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How Much Money Can You Make With 100K LinkedIn Followers?

Unlock the Potential of LinkedIn with Newsletter Creation

For all you LinkedIn content creators (and potential creators), there's good news, bad news, and awesome news that makes the other stuff irrelevant.

The good news is that LinkedIn is (finally) exploring possibilities to allow creators to monetize their content (and it's about damn time). This is even great news if you specifically want to offer paid live events through their platform.

The bad news is that most of LinkedIn's new creator mode features still suck— for lack of a better term. 

By and large, they offer tools to help you advertise yourself to prospective brand sponsors rather than monetize content directly.

The awesome news for people wondering how to make money with LinkedIn: as a beehiiv newsletter creator, you can turn your followers into an audience that you own and realize the returns you deserve.

How Much Money Can I Make With 100K Followers on LinkedIn?

Directly? You can make $0.

Indirectly, you can leverage your influence to find sponsors for in-platform content. Creators with such large audiences can charge anywhere from a few hundred to a few thousand dollars for a post.

Can You Get Paid For LinkedIn Posts?

Yes, but not by LinkedIn.

How Much Does LinkedIn Pay for 100K Views?

An impressive total of $0.

But, again, those numbers help creators generate leads and find paid work.

How Does Your Niche Affect Your Monetization on LinkedIn

Your niche is your area of expertise or focus, and building a niche audience is key to a monetization strategy on any content platform.

A well-defined niche leads to better, focused reach and higher conversion rates for sponsored content. 

The result: advertisers targeting that demographic/psychographic will pay more for sponsored content, ads, and collaborations.

As a potential newsletter creator on any platform, you can gradually tighten your focus or move in the other direction, "niching up" to incorporate other relevant content.

Just ask Dylan Eastwood and Dylan Scott of WGMI Media. They broadened their scope as they grew, expanding from AI to related technologies. Since January, they've developed a publication with 60,000+ subscribers.

LinkedIn Newsletter Features

How Much Money Can You Make With 100K LinkedIn Followers?

LinkedIn rolled out its newsletter tools a couple of years ago, and the platform now hosts more than 60,000 publications. Long-time creators have profited from better inbound lead generation and opportunities for affiliate sales and newsletter sponsorships.

Creating a newsletter on LinkedIn is fairly straightforward. The platform allows you to create up to five publications and invite all your connections or followers to subscribe. Content heads to your subscribers' inboxes, and they also receive in-platform notifications.

The publication editor is minimal, but you can upload a logo for your newsletter and a cover photo for each article. Each newsletter also receives a dedicated page, where people can learn about the newsletter and its author, see past editions, and subscribe or share.

As part of its new creator mode, LinkedIn introduced improved analytics tools and is experimenting with a shared analytics platform designed to provide creators and potential sponsors with better information and chances to connect.

Recent updates to the tool have also improved the ease of subscription, marketing to immediate connections, and SEO for publications on the newsletter page.

Are LinkedIn Newsletters Worth It?

They can be.

Is your content part of a content marketing strategy in which you already generate a large percentage of your leads through the platform? If so, you might want to become a LinkedIn newsletter content creator.


You'll have to hustle to generate any returns from content through sponsorships or virtual tip jars.

How Much Money Can You Make With 100K LinkedIn Followers?

Nor will LinkedIn publications do much to boost your organic reach. A great piece might attract some shares and attention, but most of the top LinkedIn newsletters belong to mega influencers and major publications such as the Harvard Business Review and Forbes.

You can use paid advertising to grow, but LinkedIn ads are among the most expensive, making the strategy hard to sustain in the long run.

beehiiv Newsletter Features

On the other hand, you could start a newsletter on a newsletter platform. (It’s so crazy it just might work.) While LinkedIn has the advantage of direct connection to your professional network, beehiiv has built-in tools to help take your publication to the next level.

A quick comparison of LinkedIn and beehiiv newsletter features:

How Much Money Can You Make With 100K LinkedIn Followers?

How to Get LinkedIn Followers to Subscribe to Your Newsletter?

No one here is suggesting that LinkedIn isn't a valuable platform. Social media allows you to network and connect with like-minded people. Your LinkedIn followers are an incredible asset for you to leverage.

How Much Money Can You Make With 100K LinkedIn Followers?

Newsletters allow you to maintain consistent communication with your audience, share valuable content, and build a loyal community. Your followers are already interested in your brand and likely to engage with your content.

Create Targeted, Valuable Content

Lure LinkedIn followers to your newsletter with content that resonates with them. The material should align with their interests and be easy to share.

Identify the key topics that interest your target audience by analyzing your top-performing LinkedIn posts or conducting surveys.

Leverage the Power of Connections

Connections are the lifeblood of LinkedIn. Encourage your connections to share your newsletter with their network. Personalize your outreach when possible. Why will they appreciate your newsletter?

You can also collaborate with other creators in your field to cross-promote each other's newsletters. Your 100,000 followers represent a huge potential market for related publications, and you should find collaborations with ease.

Create a LinkedIn Group

LinkedIn groups allow you to engage with your target audience. By creating a group around a related topic, you provide a platform for like-minded professionals to interact, share insights, and learn from each other.

Just ensure that the promotion of your newsletter doesn't overshadow the primary purpose of the group — facilitating meaningful discussions.

What Is the Value of Email Subscribers?

Email subscribers provide you with a steady audience and creative control that other channels can't match.

There's been an email newsletter resurgence in light of changes to privacy policies and social media algorithms.

You own your email list. You're not subject to the whims of third-party hosts, nor do you have to pay for your content to be seen. You have complete control over your content and will never be penalized by the inability of automated systems to properly contextualize material.

With the right newsletter service, you can monetize your hard work and influence with multiple revenue streams.

LinkedIn Newsletter Creator Success Stories

How does one define newsletter success? When it comes to LinkedIn, it makes most sense to think in terms of reach and influence — which often go hand in hand.

Jason Lemkin

How Much Money Can You Make With 100K LinkedIn Followers?

As the founder of SaaStr, a name that comes from blending the acronym for Software as a Service with the first letters of “training,” Lemkin is the definition of a thought leader. 

SaaStr is widely recognized as the ultimate hub for learning and connecting for the industry, and Lemkin’s own LinkedIn followers number well over 200,000. A newsletter was a natural extension of the brand.

SaaStr Insider regularly publishes content designed to help SaaS businesses. The company stays present in the lives of community members even outside of direct money-making ventures, ensuring that people hear about the latest offerings.

Its current subscribers number 45,000+

Nir Eyal

How Much Money Can You Make With 100K LinkedIn Followers?

Nir Eyal is the author of a bestselling book, a consultant, speaker, and architect of one of the most successful LinkedIn newsletters: The Latest on Business, Behavior, and the Brain. 

Eyal’s focus on the behavioral psychology that informs business operations and consumer decisions is a tightly focused but deep niche. 

His newsletters reach almost 150,000 subscribers. Each installment presents readers with a hot take and integrated advertisements for Eyal’s books, podcast, or courses. Some issues even end with a quick list of the ways people can consume his advice.

beehiiv Newsletter Creator Success Stories

As for beehiiv creators, allow me to introduce you to just a few of the beehiiv members running successful, profitable publications.

Dakota Robertson

How Much Money Can You Make With 100K LinkedIn Followers?

Robertson has built an empire out of social media ghostwriting. He's recently scaled back his agency to focus on training other creators and developing a related SaaS product.

One of his favorite tools is his beehiiv newsletter, Wrongs to Write.

What kind of ROI is he seeing?

“The ROI is definitely in the hundreds of thousands of dollars and the fact that I pay — What? — a thousand dollars a year for beehiiv? I mean, that's a 200, 300, or 500 times return. It's pretty nuts.”

His business revolves around social media, but Robertson identifies something special about the power of a newsletter:

“Those people that are looking forward to that newsletter every single week, those are people that are very invested in you and those are your true fans. Not the people that are just, ‘Oh, I'm scrolling on TikTok or Twitter or whatever.’”

Henry Belcaster and Dylan Jordan

How Much Money Can You Make With 100K LinkedIn Followers?

The brains behind Smart Nonsense had already mastered short-form videos and podcasts before they decided to give newsletters a try, taking their comic-style images and stories to people's inboxes.

Belcaster tells us why:

“We start building an audience. And then we're like, ‘All right, now we've got this massive audience, but what do we do with them?’ We want to get people off of YouTube, off of TikTok, and into something that we can control, right? We're not dependent on the algorithmic gods, so what should that thing be?”

Within the first month of launching, Smart Nonsense hit 10,000 subscribers.

Matt McGarry

How Much Money Can You Make With 100K LinkedIn Followers?

One of the ways in which many beehiiv creators make money is through the beehiiv affiliate program. It depends on your niche, but a lot of newsletter readers are also potential creators.

That was certainly the case for Matt McGarry, founder of GrowLetter and Newsletter Operator. beehiiv's partner program offers a 50% commission for 12 months on all referred revenue.

In addition to making a significant number of dollars, McGarry won the beehiiv Beach Club prize, an all-expense-paid resort vacation to the highest-performing affiliate each quarter.

Leqwane Lynch

How Much Money Can You Make With 100K LinkedIn Followers?

Most people lose money to sneaker addictions. Lynch earned by starting The Alerts Daily, a newsletter all about streetwear and its culture.

His story brings up one more way to monetize a newsletter. When you have an owned publication and audience, you can sell it.

Lynch isn't the only beehiiv newsletter to be acquired for big dollars, but his journey is impressive. He built the publication, relying on organic growth, up to a readership of more than 35,000, and then he sold it...

In less than a year.

See How Much You Could Be Making With a Newsletter

I believe creators deserve to be paid for their work. (Obviously. It's why I haven't starved yet.)

If you agree, then it's time to find out how much you could be making as a newsletter creator. You could spend time researching benchmarks in your industry, looking for people with similarly sized audiences.

That sounds like a lot of unpaid work.

Instead, you can check out how much you can earn with your existing audience if you start a newsletter today – here. A set of growth metric calculators that allow you to see probable returns with a few keystrokes.

Then you can join the creator revolution and start profiting from your labor. Sign up for a free account today, and explore the possibilities.

Why Trust Us

beehiiv was built to allow creators to maximize their profits with built-in growth and monetization tools. As for me, I study digital marketing trends and regularly publish on the best tools and tactics.


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