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B2B Marketing Benchmarks: Measuring Your Success in 2024

Gain Insights Into Your Performance With These Key Statistics

In 2024, B2B marketing spending is expected to reach $37.7 billion.

The question is: How do you spend your budget?

Where do you allocate your time, money, and resources?

Today, B2B marketers are facing challenges like AI, growing consumer expectations, and a shifting global economy that are impacting how and what they need to do.

But while challenges are surmounting in the B2B world, so are opportunities to expand your market share and increase revenue.

In this guide, we’ll break down key B2B marketing benchmarks that you need to know to build an impactful marketing strategy in 2024.

Feel free to jump to any section quickly like SEO, paid advertising, or email marketing benchmarks.

Table of Contents

Why You Need To Track B2B Marketing Benchmarks

B2B Marketing Benchmarks: Measuring Your Success in 2024

Did you know that 38% of businesses admit that data analytics is one of their 5 biggest weaknesses?

The reason? Numbers aren’t always easy to track. Analytics software can be clunky. Tracking can feel like work. And… there always seems to be something more important to do.

But if you’re wanting to craft a B2B marketing strategy that actually makes a difference this year, then you need to know your numbers. However, simply looking at your data isn’t enough.

You need to understand how your competition is doing. That way, you know if you’re falling behind or making strides forward.

Knowing how other companies like yours are performing is crucial to seeing the bigger picture.

By understanding key marketing metrics across the B2B landscape, you can craft objectives, goals, and personal benchmarks to move towards in the coming months.

Now, let’s dive into some crucial B2B marketing benchmarks.

Lead Generation Benchmarks for B2B Marketing

B2B Marketing Benchmarks: Measuring Your Success in 2024

The phrase “lead generation” is one of the most commonly spoken phrases among B2B marketers.

If you want to grow your business, you need to find more leads.

Lead generation has always been one of the biggest challenges for marketers.

Here are some B2B benchmarks for lead generation:

Email Marketing Benchmarks in B2B

B2B Marketing Benchmarks: Measuring Your Success in 2024

One of the most important marketing channels for B2B marketers is email marketing.

Here are key email marketing benchmarks in B2B:

Why Listen to Me? I’ve generated over $1 million with email and get over 50,000 monthly visits on two niche blogs. I also run Storey Time, a newsletter where I teach people how to become full-time digital writers.

Content Marketing Performance Metrics

B2B Marketing Benchmarks: Measuring Your Success in 2024

Content marketing isn’t going away anytime soon, especially for B2B marketers.

Here are the top B2B content marketing metrics:

Social Media Benchmarks for B2B Companies

B2B Marketing Benchmarks: Measuring Your Success in 2024

Social media has been on the rise for years.

While Facebook use is trending down, new platforms like TikTok are seeing increases in B2B usage. 

Plus, with the rebrand from Twitter to X through the Musk takeover, B2B marketers continue to capitalize on social media to grow their audience and convert new customers.

Here are the crucial social media benchmarks for B2B companies:

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Benchmarks

While Google has seen some shaky algorithm changes in the past year, search engine optimization (SEO) continues to be a crucial marketing tool for B2B brands.

Here are key SEO benchmarks for B2B marketers:

B2B Marketing Benchmarks: Measuring Your Success in 2024

One of the fastest ways B2B brands can fuel audience growth and conversions is with paid advertising.

Here are key B2B benchmarks for paid ads:

Facebook Ads (Source)

  • Click Rate: 0.5%

  • Cost Per Click: $5.68

  • Conversion Rate: 10.63%

  • Cost Per Action: $23.77

LinkedIn Sponsored Content (Source)

  • Click Rate: 0.44%

  • Cost Per Click: $5.58

  • Conversion Rate: 5-15%

  • Cost Per Action: $30-$60

  • Search Campaigns Click Rate 2.41%

  • Search Campaigns Conversion Rate: 3.04%

  • Display Network Click Rate: 0.46%

  • Display Network Conversion Rate: 0.8%

Web Analytics and User Behavior Benchmarks

B2B Marketing Benchmarks: Measuring Your Success in 2024

Your website is the home base to your B2B digital marketing.

Here are some key B2B web analytics and user behavior benchmarks:

  • Average session duration: 2:51 minutes

  • Average pages per session: 3 pages

  • Average form conversion 2-3%

  • Average engagement rate: 63%

  • Overall conversion rate: 2-5%

Future of B2B Marketing Benchmarks

B2B Marketing Benchmarks: Measuring Your Success in 2024

The B2B marketing world is ever-changing.

With advancements in technology like AI and shifting economies, it’s crucial to analyze what the top B2B marketers are focusing on moving forward into 2024 and beyond.

Here are some future insights and trends with B2B marketing, based on research from LinkedIn that analyzed 1,954 B2B leaders across various industries.

Most Important Skills for B2B Marketing Teams

  • 58% Agility/adaptability

  • 50% Storytelling

  • 50% Problem solving

  • 46% Eagerness to adopt new technology

Top Changes to the Role of B2B CMO

  • 47% of CMOs will have a more direct role in driving revenue.

  • 47% of CMOS are expected to demonstrate impact to the bottom line.

  • 40% CMOS are under more pressure to prove ROI in less time.


  • 36% of B2B marketers plan to spend money on lead generation.

  • 60% of senior B2B marketers state that budgets have increased and will continue to increase in the coming year.

Top Challenges in the Next Two Years

  • 46%: Finding and converting customers

  • 40%: Implementing emerging technology (i.e., AI) into the marketing plan

  • 35%: Improving the customer experience

  • 30%: Selling C-suites on the value of the marketing department

  • 29%: Improving trust

  • 28%: Cutting budgets

  • 28%: Finding and retaining talent

  • 22%: Boosting data management

  • 15%: Lacking skills to keep up with the shifting landscape

The Role of AI in Setting Benchmarks

  • 3 in 4 B2B marketers are excited about investing in AI.

  • 53% of B2B marketers plan on using AI to improve workplace efficiency.

  • 54% of B2B marketers plan to leverage AI to create more content in less time.

  • 49% of B2B marketers plan to use AI to establish engaging content.

Leverage beehiiv To Boost Your B2B Marketing Performance

B2B Marketing Benchmarks: Measuring Your Success in 2024

As a B2B marketer, you need to know how your performance stacks up against your industry.

Without knowledge of industry averages, how can you be sure that you’re on the right track with your marketing efforts?

To remain competitive moving forward, you need to ensure that you’ve got a clear understanding of how your business, marketing, and performance stack up against the competition.

Two of the main challenges that B2B marketers face is generating and nurturing leads.

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