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  • 10 Stock Market Newsletters You Should Read in 2024

10 Stock Market Newsletters You Should Read in 2024

What Makes a Financial Newsletter Worth Reading

There’s nothing quite like having to tell your wife that you just lost $1,600 in 10 minutes. 

On the other hand, walking away from a stock trade with an extra $5,200 in your pocket makes for a pretty decent Tuesday.

10 Stock Market Newsletters You Should Read in 2024

In my case, the difference between those two outcomes was simple: When I listened to experts, I made money. When I didn’t? Let’s just say, that was a month of rent money that I’ll never get back.

Doing your research while following expert advice is an essential part of making smart investments. In this article, I’m going to share 10 of the best stock market newsletters for 2024. I’ll list notable features, what it costs to subscribe, and some newsletter design trends that I think everyone should follow.

Let’s get to it.

Key Takeaways

  • The stock market advice that you choose to follow can make or break an investment.

  • Choosing the best stock market newsletter in 2024 means doing research and finding one that aligns with your investment strategy.

  • There’s no harm in subscribing to a few stock market newsletters in order to gain a more balanced view of the market.

Table of Contents

How To Choose the Best Stock Market Newsletter To Subscribe To?

Between the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) and the Nasdaq, there are close to 5,000 company listings – and that’s just in the U.S. Throughout the world, there are well over 20,000 publicly traded companies.

I don’t know about you, but I’d be kidding myself if I thought I could pick a solid investment from that pool without any help. Thankfully, there’s no shortage of investing in 2024. That includes newsletters.

The best stock market newsletters will be:

  • Updated regularly

  • Informative, with trustworthy sources

  • Designed for readability

Here are 10 of the best stock market newsletters to subscribe to in 2024.

Why Trust Me? I’m not an investing guru. I know enough about the stock market to be dangerous, which means that I need to do extra research before I can make a smart move. These recommendations are a reflection of that research.

Disclaimer: Every investor has their own philosophy and investment strategy. While it’s certainly helpful to keep up on market news and recommendations, many stock picks are opinion-based and shouldn’t be followed blindly.

Top 10 Stock Market Newsletters in 2024:

10 Stock Market Newsletters You Should Read in 2024

Brad Freeman is a long-term growth investor and creator of the Stock Market Nerd newsletter. He provides readers with weekly updates, including in-depth analyses and earnings coverages. 

A cool thing about Brad’s newsletter is the recommendations page. While that’s a fairly common practice in the newsletter world, Brad includes his reasons for recommending them. It’s a helpful way to know which ones you should add to your subscription list.

Here’s an example.

10 Stock Market Newsletters You Should Read in 2024

Brad started Stock Market Nerd in 2021 and has given weekly updates to his more than 33,000 subscribers since its inception. You can also follow Brad on X (formerly Twitter), where he posts even more regular market updates.


  • Free. Subscribe for full access to weekly updates.

10 Stock Market Newsletters You Should Read in 2024

Whereas some stock market newsletters go in-depth on specific companies and investment recommendations, Emerge focuses on keeping readers up to date on the latest market trends and news.

Emerge is powered by beehiiv, and its creator, Liam Gill, makes great use of beehiiv’s polls feature in each newsletter that he sends.

Here’s what one of his polls looks like.

10 Stock Market Newsletters You Should Read in 2024


  • Free to subscribe. For $9.99/mo (or $99.99/yr), you’ll get access to 3 additional insights in each newsletter.

10 Stock Market Newsletters You Should Read in 2024

If you want a daily dose of stock market and investing news (with a bit of humor), Exec Sum should be on your radar in 2024.

I love the “Before The Bell” feature (see below) and how the most important news updates are condensed into easy-to-read bullet points. Exec Sum is the perfect newsletter for those times when you only have a few minutes to spare. And if you’re looking for something more in-depth, they have plenty of that, too.

10 Stock Market Newsletters You Should Read in 2024

In addition to that, Exec Sum shares a quality with some of my favorite newsletters (looking at you, UniScoops, Zillow Gone Wild) – it’s just plain fun to read.

Newsletter Design Tip:

All Exec Sum posts include a comment section at the bottom, so readers can engage with the community. And since Exec Sum is powered by beehiiv, adding a comment section was easy. 

If you’re creating a newsletter yourself and want to take advantage of community comments, check out this step-by-step guide.


  • Free. Subscribe for full access to their daily newsletter. 

10 Stock Market Newsletters You Should Read in 2024

Morningstar is much more than a newsletter publisher. They offer a crazy amount of tools and resources for investors, advisors, and asset managers. Their newsletter just so happens to provide a lot of value, too.

One of the best parts of the Morningstar newsletter is that you have plenty of subscriptions to choose from, depending on where you’re at in your investing journey. Here are a few of the free ones.

Free Morningstar Newsletters:

  • Morning Digest: For market news, research, long-form features, and explainers; delivers daily, Monday-Friday

  • Improving Your Finances: For expert guidance on managing your investment portfolio and tips to help you make better financial decisions

  • Stock Strategist: For Morningstar’s weekly take on company news, what’s going on in the market, and in-depth company reports


  • 7 free options are available. For access to the remaining tiers, you’ll have to sign up as a Morningstar Investor Subscriber ($249/yr). 

10 Stock Market Newsletters You Should Read in 2024

I jumped into the investing world right around the time Gamestop (GME) and Blackberry (BB) stocks were blowing up. Contrary to what I had always assumed, investing wasn’t boring. People of all ages were in the market, and apps like Robinhood made more advanced features (like options, covered calls, and shorting) easily accessible even on an iPhone.

Stocks and Income gives me that same vibe. 

Now, don’t get me wrong – Swaggy isn’t a novice trader and certainly knows what he’s talking about when it comes to stock market trends, yet he doesn’t overwhelm readers with his knowledge. Each newsletter is written in a fun, engaging way.

Newsletter Design Tip:

Stocks and Income is another newsletter powered by beehiiv, and it’s a good example of what can be done with custom templates. Each issue of the newsletter follows a similar format:

  • 📰 Market Headlines

  • 🕶️ Market Vibes

  • 😱 Fear and Greed Index

  • 🧠 What do you think?

After those sections, Swaggy shares the previous poll results, talks more about market trends, and adds whatever else is applicable for the week.

Creating a custom template on beehiiv is simple. From your beehiiv dashboard, go to “Write → Posts → Down Arrow Toggle Top Right → Create Template.”

10 Stock Market Newsletters You Should Read in 2024

From there, you can use the editor to draft your custom template, so it’s ready to use for subsequent newsletter issues.


  • Free for Swaggy’s standard newsletter

  • Upgrade ($9.99/mo or $105/yr) for advanced newsletter sends, social trends, top trending lists, and a “What’s hot and what’s not” feature

10 Stock Market Newsletters You Should Read in 2024

Whereas most of the other newsletters on this list focus on market data, strategy, and research, The Financial Revolution is more like a bird’s-eye view of financial advice. It can be a bit heavy on words instead of images and links, which makes it a good choice when I have more time to read.

“The 7 Steps to Financial Freedom” series, posted in 2023, was a great look into how The Financial Revolution’s creator was able to become financially independent and gave readers a good idea of what to expect from the rest of his posts.

He doesn’t post as regularly as most of my other favorites (the last one was a month ago at the time of writing), but that’s okay. A little break between in-depth newsletters is a welcome addition to my subscriptions.


  • Free. Subscribe for full access to each post when it goes live.

10 Stock Market Newsletters You Should Read in 2024

Travis Hoium created Asymmetric Investing to share stocks with an asymmetric return potential – that is, stocks that could return 10x your investment over the next decade. A basic subscription (free) gives you access to his research and a real-money portfolio.

One of my favorite features in Asymmetric Investing is the Weekend Investor series, where Travis gives a five-minute market recap of everything exciting that happened in the past week. He also adds an “In case you missed it” section to each of these posts – reminding readers of the content he’s released since the last Weekend Investor post.


  • Free for the standard Asymmetric Investing newsletter

  • Upgrade ($20/mo or $100/yr) for access to premium content including the Asymmetric Investing portfolio and 1-2 company deep dives each month.

10 Stock Market Newsletters You Should Read in 2024

“Become smarter in just 5 minutes” is likely the first thing you’ll notice when visiting Morning Brew’s website, and I think it perfectly describes what you can expect after subscribing.

While it’s not a financial or investing newsletter, when Morning Brew touches on financial news, it gets it right. This is my go-to daily newsletter and functions nicely as an all-in-one source of information that’s perfectly suited for mobile devices, too.

Additional Recommendation: If you’re new to the investing world, check out the Money With Katie newsletter. It’s part of the Morning Brew family and is an awesome way to keep up on personal finance strategies, the economy, and Katie’s general musings about how to make smart financial choices.


  • Free. Subscribe for access to the Morning Brew newsletter, and you can hand-pick additional newsletters within the Morning Brew family.

10 Stock Market Newsletters You Should Read in 2024

A lot is going on in the stock market world each week, and wading through market news can make finding a needle in a haystack look easy.

Connor at Market Mornings aggregates the most important headlines from stock market news and delivers them in a daily newsletter. There are no stories or stock picks – just a list of the market news you need to stay informed.

Design Tip: 

Market Mornings is another beehiiv-powered newsletter, and Connor utilizes the Advanced Email Capture feature to prompt a subscription popup. Here’s what you’ll see after scrolling about halfway down a post.

10 Stock Market Newsletters You Should Read in 2024

And here’s how you can add the same feature to your beehiiv newsletter.


  • Free. Subscribe to have Market Mornings delivered to your inbox every morning.

10 Stock Market Newsletters You Should Read in 2024

The Average Joe newsletter has one goal for its subscribers: For them to become better investors in just 5 minutes a day. 

It’s free to subscribe to and – similar to a previously recommended newsletter, Market Mornings – focuses on gathering and delivering the most relevant market news in a concise and easy-to-read format.

Here are a couple of fun reads from The Average Joe’s newsletter archive.


  • Free. Subscribe, and you’ll get a daily delivery of The Average Joe newsletter.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are Stock Market Newsletters Worth It?

If you’re an investor or want to know more about the financial world, finding the best stock market newsletters in 2024 is essential. There’s a lot of information out there, and not all of it is beneficial. Choosing the right newsletter could have a big impact on the success of your investments.

If you’re a creator, a stock market newsletter might just be the next project you’re looking for. See how easy it is to create engaging financial newsletters at beehiiv today.

To speak in very broad terms, yes. There’s nothing inherently wrong with creating a stock market, personal finance, or investment newsletter, and doing so is a great way to build and monetize an audience.

Disclaimer: I’m not an attorney or a financial advisor. So while I’m happy to share information taken directly from the SEC, it’s best to consult an attorney if you’re concerned about the legality of your newsletter. Additionally, it’s a good idea to search SEC.gov and contact your state securities regulator if an existing newsletter seems fraudulent.

Regarding the legalities of creating a financial newsletter in 2024, here’s some of what the SEC pays attention to.

  • Touting - promoting a stock without properly disclosing compensation received for promoting it

  • Pump and dump schemes - pumping a company’s stock price by making false or misleading statements to spike the price and then selling shares at the pumped-up price

  • Undisclosed conflicts of interest - falsely claiming to provide independent analysis or failing to disclose conflicts of interest that may influence recommended stocks

  • False performance claims - misrepresenting the track record of the newsletter’s investment recommendations

As you’ve probably gathered from those bullets, regulatory bodies (at least in the United States) are mainly keeping watch on investment newsletters that seem to be dishonest, fraudulent, or those that intentionally recommend stocks to the detriment of their readers.

Here are a few points to keep in mind if you’re planning to create a stock market newsletter in 2024.

  • Don’t pretend to be someone you’re not. If you’ve been investing since 2010, disclose that. Make it clear to your audience that these are your opinions based on the research that you’ve conducted.

  • Be upfront about any compensation you receive. Include something like: “From time to time, XYZ Newsletter may receive compensation from companies that we write about.”

  • Add disclaimers. There’s a lot of discussion about whether disclaimers protect the dissemination of financial information, but adding one to your newsletter can’t hurt.

Is It Worth Paying for Stock Advice?

Spending money on stock advice is similar to a lot of investments – you get what you pay for (usually).

Some of the stock market newsletters on this list have had free and paid tiers. In most cases, the paid tiers provide access to further insights, expert picks, and deeper dives into market trends. 

Paid subscription tiers can be a major boon for seasoned investors who are looking for a more detailed analysis of investment opportunities. If you’re just starting your investment journey; however, the free tiers mentioned in my recommendations above are more than enough.

With as much of a rollercoaster as it’s been, it’s hard to say what the stock market will look like in 2024. Finding a reliable stock market newsletter is one of the smartest ways to keep yourself informed. 

If you’re a creator who also loves investing, starting a stock market newsletter on beehiiv is a great way to build and monetize your audience, so round up those stock picks and create your newsletter for free today!


or to participate.