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Get More Subscribers With Lead Magnets (2023)

Best Examples and Ideas to Grow Your Email List

As a business owner, marketer, or entrepreneur, you must always be on the lookout for ways to grow your email list.


Because email lists are one of the most effective ways to reach and engage with your target audience.

But with so much competition, it can take a lot of work to stand out and attract new leads.

That's where lead magnets come in.

A lead magnet is an incentive offered to potential customers in exchange for their contact information, such as an email address.

They're used to capture leads and grow a business’s email list, and can be anything–e-books, webinars, online courses, discounts, or other valuable resources…anything that provides value to the customer.

Think of it like a "bait and hook." You're providing something valuable to your potential customers to reel them in and build a relationship with them.

Once you've built the relationship, you can now promote your products and services, and ultimately drive more sales.

Just how effective can lead magnets be?


In fact, using just email polls as a lead magnet, The Soulful Entrepreneur newsletter amassed tens of thousands of subscribers in about 100 days.

Get More Subscribers With Lead Magnets (2023)

And SeedPhrase Daily, a newsletter that shares insights on crypto/web3, leveraged TikTok to grow their newsletter to thousands of users.

So if you're ready to take your business to the next level with a standout lead magnet, keep reading!

What Are 5 Examples of Magnets?

In this section, I'll explore examples of lead magnets, such as free courses, checklists, access to a private community, product samples, industry reports, free consultations, virtual summits, and toolkits.

Each of these lead magnets is a great way to attract potential customers and build your email list. Let’s dive into each in detail, so you know what type of lead magnet will work best for your business.

Free Offers!

Get More Subscribers With Lead Magnets (2023)

Who doesn't love free stuff?

Free offers are a great way to attract potential customers and build relationships. By offering something of value for free, you can entice people to sign up for your email list and start engaging with your brand.

Free courses are a popular lead magnet, providing valuable information to help people learn more about a specific topic or industry. You can create an online course that covers the basics of your product or service, or offer an in-depth look at a particular subject matter related to your business. For example, if you're a personal trainer, you could create a free course on losing weight or getting six-pack abs.

Free consultations are another excellent lead magnet option. Offering free consultations allows potential customers to get personalized advice from an expert in the field, which can be incredibly helpful when making decisions about their purchase.

Free audits are also great. You can show potential customers how your product or service could help them improve their current state of affairs by providing an audit of their current situation.

Finally, free trials are another effective lead magnet option, if not the most effective! By offering a free trial period for your product or service, you allow potential customers to test it out before committing to purchasing it outright.

This is especially useful if you have a complex product that requires some time to understand.

To get the most out of your free trial, make the sign-up process as easy and straightforward as possible and give potential customers insight into the value you can provide.


Get More Subscribers With Lead Magnets (2023)

Checklists are simple, yet effective lead magnets because they provide a clear, step-by-step guide to achieving a specific goal or solving a problem.

If you're a marketing agency, you could create a checklist for designing a successful social media marketing campaign.

Or, if you're in the travel business, you could create a backpacking checklist that outlines all the essential items a traveler should bring on their journey.

There are several pros to using checklists as email lead magnets, including ease of creation and tailorability to specific topics and industries, offering value to the recipient, easy shareability, and a high perceived value.

While checklists may have their limitations, such as a straightforward visual design compared to other lead magnets, recognition as a commonly used resource, and a brief representation of information.

However, these can also be seen as opportunities to effectively communicate and provide a clear solution to the recipient.

Access to a Private Community

Offering access to a private online community, such as a Facebook group, can be a great way to attract potential customers and build a sense of community around your brand.

For example, a fashion designer could create a private community for enthusiasts interested in learning more about the industry and getting exclusive access to your designs.

This lead magnet is a little more hands-on, however–you need to be sure that if you offer access to such a community, you’re continuously engaging and providing that promised value. Some of the potential community features to consider include Q&A sessions, exclusive content, interactive webinars, or behind-the-scenes access to your business.

Gary V does an excellent job in this aspect through his YouTube channel, which provides a behind-the-scenes look at his media company.

Product Samples

Offering product samples can be a great way to attract potential customers and give them a taste of what your product or service can do.

Skincare companies always do this by offering a free sample product to potential customers who sign up for your email marketing list.

Another example–coffee shops. Have you walked into a Nespresso store lately?

The free coffee acts as an incentive, luring you in, and the staff encourages you to sign up for their emails to know when new flavors are available.


Creating a toolkit or resource guide on a specific topic is another great email magnet.

Toolkits solve a specific problem or provide information on a particular topic in a compact, easy-to-use format.

They can provide a step-by-step guide on achieving a specific goal or solving a problem, making it easy for your audience to implement the information and see results.

Here are two examples of toolkits:

  1. For a wedding planning company, a toolkit could be created on how to plan a destination wedding, including a checklist of tasks, suggestions for unique venues, and tips for managing travel arrangements for guests.

  2. A personal finance website, a toolkit could be created on how to create a budget, including a budgeting worksheet, a list of expenses to track, and tips for sticking to a budget.

What Are the Most Popular Lead Magnets?

The most popular lead magnets include e-books, newsletter subscriptions, webinars, templates, free trials, quizzes, and free audits or analyses.

Here's some more detail on the most popular lead magnets to grow your email list:

Newsletter Subscription

Get More Subscribers With Lead Magnets (2023)

A newsletter subscription is a popular lead magnet for businesses because it allows them to offer exclusive content, promotions, and industry insights to those who sign up for their newsletter.


Get More Subscribers With Lead Magnets (2023)

E-books provide a lot of value in a compact package. They can be used to educate your audience on a specific topic, provide industry insights, or share your company's story.


Webinars are a great way to engage with your audience and provide real-time information.

They can be used to share your expertise, showcase your products or services, or host Q&A sessions.


Templates are a popular lead magnet because they provide a tangible solution to your audience's specific problem.

Consider whether or not you can create templates, such as budget spreadsheets, social media post schedules, or project management checklists for your audience.


We all love quizzes!

Quizzes are a fun and interactive way to provide valuable information on a specific topic or to help your audience understand their strengths, weaknesses, or preferences.

Quizzes can be used as a lead generation tool by requiring an email address to access the results.

Blog Posts

Get More Subscribers With Lead Magnets (2023)

Creating educational blog posts, such as a step-by-step guide on achieving a specific goal, is a great way to capture email leads.

A research-based blog post that provides insight into the latest trends or best practices in your industry is another great idea. Demonstrating that your business is up to date on industry standards is the perfect way to convey professionalism and increase trust in your brand.

If you want to use blog posts as a lead magnet, make sure you add a call-to-action at the end of the post that entices the reader to download a related resource or sign up for a newsletter.

It is also a good idea to create a landing page that highlights the key takeaways of the blog post and includes an opt-in form for readers to leave their contact information. This way, you can continue to nurture your leads and convert them into customers over time.

How Do You Come Up With Lead Magnet Ideas?

Creating an effective lead magnet can be challenging, but it doesn't have to be!

Here are a few tips to help you come up with lead magnet ideas for your business:

Identify Your Target Audience

Get More Subscribers With Lead Magnets (2023)

Understanding your target audience is crucial when creating a lead magnet.

One way to do this is by creating buyer personas, which are fictional representations of your ideal customer based on demographics, psychographics, and behavior patterns.

You can also conduct surveys, focus groups, or interviews to gather information about your target audience's needs, challenges, and interests.

Understand Their Pain Points

Once you have a clear understanding of your target audience, you can then identify the pain points or problems they face.

These pain points can be related to their personal or professional lives and will vary depending on your industry or niche.

For example, if your business is in the finance niche, your audience might need help to create and stick to a budget.

Make It Valuable

You need to add massive value!

Your lead magnet should help your audience solve a problem or achieve a goal.

For example, if your target audience's pain point is related to time management, you could create a lead magnet that is a time management planner or a checklist that helps them organize their day.

You don't have to reinvent the wheel here.

Make It Easy To Consume

Get More Subscribers With Lead Magnets (2023)

The format of your lead magnet should be easy to digest. If you're providing a guide or e-book, ensure it's concise and easy to read.

If it's a video, make sure it's short, and the sound and lighting are good quality.

People's attention spans are getting shorter and shorter, so get to the point as quickly as possible.

Make It Exclusive

You must make your lead magnet exclusive to your email list.

This can be achieved by limiting the availability only to subscribers or by making the lead magnet something that is not easily found on your website.

Test and Optimize

Get More Subscribers With Lead Magnets (2023)

Once you've created your lead magnet, it's important to test and optimize it to see what works best.

Use A/B testing to try different variations and see which lead magnet resonates most with your audience.

Then, use that information to refine and improve your lead magnet over time.

What Are the 4 Key Areas Important for a Great Lead Magnet?

Get More Subscribers With Lead Magnets (2023)

A lead magnet is like a treasure map, with four key areas marking the treasure's location: relevance, value, clarity, and a call-to-action.

All four areas must be in place for the lead magnet to effectively attract and convert leads.

To create an effective lead magnet, focus on these four key elements:


Relevance is the compass that guides the prospect to the right treasure. Relevance is crucial because it ensures that the content or offer is tailored to the specific needs and interests of the target audience.

Without relevance, you won't appeal to the prospect, and they will not see the value in exchanging their contact information for it.


The value is the chest filled with gold that they are seeking. The lead magnet must provide value through helpful information, tips, or solutions that address the prospect's pain points or problems.

Without value, the lead magnet will not be effective in converting leads.


Clarity is the legend on the map that helps them to understand the value. You must create a lead magnet that presents the value clearly and concisely, with a logical structure and easy-to-read formatting.

You want to avoid confusing or overwhelming your target audience; otherwise, they won't take action.

Call to Action

The call-to-action is the X that marks the spot where the treasure can be found.

Everything above is all well and good, but if you want results, you need the right call to action.

This is what prompts the prospect to take the next step and exchange their contact information for the lead magnet.

The call to action must be clear, direct, and prominently displayed on the page.

Without a call-to-action, the lead magnet will not convert leads effectively.

How Do I Create a Lead Magnet Email?

Alright, you're ready to take action and start creating your lead magnet.

Here's how I'd do it below:

Personalize the Subject Line and Sender Name

Get More Subscribers With Lead Magnets (2023)

Personalization is a powerful tool that increases open rates and makes your lead magnet email more appealing.

Personalization can include:

  • Using the recipient's name in the subject line.

  • Tailoring the subject line to the recipient's interests or needs.

  • Using a sender name that the recipient recognizes.

Provide a Clear and Compelling Message

Your lead magnet email should make a clear and compelling promise, such as solving a specific problem or providing a quick win.

For example, if your lead magnet is a free e-book, the subject line could be "Get instant access to our exclusive e-book and learn how to solve XYZ problem."

Use a Clear and Actionable CTA

I’ve briefly touched on this already, but make sure your CTA is clear and compelling.

Here’s some examples of good CTAs:

  • Get your free guitar lesson here.

  • Download your free guide to budgeting now.

  • Sign up for our course and learn to code in 30 days.

  • Get your free cheat sheet for mastering public speaking.

  • Join our newsletter for exclusive discounts and tips.

Make sure that the CTA is prominent, stands out in the email, and that it’s easy for the recipient to complete the action.

Optimize for Mobile

Get More Subscribers With Lead Magnets (2023)

With most people checking their emails on mobile devices, optimizing your lead magnet email for mobile is essential.

This includes using a responsive design, a larger font size, and clear calls to action, ensuring that your email looks great on any device and making it easy for recipients to take action.

Use Persuasive Language and Images

Use persuasive language to create a sense of urgency and images to help break up the text and make the email more visually appealing.

A persuasive way to promote a limited-time sale on a particular product could be:

  • Don't miss out on this exclusive offer!

  • Act now before it's too late!

  • Last chance to take advantage of this amazing deal!

  • This limited-time sale is ending soon, don't let it slip through your fingers!

Use Tracking and Analytics

Get More Subscribers With Lead Magnets (2023)

Track the open rate, click-through rate, and conversions of your lead magnet email so that you can test and optimize your lead magnet email for better results.

By tracking these metrics, you can see which elements of your email are working well and which need improvement.

For example, if your open rate is low, you may want to test different subject lines to see which one performs better.

Follow Up

After sending your lead magnet email, it's important to follow up with your target audience and provide them with additional valuable information or offers.

For example, if you run a basketball program, you could offer a free online video series that teaches basic skills and drills.

After someone signs up for the video series, follow up with an email offering a discounted rate on a basketball camp or clinic where they can further develop their skills and be coached by experienced players or coaches.

Use a Referral Program

Get More Subscribers With Lead Magnets (2023)

With beehiiv, you can create custom referral campaigns with incentives such as discounts, free products, or exclusive access to content.

beehiiv’s powerful referral program allows you to reward your customers for referring their friends and family to your business.

They make it easy to track the performance of each campaign and measure the success of your referrals.

By leveraging the power of word-of-mouth marketing, you can quickly grow your email list and increase conversions.

So, when you're ready to send out those lead magnet emails, why not try beehiiv?

With its user-friendly platform, custom templates, and integrations, beehiiv will help you create effective lead magnet emails that will make your email list soar.


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