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How to Write a Newsletter from Scratch With ChatGPT

A Step-By-Step Guide To AI Content Creation With ChatGPT

ChatGPT is taking over.

So, why not join the revolution?

As a newsletter operator, you know how difficult it is to start and maintain a publication.

From coming up with content ideas, to outlining, writing, and editing…

It can be tough to juggle one (especially if you’re doing it as a side hustle).

Thankfully, AI has come to save the day. 

In this step-by-step guide, I’ll show you exactly how you can write a powerful newsletter from scratch with ChatGPT.

If you’re struggling to come up with content ideas, or your newsletter creation process is eating up your time, then keep reading.

Leveraging ChatGPT is one of the best ways to ramp up your newsletter productivity.

Let’s dive in. 

Can You Use ChatGPT To Write a Newsletter?

How to Write a Newsletter from Scratch With ChatGPT

The simple answer is, yes.

But, don’t take my word for it.

Take ChatGPT’s.

Here’s what the AI chatbot has to say about the question, “Can you Use ChatGPT To Write a Newsletter”:

How to Write a Newsletter from Scratch With ChatGPT

That’s ChatGPT’s response. 

Here’s the human response (from me):

ChatGPT uses natural language processing to create human-like text. It has the capability to create high-quality content on virtually any topic.

So, the popular AI chatbot can be more than helpful in creating content for your newsletter. 

But, it’s not perfect. The content it generates requires human input (and edits). It shouldn’t be used as is.

You can also use it to:

  • Do research

  • Brainstorm new ideas

  • Identify your target audience

  • Overcome the dreaded “writer’s block”

For newsletter content, you can create a solid rough draft with it and edit it for maximum impact.

Now, let’s dive into exactly how you can do this in minutes.

How Do I Write Content In ChatGPT?

How to Write a Newsletter from Scratch With ChatGPT

ChatGPT is a highly interactive chatbot, so you can talk to it like you’d chat with a friend online. 

It keeps track of the dialogue. Plus, you can interrupt it if it goes off track.

Start your conversation by telling it what you want help with.

Be direct. Clear. And add in as much information as necessary. The AI bot is far from perfect. But it can be a major help in creating content.

Okay, ready for the sneak peek over my shoulders?

Follow along as we build out an email draft from scratch with ChatGPT:

How Do You Write a Newsletter Step-By-Step?

First, get used to the fact that the chatbot will make mistakes. 

For instance, when I asked it “Can you write a newsletter with ChatGPT”, it went on to write a newsletter itself:

How to Write a Newsletter from Scratch With ChatGPT

So, there is some trial and error involved. 

Once it understands your needs, you can start going in depth. 

Step 1: Ask ChatGPT To Generate an Outline on the Topic

As soon as you have a topic for your email, ask ChatGPT to generate an outline around it. 

For example, let’s say you want to write an email on “How to write a newsletter using ChatGPT”. 

Get ChatGPT to create an outline first. 

Here’s what that prompt spits out:

How to Write a Newsletter from Scratch With ChatGPT

Again, it’s not going to be perfect. But the outline is pretty in-depth.

It’s important you double check your question (prompt).

Then, once it generates the answer, read it before moving forward. 

You’ll likely have to improve the output by providing more context and details about your needs. 

Step 2: Ask ChatGPT for Subject Lines

Once you have your outline, ask ChatGPT to write a few subject lines on the topic of your email. Keep in mind, ChatGPT remembers what you said previously in this conversation.

So, I don’t need to tell him the topic of the newsletter all over again to get the answer. I can just say this:

See how the bot remembered the newsletter was all about ChatGPT and newsletters?

Pretty neat, right?

Okay, now pick the best one and make tweaks if necessary.

And, if you’re not happy with the results, just write “give me three more” and ChatGPT will generate some more subject lines for you.

One thing I noticed immediately is these subject lines are way too long.

In that case, you can simply ask ChatGPT to shorten them.

How to Write a Newsletter from Scratch With ChatGPT

Even then, I’d update these ones. The exclamation points need to go before we load the draft up into beehiiv.

Step 3: Ask ChatGPT To Write Individual Paragraphs

Don’t ask ChatGPT to write the whole email at once.

It’s not that smart. It’ll be too clunky. 

Instead, get it to write individual paragraphs or subtopics:

By breaking your outputs into chunks, you get more control and can dive deeper into each section of your newsletter to maintain high quality content.

Keep in mind, you can change your tone and writing style within ChatGPT. For example, you can make it friendlier, funnier, or more authoritative if you want. But don’t forget to add your personal touch and remove the obvious AI phrases so it connects to the reader the way you want. 

Step 4: Edit

No matter how powerful AI gets, it can’t replace the human touch. 

Look back at the last output I got from ChatGPT. I asked for the intro paragraph to my newsletter.

That’s one of the biggest walls of text I’ve ever seen. The first place I’d start when editing ChatGPT’s text is with formatting:

“Dear [Recipient],

Welcome to a new era of newsletter writing! 

Are you ready to unlock the full potential of your newsletters and captivate your audience like never before? 

Get ready to embark on an exciting journey where we explore the transformative power of ChatGPT in revolutionizing the way you craft your content. 

In this edition, we'll delve into:

  • insider tips

  • innovative strategies

  • advanced writing techniques

Get ready to take some notes as these insights will elevate your newsletters to new heights. 

Whether you're a seasoned wordsmith seeking to refine your craft or a novice eager to learn, join us as we explore how ChatGPT can help you master the art of newsletter writing.

Keep reading to create impactful, engaging content that leaves a lasting impression on your readers.”

And, this is just a start. A lot of this sounds, well, robotic. I’d cut out at least half of this and rewrite it.

Don’t forget: You should always edit what ChatGPT generates for you.

Not only are there usually grammatical issues and awkward phrasing, but there’s always a possibility of factual error or oversight.

So, give your email a thorough read and make the necessary edits to meet your standards.

Then, add images, links, and any other elements that may add value to your newsletter.

Bonus Step: Use It for Content Ideation 

ChatGPT isn't just great for generating text for your newsletter. 

It’s also a powerful research assistant. 

You can use it to come up with a list of content ideas around the main topic and dive deep into subsections.

Here’s an example. Let’s ask ChatGPT to come up with a list of newsletter ideas around ChatGPT:

How to Write a Newsletter from Scratch With ChatGPT

As you can see, there are a ton of different ideas for future newsletters within seconds. 

Again, this isn’t perfect. But it’s a great ideation tool to use when you’re struggling to come up with newsletter topics.

Plus, you can use it as a learning tool and ask different questions to understand the topic better.

Rowan Cheung, one of the top AI newsletter operators, leverages ChatGPT for research. 

Every morning, Rowan uses the tool to summarize the top AI news articles into bullet points for his daily newsletter, which has 400,000+ subscribers.

How to Write a Newsletter from Scratch With ChatGPT

What is the Best Way to Format a Newsletter?

To properly format your newsletter, copy and paste your draft into the email software.

Then,break it up into sections within a newsletter layout that’s easy to digest.

beehiiv offers everything you need to create and publish a newsletter from start to finish. Not only is it the easiest email editor in the world, but it comes equipped with powerful growth tools like the integrated referral program, organic recommendations, and paid recommendations (Boosts) to create a thriving newsletter business. 

What Is the Best Tool To Write a Newsletter?

It’s been over a year since ChatGPT launched. But, it isn’t the only AI chatbot that can help you write compelling content.

There are plenty of other options:

How to Write a Newsletter from Scratch With ChatGPT

Jasper is one of the first ones to enter the market. 

The AI tool offers a range of pre-built templates that can help you craft all types of content, including newsletters. 

Like ChatGPT, it has an interactive chat feature, so you can customize your outputs. 

GrowthBar is powered by ChatGPT 4 and is specifically built for bloggers. 

The tool writes SEO-friendly AI blog posts. 

You can research, write, and optimize your content with it. 

How to Write a Newsletter from Scratch With ChatGPT

Copy.ai is another popular AI writer. It has a user-friendly interface and plenty of templates for different content types. 

But, the tool can sometimes make mistakes when it comes to reporting facts and figures. 

beehiiv AI

How to Write a Newsletter from Scratch With ChatGPT

In 2023, beehiiv became the first-ever email newsletter platform to roll out its own AI toolset: beehiiv AI.

With beehiiv AI, you can augment your writing:

  • Simplify your writing

  • Alter your tone of voice

  • Change your text length

  • Auto-complete sentences

  • Fix spelling and grammar

  • And more

beehiiv AI helps newsletter operators and creators optimize their content creation and newsletter performance.

The best part?

The AI tool is built directly into the beehiiv email editor. So, you don’t need to leave the platform to leverage the power of AI in your newsletter.

ChatGPT vs. The Rest

ChatGPT is essentially a chatbot that gives you the freedom to write anything you want. Most other AI tools may have a chat feature but aren’t generally as powerful as ChatGPT.

Plus, most of these tools are paid, whereas you can use ChatGPT 3.5 completely free. 

Whatever AI tool you choose, use it with caution as all of them come with some privacy concerns. 

Join beehiiv to Leverage the Power of AI in Your Newsletter

How to Write a Newsletter from Scratch With ChatGPT

ChatGPT is a powerful, free AI chatbot. 

It uses natural language processing to interact like humans.

This makes it helpful in the newsletter research and content creation process, especially when it comes to productivity.

However, while it may be capable of writing engaging content, you shouldn’t rely on it exclusively. Read its output, make tweaks, and always add a human touch.

Ultimately, the best way to get the most out of this powerful tool and other AI tools is by playing around with them.

If you’re ready to hop on board the AI newsletter train, then beehiiv is the best option.

But, I’m not going to tell you why. beehiiv’s AI editor is going to tell you:

How to Write a Newsletter from Scratch With ChatGPT


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