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How Much Money Can You Make With 100K Followers on Twitter

Everything You Need To Know About Earning From Twitter

Almost 17 years ago, Twitter's co-founder Jack Dorsey shared the very first message on the platform.

How Much Money Can You Make With 100K Followers on Twitter

Twitter witnesses around 6,000 tweets sent per second, that’s 500 million tweets daily. 

From humorous memes to influential social and political movements, Twitter has facilitated connections and encouraged global conversations.

When Elon Musk acquired the platform on October 28, 2022, another dimension was added – the X Creator Program.

In the growing creator economy, Twitter (X) has become a powerful platform for content creators to establish and monetize their communities. 

Yet, questions persist: How much can you earn on Twitter (X), What is the X Creator Program? Are there alternative avenues worth exploring? 

Before delving into the details, let’s answer one important question, ‘how much can you earn on Twitter (X)?’ – with 100k followers you can make up to $15k per month. But the truth is, with a following of 100k, you can make 10x$15k per month. How?

Let’s dive deeper into the details:

How To Grow On Twitter (X)

First things first, optimize your profile. Let people know what you do and give them a reason to follow you.

What will you tweet about? 

  • Pick a niche, what do you want to write about – your obsessions?

  • Start writing about it and double down on what people are loving.

  • Be consistent.

If you stay the course, keep tweeting and iterating – you’ll have a community that feels connected to you— a.k.a your tribe.

Sahil Bloom started writing about “types of luck”, his audience loved it and he doubled down on his take on luck. It works!

How Much Money Can You Make With 100K Followers on Twitter

Sahil is also widely known for his frequent tweets about the Feynman Technique of learning, even though the concept isn't originally his; it's something people associate with him now.

I like this quote about inspiration - 

“Nothing is original. Steal from anywhere that resonates with inspiration or fuels your imagination. Devour old films, paintings, photographs, light and shadows. If you do this, your work (and theft) will be authentic. In any case, always remember what Jean-Luc Godard said: “It’s not where you take things from - it’s where you take them to." 

- Jim Jarmusch

This process of content creation will not only help you understand what clicks with people but also discover what you are passionate about – like a loop of consuming and creating content simultaneously.

How To Make Money From Twitter (X)

Let’s address the elephant in the room. You’ve built an audience and established yourself. How will you monetize this on Twitter (X)?

Whether you have 1 million followers, 100k, or 10k followers on X – there are many ways you can earn money from Twitter (X).

Here are the top 3 ways you can make money from Twitter (X):


Posting subscribers’ special content and charging a subscription fee on Twitter (X) is one way to earn directly from the platform.

Cons - the platform takes a % of the revenue from the creators.

How Much Money Can You Make With 100K Followers on Twitter


You can affiliate with products that fall under the same niche as yours. 

Like this one below where the creator promotes Typefully, a platform that makes it easy to write and schedule tweets.

How Much Money Can You Make With 100K Followers on Twitter

The X Creator Program

The X Creator Program, thanks to Elon Musk, shares a percentage of Twitter’s ad revenue with creators. 

Cons - You need to subscribe to Twitter Blue and have at least 5M organic impressions on your profile to be a part of the program.

How Much Money Can You Make With 100K Followers on Twitter

How much is X paying creators? 

Well, there is no number to it. The exact way you earn from Twitter (X) is still not clear and varies every month.

Why Trust Me: 

I have been a writer for 6 years and part of the beehiiv content team for a year now. This has given me a deep understanding of email marketing and how it can be optimized. When I am not writing, you can find me scrolling through Twitter. 

How Much Money Can I Make With 100K Followers on Twitter (X)? 

Let’s talk about the numbers first, if you’re a creator with 100k followers on Twitter (X), you can make up to $15k per month. That’s all just through Twitter (X). 

If you have an audience, you don't want to limit yourself to one platform – the social media algorithms keep changing every other day, and relying solely on one creator program won’t help you get your community to its full potential. 

How much can you earn if you have 1000 followers on Twitter (X)?
Having an audience just on Twitter (X) makes you rely on the X Creator Program or you could possibly start sharing paid content on the platform using the “subscriptions” feature, and both have their own sets of limitations as you read above. 

To be considered eligible for creator ads revenue sharing you must:

  • Be subscribed to X Premium or Verified Organizations.

  • Have at least 5M organic impressions on your cumulative posts within the last 3 months.

  • Have at least 500 followers

Why You Need To Have a Newsletter if You’re on Twitter (X)

All the above ways of making money on Twitter (X) have their limitations – geographical, platform fee, or even the barrier of entry. 

The best way to maximize your profits from Twitter (X) is to start a newsletter. Here are some of the major reasons why. 

  1. You need to subscribe to X Premium to be a part of the X Creator Program. $8/month for Twitter Blue, where you get a verified profile along with all the X premium features. You can own your audience and build a community for free on beehiiv.

  1. The content on Twitter (threads or long-form posts) is similar to content that can be shared with a newsletter. This makes it an easy ask for you to make your followers subscribe to your newsletter. A newsletter allows you to directly reach your audience's inbox. 

  1. While Twitter (X) is excellent for short updates, a newsletter offers you the space to create longer, more in-depth content. You can share comprehensive insights, stories, or detailed information that might not fit into a tweet.

  1. Newsletters provide various monetization options. You can offer premium content, sell advertising space, or even recommend other newsletters (more on that later). This can be a source of income, which is not readily available on Twitter alone. 

  1. When you rely solely on Twitter (X) for your content, you are subject to their policies and algorithms. With a newsletter, you have more control over your content, and you own your subscriber list. This independence is essential for creators.

  1. Newsletters can be a fantastic way to curate content. You can gather and share the most valuable and relevant information with your audience. This positions you as a trusted source of information in your niche.

  1. Newsletters often provide robust data and analytics about your subscribers, including open rates, click-through rates, and engagement metrics. This data can help you understand your audience better and tailor your content to their preferences.

Creators With a Newsletter: Real-Life Success Stories

Starting a newsletter as a creator will be your best asset.

Arnold Schwarzenegger started his newsletter in August 2023 on beehiiv. If you’ve watched his documentary “Arnold” on Netflix, you probably know that he’s always working on new projects.

First, he became an athlete, then an actor, then a Governor, and now he also shares insights about fitness, health, and all things positive with his weekly newsletter.

How Much Money Can You Make With 100K Followers on Twitter

Matt Gray, Zain Kahn, and many other creators all across Twitter (X) have newsletters that help them build stronger communities beyond X.

How Much Money Can You Make With 100K Followers on Twitter

Dakota Robertson built a social media ghostwriting empire and uses beehiiv to earn $250,000 per month.

No matter who you are and what your niche is, having a newsletter can be your superpower. 

Here are some examples of niche newsletters on beehiiv:

  • The Gen Z POV - Breaking down trends, industries, and tech with a Gen Z lens

  • Exec Sum - A daily newsletter that curates news from Wall Street to Silicon Valley.

There’s so much you can do with your newsletter including:

  • Building your custom landing page.

  • Sharing insights with your audience.

  • Earning 💰along the way.

How Can You Use Email To Make Money?

How much can you earn with an email newsletter? 35k newsletter subscribers can get your $95k per month.

Emails are not dead and owning your audience will be the best decision you’ll make.

Here’s how you can earn money using emails on beehiiv:

  1. Boosts - Boost other newsletters, and get paid. Not only does it promote collaboration amongst creators but it also puts money on the table, all automated.

    How Much Money Can You Make With 100K Followers on Twitter
  2. Referrals - Ask your current email subscribers to recommend a friend or contact through email. Typically, this involves offering an incentive to encourage your audience to share your content, such as a discount, complimentary product, or merchandise.

    How Much Money Can You Make With 100K Followers on Twitter
  1. Ad Network - Sponsorships are the old but not obsolete way of monetizing your newsletter. beehiiv has an in-house ad network to get you newsletter sponsors - so you can focus on creating.

    How Much Money Can You Make With 100K Followers on Twitter
  2. Affiliating - With the beehiiv partner program, you earn 50% of revenue for referring new paying customers to beehiiv. Passive income FTW?

    How Much Money Can You Make With 100K Followers on Twitter
  3. Premium Subscriptions - The classic. You can share premium content with your audience with subscriptions. beehiiv doesn’t take a cut from your earnings.

    How Much Money Can You Make With 100K Followers on Twitter

To sum it all up, beehiiv has all the newsletter monetization tools that you need to grow and scale.

How to Get Twitter (X) Followers to Subscribe to Your Newsletter?

To get your audience to subscribe to your newsletter, you need to provide upfront value. Here’s how.

Share Newsletter Highlights: Share snippets or highlights from your newsletter on Twitter (X). Offer a taste of the valuable content your subscribers receive to pique the interest of your followers.

Offer a Teaser Landing Page: Create a landing page that provides more information about your newsletter, including sample content or previous issues. Share this landing page on Twitter (X).

Lead magnet: Share e-books, guides, and checklists with your audience in exchange for their emails. Remember, providing value is the priority here.

How Much Can You Make With Your Newsletter if You Start Today

You know how valuable a newsletter is. But how much can you earn with your newsletter?

To see how much you can earn from a newsletter based on your current Twitter (X) follower count, check out our creator calculator which will show how much money you could be earning if you had a newsletter.

We believe in having a creator-first approach at beehiiv. If you want help setting up your newsletter you can contact the beehiiv support team here!

Leverage your skills, own your audience, and start emailing today!


or to participate.