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Ultimate Guide to Effective Webinar Follow-Up Emails

Why following up after a webinar matters more than you think

You’ve come up with an idea for a webinar. And have implemented a workflow to ensure that it is a success.

But what happens after you conclude the webinar? How do you make sure people take the right action after the presentation?

A webinar is only as good as the follow-up strategy you have in place. In this blog post, we will teach you how to take the proper steps to close more business after your webinar.

The 98% Club

Do you know how many sales are lost due to a lack of follow-up?

Ultimate Guide to Effective Webinar Follow-Up Emails

On average, only 2% of sales are made during the first point of contact. That means if you don't follow up, even with a simple email, you're missing out on potentially 98% of your sales.

In the late 19th century, Alexander Graham Bell and his team were racing to develop a device to transmit speech over long distances.

On March 10, 1876, Bell successfully spoke into his experimental telephone to his assistant, Thomas Watson, with the famous words, "Mr. Watson, come here. I want to see you."

Ultimate Guide to Effective Webinar Follow-Up Emails

This marked a significant breakthrough in communication technology.

However, potential investors and backers did not immediately recognize or embrace this achievement.

Can you imagine a world without a phone?

Bell's patent for the telephone faced numerous legal challenges, and he struggled to secure funding for further development and commercialization.

Faced with these obstacles, Bell and his partners embarked on a relentless follow-up campaign, actively engaging with potential investors, government officials, and potential technology users.

Through constant communication, demonstration of the telephone's capabilities, and relentless follow-up, Bell and his team gradually won over skeptics and gained the necessary support.

Their consistent efforts to follow up on leads ultimately led to widespread telephone adoption.

The same could be said of your business if you follow up.

Follow-up Templates

There are two kinds of people to follow up with after a webinar; those who attended and those who didn't.

These two unique follow-up scenarios require different approaches and messaging to ensure optimal results.


Ultimate Guide to Effective Webinar Follow-Up Emails

For those who attended, this email fits perfectly to start the follow-up sequence:


Thanks for coming to my webinar today. As promised, I'm sending you:

  • The webinar recording

  • Bonus materials.

  • Discount codes (if applicable)

If you'd like to dive deeper into any of the topics we discussed during the webinar, drop me a line and we can schedule a 1-on-1 meeting this week.

Thanks again,


Here is another example you could send to your leads after the webinar:

Dear [Lead's Name],

We wanted to express our sincere gratitude for your participation in our recent webinar, "[Webinar Title]." We truly appreciate your time and interest in [Your Company/Product/Service].

During the webinar, we discussed some valuable insights on [topic], and we hope you found the session informative.

As a next step, we'd like to offer you a one-on-one consultation with one of our experts.

This will be an opportunity to dive deeper into your specific needs and how our solutions can benefit you. If you're interested, please reply to this email, and we'll schedule a convenient time for the consultation.

Once again, thank you for being a part of our webinar. We look forward to the possibility of working together and helping you achieve your [specific goal].

Best Regards, [Your Name] [Your Title] [Your Company] [Contact Information]

Make sure to include a CTA that is related to the webinar and inspires specific action. If you need help crafting a compelling CTA, this article is for you.

Didn't Attend

Ultimate Guide to Effective Webinar Follow-Up Emails

For those who didn't attend, you can reach them with a friendly email:


We noticed you registered for our webinar on [Webinar Topic] but missed the live session.

No worries!

The recording is available now.

Don't miss the insights shared on [your value proposition].

Access it here: [Recording Link].

Feel free to reach out with any questions.

Best regards,


If the ones that didn't attend the webinar watched it because of your follow-up, you could follow up again by sending them the email for those who attended.


You don't have to follow up just once. You can create a workflow to send as many follow-ups as necessary.

Why trust me: What I have found to be more successful after leading more than ten webinars, is to follow up at least six times in the first two weeks after the webinar.

With beehiiv, you can set up as many workflows as you need, create templates, personalize them, and even use AI to craft your follow-up emails.

Sign up for beehiiv today and create your follow-up sequences.


or to participate.