Landing Pages for Email Marketing (2023)

A Handy How-to Guide for Beginners

You may be familiar with landing pages if you have your own website, but what are landing pages used for when it comes to email marketing?

This terminology often floats around the email newsletter sphere but can be easily confused with ordinary web pages. In this article, we’ll explore a few key points around email marketing landing pages, such as what they are, their purpose, why you should be using landing pages for email, and how you go about creating one.

We’ll also give you some top tips on what you should include on your new email landing page so you know how to get started.

What Is a Landing Page for an Email List?

Landing Pages for Email Marketing (2023)

A landing page for an email list is a web page that is used specifically for the purpose of the email campaign.

While this could be an existing page on your website, it’s recommended that you create a specific landing page for an email campaign. This allows you to create a more targeted place to direct email subscribers and ultimately improve campaign results.

There are a number of purposes for landing pages for email lists, differing depending on the primary goal of the specific newsletter that’s being sent. Here are a few examples of landing pages that may be beneficial to create for your email campaigns:

  • Thank you for subscribing page - Having a dedicated page that users see when subscribing to your mailing list gives you an opportunity to say thank you and give the subscriber more insight into what they can expect from your mailing list.

  • Specific offer/discount page - If you’re pushing a specific offer or discount in an email newsletter, sending users to a dedicated landing page allowing them to claim this offer provides them with a relevant area in which to convert from subscriber to customer. This ultimately increases the conversion rate of a campaign - more on this later.

  • Event registration - Specific landing pages for event registration are ideal if you’re promoting an event via your latest email. This could include more information on the event as well as details on how to sign up.

  • Free trial - if you’re promoting a free trial for your services via your newsletter, having a relevant landing page that ties in with this information is super important for a coherent user journey.

What Is the Purpose of a Landing Page?

Landing Pages for Email Marketing (2023)

The purpose of a landing page is to provide users with a relevant page where they can learn more information regarding the email they’ve received and potentially complete an action that the newsletter is focused on.

Sending users to a dedicated landing page, rather than a generic page on your website, will yield better results. As the page will directly correlate to the email they’ve received, it increases the chance of the user converting.

Other purposes of a landing page could be to register interest in a new product/event or to thank a user for signing up for a new mailing list.

Here are some great newsletter landing page examples to give you some inspiration!

Why Use Landing Pages for Email?

Landing Pages for Email Marketing (2023)

There are a few key reasons to use landing pages for your next email campaign. We’ve delved into these in a little more detail below to show why it’s so important to use landing pages for email campaigns.

Increase Conversion Rate

One of the most important reasons to use landing pages in email campaigns is to increase your email marketing conversion rate.

By directing users to a dedicated landing page for your email campaign, you can tailor this content to ensure it is super relevant to the corresponding newsletter. This means that the user journey from newsletter to landing page is super relevant, and will promote more positive results.

Here’s an example. You’ve just written a newsletter promoting a free trial for a new service that you’re offering. If you were to send subscribers to the homepage of your website, for example, much of this information would not be relevant to your subscriber. This could encourage them to leave the page, as they can’t find what they’re looking for.

It would be more beneficial for the conversion rate of this campaign (as well as the bounce rate of your website) to send users to a dedicated landing page where your audience can sign up for the free trial, as well as learn a bit more information about the new service. This will result in a higher conversion rate and will ultimately yield better results from your email campaign.

Provide More Information

Landing pages are a great way of providing subscribers with more information on the topic of your newsletter without making your newsletter overly long/text-heavy.

If you don’t use landing pages at all within an email newsletter, you’re either not providing users with a place where they can learn more about the subject matter, or you’re including all of this information within the newsletter itself.

This can make a newsletter unappealing to your audience, as it will be too wordy and full of text, and therefore off-putting to read.

Measure Results

Another reason you should use landing pages for email is to benefit from enhanced measurability of your campaign.

While email campaigns often provide insights on KPIs, such as open rate and click-through-rate, by using a landing page you’ll gain access to further metrics, such as:

  • Conversion rate

  • Time on page

  • Bounce-rate

These metrics are important as they allow you to see how successful a campaign is and whether it’s performing as it should be. Conversion rate determines the percentage of conversions obtained, time on page shows how long users have spent on a landing page and demonstrates how engaged users are with your content, and bounce-rate indicates the percentage of users that have not visited another page after landing on your website.

Analyzing each of these KPIs will allow you to further scrutinize an email campaign and determine whether you need to make changes to ensure the user journey is relevant.

Take a look at these 9 newsletter metrics you need to be tracking to improve the measurability of your email campaigns.

What Should a Landing Page Include?

Landing Pages for Email Marketing (2023)

There are a few key elements that a landing page should include to ensure it’s successful. Here are a few of our favorites to get you started:

  • Captivating Headlines - It’s important to include some key headlines within your landing page that will attract the user’s attention and encourage them to continue reading through your content. This will promote good conversion rates and improve positive user behavior throughout your website.

  • Data Capture - If you’re promoting a free trial or event registration via your email newsletter, it’s important to include an area in which users can submit their information on your landing page. While some landing pages may include a button that takes users to a separate data capture page, we’d recommend including a conversion point in as few clicks as possible to increase the chances of users leaving their details.

  • Similar Branding to Corresponding Newsletter - This one may sound obvious, but it’s vital that your landing page correlates to the relevant newsletter in branding, messaging, and goals. You’ll be amazed at how much results will be affected if your landing page isn’t relevant to your email campaign.

How Do I Create an Email Landing Page?

Landing Pages for Email Marketing (2023)

Now that you know all about landing pages for email marketing, the next step is to create one!

You can do this via your website; however, here at beehiiv we’ve created the ability to set up custom landing pages within the beehiiv platform! You can create custom pages within beehiiv and direct users to these pages in your newsletter, ensuring users are always directed to relevant pages, and saving you time in the long-run, as you can use these landing pages for different campaigns as many times as you like.

Custom landing pages also allow you to measure the results of your email campaigns more easily, with page analytics easily accessible via the beehiiv platform.

So what are you waiting for? Sign up for a free trial with beehiiv today and start making dedicated landing pages for your email campaigns.

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