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  • How Andy Austin Grew Growth Catalyst Club Newsletter to Over $29,000 in Revenue with Facebook Ads

How Andy Austin Grew Growth Catalyst Club Newsletter to Over $29,000 in Revenue with Facebook Ads

All While Having A Ton of Fun, Making Friends, And Generating High-Ticket Leads for His Agency Adsora

The number 1 reason most newsletters can't grow is because they don't have a way to monetize their subscribers.

The number 2 reason is that they don't have a predictable growth machine consistently getting quality subscribers.

While beehiiv helps creators to monetize and get quality, some of the biggest newsletters have all grown to millions of subscribers using Facebook ads.

Today, we have a Facebook ads expert Andy Austin revealing his newsletter growth secrets with Facebook ads.

Who’s Andy?

Over the last few months, Andy Austin and his team at Adsora profitably added over 100k subscribers to several newsletters in finance, real estate, pet, astrology, fitness and marketing niche.

One thing that stands out about Andy and Adsora is that they don’t only focus on growing newsletters. Andy likes to keep his skills sharp and apply learnings from different industries to grow newsletters. 

How Andy Austin Grew Growth Catalyst Club Newsletter to Over $29,000 in Revenue with Facebook Ads.

That alone has restored my faith in Facebook ads.

So, what magic ad powers does Andy have to deliver such impressive results using Facebook ads?

None. It’s all about the experience, fundamental understanding of human behavior, and passion he has for the craft.

He’s sharing his knowledge in his weekly newsletter, Growth Catalyst Club.

In this case study, we will discuss Andy's experience with Facebook ads, his content, growth, and monetization strategy.

Who is Andy Austin, and what is the Growth Catalyst Club?

Meet Andy Austin, founder of Adsora and creator of the Growth Catalyst Club newsletter.

How Andy Austin Grew Growth Catalyst Club Newsletter to Over $29,000 in Revenue with Facebook Ads.

Adsora is a boutique growth agency specializing in growing newsletters and other consumer brands with Facebook ads.

How Andy Austin Grew Growth Catalyst Club Newsletter to Over $29,000 in Revenue with Facebook Ads.

To date, Adsora has spent over $10 million on ads, generating over $20 million in cash —statistics that qualify Andy Austin as a master of scaling ecommerce brands, mobile apps and newsletters with Facebook ads!

Adsora helped grow newsletters like With Vincent, The Offer Sheet and I Love Every Dog. Pretty neat, right?

With over five years of Facebook ad experience and knowledge of different industries and niches, Andy believed it was the right time to start a newsletter to help others learn about paid digital ads and growth hacks and tips to help scale their business.

A weekly newsletter that is packed with a list of the best ads and hacks—so good, you’d want to steal and say they were your ideas.

How Andy Austin Grew Growth Catalyst Club Newsletter to Over $29,000 in Revenue with Facebook Ads.

Why beehiiv?

How Andy Austin Grew Growth Catalyst Club Newsletter to Over $29,000 in Revenue with Facebook Ads.

When it comes to newsletter platforms, Andy doesn't mince words—he's all in on beehiiv.

“beehiiv is great! I think if it weren’t for beehiiv, I would not even start my newsletter. In the past three years, I’ve wanted to start my own newsletter but there wasn’t a platform like beehiiv” said Andy.

We asked Andy what made him choose beehiiv out of all the other platforms, and he gave us his list:

Lightning-fast setup: Andy said, “It takes less than one hour to get a newsletter up and running on beehiiv.” Talk about efficiency!

Built-in monetization: With features like an ad platform that sources ads for you, beehiiv makes it easy to start earning from your newsletter.

Time-saving features: Andy estimated that “beehiiv saves…5-9 hours just in the setup process alone.” For someone who values their time as a consultant, that's a significant ROI.

Rapid feature development: Andy's impressed by beehiiv's speed in implementing new features, calling it "the fastest moving company I've ever seen."

Andy added, “beehiiv contributed a lot to my newsletter growth; beehiiv is our highest-paying subscription software, and we’re happily paying for it. I am very satisfied with the results.”

Favorite beehiiv Feature

How Andy Austin Grew Growth Catalyst Club Newsletter to Over $29,000 in Revenue with Facebook Ads.

We always love asking our creators what their favorite hiiv features are.

Andy shared there are two features he considers his favorites.s 

The first feature he boasted about was “The user interface for the writing feature on beehiiv and how easy it is to use.”

He followed that up with the monetization capabilities. “Having a built-in ad platform that sources ads for you is incredible.”

How Andy Is Monetizing with beehiiv

Andy loves the results he has achieved using beehiiv.

He commented, “Fast converting landing pages, having automation, and the ability to have paid subscriptions built in definitely helps.” 

For Growth Catalyst Club, boosts, subscriptions, and ads have been Andy’s go-to for monetization.

How Andy Austin Grew Growth Catalyst Club Newsletter to Over $29,000 in Revenue with Facebook Ads.

As an expert in Facebook ads, Andy added that many of his subscribers come from Facebook.

“We’ve grown our newsletter from 0 to 300 to now 13,000 subscribers.”

How Andy Austin Grew Growth Catalyst Club Newsletter to Over $29,000 in Revenue with Facebook Ads.

All ad platforms have their ups and downs but for Andy, Facebook’s pros outweigh the cons. “With Facebook, you have ultimate scalability because three billion people are on the platform. You can find the best audience.”

How Andy Austin Grew Growth Catalyst Club Newsletter to Over $29,000 in Revenue with Facebook Ads.

With Andy’s monetization strategy with the Growth Catalyst Club newsletter, he’s made over $29,000 in revenue profitably. “I tried growing organically for two months—then I started monetizing in January and running Facebook ads, so it took about six or seven months to get here. And this is just for one newsletter”

Tips for Someone Starting a Newsletter

How Andy Austin Grew Growth Catalyst Club Newsletter to Over $29,000 in Revenue with Facebook Ads.

With all the knowledge and experience, we asked Andy what some of his tips are for newbies who want to start their own newsletter.

Here are some of his golden nuggets of wisdom:

Solve a problem: "Think what problem you're gonna be solving for your audience," Andy advises. Your newsletter should fill a gap or meet a specific need.

Plan Your monetization: Don't wait until you have a large audience to think about making money. Consider how you'll monetize from the start.

Choose your growth channels: Whether it's Facebook ads, referral programs, or organic growth, have a plan for how you'll attract subscribers.

Focus on retention: As Andy puts it, "It's very easy to bring people in, but the hardest thing is to retain them and monetize them and build relationships with them."

Have some sort of differentiation: Andy adds, “Have some sort of differentiation. If you’re a creator, your differentiation can be the style and tone of your writing. If you’re a utility newsletter, you want to think of how it’s gonna be different and better. And that’s how you can win.”

Key Takeaways

How Andy Austin Grew Growth Catalyst Club Newsletter to Over $29,000 in Revenue with Facebook Ads.

Here are some key takeaways from this case study:

  1. Facebook ads can be a powerful tool for newsletter growth. Andy grew his newsletter from 300 to 13,000 subscribers in just 7 months using this strategy.

  2. Diversify your monetization strategies. Andy uses a mix of referrals, agency services, and beehiiv's built-in monetization features.

  3. Quality matters. Andy emphasizes that while growth is important, maintaining a high-quality subscriber list is crucial.

  4. Leverage your experience. Andy uses insights from growing his own newsletter to help his clients, creating a virtuous cycle of learning and improvement.


Andy Austin's journey with beehiiv showcases the platform's potential for newsletter creators.

He’s generated over $29,000 in revenue from his newsletter in just six or seven months, all while growing his subscriber base to over 13,000.

For those looking to start their own newsletter journey, Andy's experience offers a roadmap to success.

Now, who's ready to start their newsletter empire?

Join beehiiv today—start your newsletter journey with a 30-day free trial!


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