jokes specific to the holiday or event you're targeting can be a great way to get your audience in the spirit.

Examples of timely humor that aligns with cultural or seasonal events include:

  1. A beauty site sending an email with the caption, "We noticed you noticing us."

The Art of Timing: When to Inject Humor in Your Email Marketing
  1. A utility service company sends an email with a picture of a turkey with the caption, "Holiday Energy Savings! Tips to Gobble Up this Thanksgiving."

The Art of Timing: When to Inject Humor in Your Email Marketing
  1. A gym sends an email with "New Year, New You.”

Measuring the Success of Humorous Email Campaigns

The Art of Timing: When to Inject Humor in Your Email Marketing

When it comes to email marketing campaigns, humor can be a powerful tool for engaging your audience and increasing the success of your efforts.

But how do you know if your email humor resonates with your audience?

One way is to track and analyze the impact of humor on your email campaigns.

By tracking and measuring the impact of email humor on your campaigns, you can refine your strategy and ensure the success of your efforts.

Analyzing Audience Feedback and Adjusting Strategy

Collecting and analyzing audience feedback on humorous content is crucial to refining your email marketing strategy.

Consider gathering input from email surveys, social media polls, or focus groups.

These methods allow you to understand what works and what doesn't, providing insights into the type of humor that resonates with your audience.

Once you've collected the data, it's crucial to analyze it to identify patterns and trends. Look for common themes from the feedback and use this information to refine your email marketing strategy.

If your audience responds positively to self-deprecating humor, you can incorporate more of it into your content.

Adjusting your email marketing strategy based on feedback is an ongoing process.

Here are four actionable strategies to improve humor performance in your email marketing:

  1. Test different types of humor: Experiment with various humor, such as sarcasm, irony, or puns, to see what resonates with your audience.

  2. Get to know your audience: Conduct surveys or focus groups to understand your audience's sense of humor better and adjust your content accordingly.

  3. Use data to refine your strategy: Track the performance of your emails and analyze the data to identify what's working and what's not. Use this information to refine your humor and optimize your strategy.

  4. Don't be afraid to take risks: Humor can be risky, but taking calculated risks can pay off. Be bold and try new things to keep your audience engaged and entertained.

A/B Testing Humor in Email Campaigns

The Art of Timing: When to Inject Humor in Your Email Marketing

A/B testing compares two versions of a marketing asset, such as an email, to determine which performs better.

This is done by randomly dividing the audience into two groups and sending each group a different email version. The test results are then analyzed to see which version performs better regarding open rates, click-through rates, conversions, or other metrics.

When it comes to testing the humor in your emails, there are several elements that you can A/B test to see which ones resonate more with your audience and lead to better engagement.

Here are four examples:

  1. Tone: The tone of your email can significantly affect how your audience perceives the humor. You can A/B test different tones, such as sarcastic, witty, or lighthearted, to see which generates more engagement.

  2. Subject Line: The subject line is the first thing your audience sees when they receive your email. You can A/B test different subject lines incorporating humor to see which generates more opens.

  3. Visuals: Using visuals, such as images or videos, can significantly enhance the humor in your email. You can A/B test different visual elements to see which ones generate more engagement.

  4. Call-to-Action: The call-to-action (CTA) is part of your email where you ask your audience to take a specific action, such as clicking a link or purchasing. You can A/B test different CTAs that incorporate humor to see which generates more conversions.

By A/B testing these elements, you can gain valuable insights into what kind of humor resonates with your audience and use that knowledge to optimize your future email campaigns.

Setting KPIs to Track Humorous Email Performance

When it comes to measuring the effectiveness of humor in email marketing, there are several key performance indicators (KPIs) that you can track.

Here are four KPIs that can help you gauge the success of your humorous email campaigns:

  1. Open Rates: This measures the percentage of recipients who opened your email. A high open rate indicates that your email subject line and preheader text were attention-grabbing.

The Art of Timing: When to Inject Humor in Your Email Marketing
  1. Click-Through Rates (CTR): This measures the percentage of recipients who clicked on a link within your email. A high CTR indicates that your email content was engaging and prompted readers to take action.

The Art of Timing: When to Inject Humor in Your Email Marketing
  1. Conversion Rates: This measures the percentage of recipients who completed a desired action after clicking on a link within your email. A high conversion rate indicates that your email was persuasive and influential in driving action.

The Art of Timing: When to Inject Humor in Your Email Marketing
  1. Unsubscribe Rates: This measures the percentage of recipients who opted out of receiving your emails. A high unsubscribe rate can indicate that your humor missed the mark or was offensive to some readers.

The Art of Timing: When to Inject Humor in Your Email Marketing

To set benchmarks and analyze KPIs for continuous improvement in humorous campaigns, you should start by establishing a baseline for each KPI.

Baselines help you identify areas where your campaigns are performing well and areas where improvement is needed. Once you have a baseline, you can set goals for each KPI and track your progress over time.

Regularly analyzing your KPIs will help you identify trends and patterns in your data.

In addition to tracking your KPIs, you must solicit feedback from your subscribers. This can help you understand what types of humor resonate with your audience and what kinds miss the mark.

This information lets you refine your humorous email campaigns and improve your KPIs.

Risks and Pitfalls to Avoid with Email Humor

The Art of Timing: When to Inject Humor in Your Email Marketing

Using humor in email marketing can be a great way to capture your audience's attention and make them feel more connected to your brand.

However, it's essential to be aware of the potential risks and common mistakes that can come with humorous emails.

Here are six things to keep in mind:

  1. Offending your audience: We have said it once and we will say it again. Humor is subjective, and what one person finds funny, another may find offensive. Be sure to avoid jokes that could potentially offend your audience.

  2. Alienating potential customers: If your humor doesn't align with your brand personality, it could alienate potential customers who don't find it amusing.

  3. Misunderstandings: It's easy to misinterpret humor in written form, so be careful with your tone and phrasing to avoid confusion.

  4. Not being funny: If your attempts at humor fall flat, your brand could appear unprofessional or insincere.

  5. Overusing humor: Too much humor can detract from your message and make your emails seem unimportant or frivolous.

  6. Not staying on brand: While humor can be a great tool, it should always maintain your brand's values and messaging.

Creating a clear strategy for using humor in your emails is essential to avoid these risks.

Maintaining Brand Consistency with Humor

When incorporating humor into your email marketing, it's important to ensure that it aligns with your brand's existing voice and messaging.

While humor can make your emails more engaging, if it's not consistent with your brand identity, it can detract from the effectiveness of your marketing strategy.

To help you strike the right balance, here are some strategies for ensuring that humor enhances rather than detracts from your brand identity:

  1. Stay true to your brand: Your voice and messaging should remain consistent even when incorporating humor. Make sure jokes or humorous content matches your brand's values and personality.

  2. Be relevant: Incorporating humor pertinent to your brand, products, or services is a great way to make your emails more engaging. Try to find humorous angles that tie back to your brand identity.

  3. Test and refine: As with any marketing strategy, testing and refining are essential to success. Try different types of humor and see what resonates with your audience. Use data to make informed decisions about what works and what doesn't.

Incorporating these insights into your email marketing strategy can help you effectively use humor to engage your audience.

To learn more about leveraging humor in your email marketing, explore the resources on beehiiv.

With beehiiv, you can gain access to a wealth of information and tools that can help you create engaging, effective email marketing campaigns.

Start your journey with beehiiv today!


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