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From Obscurity to Headlines: Get Featured In Press Releases

Proven Strategies for Newsletter Visibility in Press Releases

In the fast-paced media and digital marketing world, capturing attention has become an art form.

Ryan Holiday's groundbreaking book, "Trust Me, I'm Lying: Confessions of a Media Manipulator," offers a thought-provoking exploration of the manipulative tactics used by media outlets and bloggers.

From Obscurity to Headlines: Get Featured In Press Releases

In his book, Ryan explains how he brought huge brand attention to American Apparel as marketing director.

Holiday leaked a fake story to the media, knowing that the sensational nature of the story would catch fire and spread rapidly.

He created a fictional controversy about American Apparel releasing a "Made in the USA" condom line.

The story claimed that the company had designed and manufactured condoms in their Los Angeles factory, aiming to promote safe sex and patriotism simultaneously.

From Obscurity to Headlines: Get Featured In Press Releases

Knowing the media's insatiable appetite for provocative stories, Holiday carefully planned the release of this misinformation.

He sent anonymous tips to prominent blogs and news outlets, which eagerly picked up the story without verifying its authenticity.

Soon, the story spread like wildfire across various media platforms, sparking intense debates and outrage.

The controversy generated by this fictional story was significant. It provoked discussions about the boundaries of marketing, American Apparel's ethics, and the validity of claims of "Made in the USA" products.

The brand received both praise and condemnation, and the media frenzy increased brand visibility and sales for American Apparel.

In addition to his success as marketing director and his books, Holiday has employed powerful tactics to help authors gain exposure and secure coveted spots on press releases.

In this blog post, we will delve into the intriguing insights provided by Holiday and discover how you can apply them to secure coveted press releases for your newsletter.

Build Relationships

From Obscurity to Headlines: Get Featured In Press Releases

Holiday emphasizes the importance of cultivating relationships with journalists to secure press coverage.

This principle can be applied by email marketers seeking to increase their chances of getting featured in press releases.

The first thing you should do is research and target. In other words, determine where you’d benefit from being featured.

Just as Ryan Holiday advises understanding the interests and beats of journalists, email marketers should research and identify journalists who cover topics relevant to their industry or niche.

Look for journalists who have previously written about similar products, services, or trends.

You can also use social media to your advantage to connect with these folks. Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, etc. Almost all of them are on at least one platform where you can reach them directly.

Like, share, and comment on their articles to demonstrate genuine interest and appreciation for their work. Engaging with their content can help establish a connection and increase visibility.

Ryan Holiday suggests offering valuable insights and content to journalists. Offer exclusive information, data, or expert insights to enhance their articles or stories.

After initial outreach, follow up with journalists to ensure they received your pitch and offer any additional assistance they may need.

Building genuine connections, providing value, and establishing yourself as a trusted source can increase the likelihood of your email campaigns being featured and gaining visibility through media coverage.

From Obscurity to Headlines: Get Featured In Press Releases

How Can I Make My Press Release More Interesting?

To make your press release more interesting and captivating to your target audience, consider implementing the following strategies:

  1. Martin Luther King started his message with a powerful phrase perfect for the press: “I Have a Dream.” This catchy headline has helped to grab the attention of the people. That is what you want with your headline.

From Obscurity to Headlines: Get Featured In Press Releases

If you want to know how to connect more with your audience from the beginning here is a great article for you

  1. Engaging Lead Paragraph: The first paragraph should summarize the most important information. Use the "who, what, where, when, why, and how" formula to provide a clear overview of the story.
    If your first paragraph works well as a Twitter post, you will know it is great. Here is an amazing example.

    From Obscurity to Headlines: Get Featured In Press Releases

  2. Tell a Story: Incorporate a narrative element to make your press release more relatable. Highlight real-life experiences, challenges, or successes related to your announcement.

  3. Use Quotes or Relevant Data: Include quotes from key individuals within your organization or industry experts. Quotes add a human touch and offer insights that make the release more interesting. Include statistics, surveys, or research findings to support your story. Data adds credibility and can make your getaway more informative.

Summaries of all the data you are talking about in your article, is another eye-grabbing opportunity. Some people may skip the headline or the first paragraph but this is your last chance to grab their attention and bring them back to your press release.

Here is an example of graphics you can use

From Obscurity to Headlines: Get Featured In Press Releases
  1. Tailor to Your Audience: Customize your press release for different audiences or publications, emphasizing aspects that are most relevant to each. If you are talking to business people, speak in a language they can understand, and the same applies to any other group of people you want to talk to.

Implementing these strategies can transform a standard press release into a compelling and exciting piece of news that captures your intended audience and the media's attention.

Become a Top Player

In his quest to provide value and become a top player in the Stoicism niche, Ryan Holiday decided to stop wasting money on ads and instead invest those resources in creating high-quality content for his Daily Stoic platform.

Recognizing the importance of providing value to his audience, Holiday understood that creating engaging and informative content was the key to establishing himself as a trusted authority.

This decision allowed Holiday to build a community around the Daily Stoic platform, attracting a dedicated and engaged audience.

By consistently delivering valuable content, he became a go-to resource for those seeking to incorporate Stoic principles into their daily lives.

Investing in content creation saved him money and fostered long-term relationships with his audience.

Rather than chasing short-term gains through ads, he focused on creating a sustainable platform that could provide ongoing value to his readers.

By prioritizing value creation over advertising, Ryan Holiday demonstrated the power of content in building a successful platform.

From Obscurity to Headlines: Get Featured In Press Releases

His example is a necessary lesson for others looking to establish themselves in their respective fields.

By investing in quality content that resonates with their target audience, individuals and businesses can carve out their space and become top players in their chosen domains.


If you want to build relationships and become a top player in your industry, beehiiv is the right platform for you.

beehiiv offers a valuable solution for email marketers seeking to expand their network and enhance their visibility.

By connecting with other email marketing experts through the platform, marketers can tap into a rich pool of industry knowledge, insights, and collaboration opportunities.

By leveraging the power of collective expertise, beehiiv provides a supportive community that fosters growth and learning.

Engaging with like-minded professionals allows marketers to exchange ideas, share best practices, and receive feedback, ultimately improving their email marketing strategies.

Through beehiiv, marketers can increase their chances of being seen more often, benefiting from the collective wisdom of the community and enhancing their professional network in the process.

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