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  • Why Has My Mailchimp Account Been Deactivated

Why Has My Mailchimp Account Been Deactivated

Insights into Common Triggers for Mailchimp Account Suspensions

Having your Mailchimp account deactivated can be frustrating, especially if the reason isn't clear. 

This is a common dilemma faced by many Mailchimp users. Sometimes, the issue often arises without warning, leaving individuals and businesses stranded.

Some users are in this situation more than once, despite creating new accounts after initial suspensions.

This article aims to make clear the reasons behind these sudden deactivations, offering insights into Mailchimp's policies and guidelines. We’ll guide you on how to avoid potential pitfalls that lead to account suspension.

But if you're facing many deactivation challenges, it might be time to consider switching to beehiiv. You can make the transition in three easy steps.

Common Reasons for Mailchimp Account Deactivation

Why Has My Mailchimp Account Been Deactivated

Email marketing comes with a set of rules and regulations. Mailchimp, like any other ESP, enforces these to maintain the integrity and effectiveness of its service.

For example, ESPs need to be CAN-SPAM compliant

Key requirements of the CAN-SPAM Act include:

  • Providing clear, truthful, and non-deceptive subject lines in emails

  • Ensuring that the sender's information is accurate and identifiable, including a valid physical address

  • Offering a straightforward and visible opt-out mechanism for recipients who no longer wish to receive emails. 

Failure to comply with these requirements can result in legal repercussions for the ESP and the email sender.

We will explore the most common triggers for account deactivation, clarifying what might seem like sudden or unexplained actions by Mailchimp.

1. Quality of Your Email List

According to email deliverability expert Willson Joseph, in 99% of cases, account blockages are attributed to the quality of the email list used.

Many individuals and businesses acquire prospect data from third-party platforms, where the authenticity and integrity of the data are frequently questionable.

Such acquired lists often have spam traps, invalid or duplicate addresses, and contacts who have explicitly requested not to receive emails. 

When you send emails to these problematic addresses, it will negatively impact your domain reputation. It also affects the reputation of the delivery infrastructure, including the IPs used for sending these emails. 

In the context of Mailchimp, this means a potential downgrade in the reputation of their IP addresses, a scenario they are keen to avoid.

This is why Mailchimp quickly suspends accounts that engage in such risky email practices.

The lower your sender score or the reputation of your sending IP address, the higher the likelihood of your emails being relegated to spam folders or not being delivered. 

Now, we know sometimes it’s hard to start your email list from scratch. So, if you use purchased or downloaded lists, clean these lists. Remove unknown contacts, spam traps, invalid addresses, duplicates, and those who have opted out.

Better still would be to sign up with beehiiv and build organically grown email lists.

We have features designed to facilitate this. We offer user-friendly tools for:

  • Creating engaging content

  • Segmenting your audience for more personalized communication

  • Analyzing the performance of your campaigns

  • And finally, monetizing your newsletter

You create a more robust and effective email marketing strategy by focusing on subscribers who have actively opted in and shown interest in your content.

2. Not Re-Opting in Subscribers During Domain Change

A critical yet often overlooked aspect of email list management is the need to re-opt subscribers during domain change. 

This oversight can lead to the deactivation of your email marketing account with services like Mailchimp. 

Changing your domain without reconfirming subscriber consent will affect your emails' perceived legitimacy and trustworthiness. This impacts deliverability and engagement rates.

When you change your domain, it's more than just a simple update of contact details. It’s a shift in your brand's digital identity. Subscribers who signed up under the old domain might not recognize or trust the new one, leading to increased spam complaints and unsubscribes. This will be perceived negatively by ESPs, as it suggests poor list management and potential for spam.

To maintain the health of your email list and stay compliant with best practices, you should ensure you run a re-opt-in campaign. Send out communication from your new domain asking subscribers to confirm their willingness to continue receiving your emails.

This serves several purposes:

  • Ensures Compliance: It adheres to email marketing regulations and ESP policies, reinforcing that your list consists of subscribers who have actively chosen to receive your emails.

  • Builds Trust: It helps maintain transparency and trust with your audience, as you're openly communicating changes and seeking their consent.

  • Cleans Your List: This acts as a natural list-cleaning process. You’ll be able to filter out uninterested or unengaged subscribers and improve the overall quality of your email list.

  • Protects Sender Reputation: You reduce the risk of spam reports by ensuring that your subscribers recognize and expect your emails.

3. Your Account Is Inactive for 24 or More Months

Why Has My Mailchimp Account Been Deactivated

Mailchimp's terms of service highlight a significant policy regarding account inactivity: if your account remains inactive for 24 months or more, Mailchimp reserves the right to terminate it. 

Upon termination due to inactivity, Mailchimp explicitly states that all data associated with the account, including your campaigns, will be permanently deleted. 

This deletion removes all your emails, contact lists, account history, and analytics.

Check to see if you have used Mailchimp in the last 24 months.

In addition, in the future, if you plan to take a break from email marketing or won't be using your Mailchimp account for an extended period, plan accordingly.

Consider scheduling occasional updates or keeping minimal activity to prevent account termination. 

4. Payment Issues

If your Mailchimp account has been suddenly deactivated, consider your account's payment status, especially if your trial period has ended or there have been issues with your credit/debit card.

When you sign up for Mailchimp, you might initially be on a trial period, which allows you to explore and use their services without immediate cost. 

However, once this trial period concludes, a transition to a paid plan is required to continue enjoying the full range of services. If there's a lapse in this transition, whether due to oversight or a decision delay, Mailchimp may deactivate your account as it falls out of the active subscription category.

Also, issues with your credit or debit card can also lead to deactivation. This could happen for various reasons:

  • Expired Card: The automatic renewal or billing process will fail if your card on file with Mailchimp has expired.

  • Insufficient Funds: A lack of sufficient funds in your account during billing could lead to a transaction decline.

  • Bank Declines: Banks may sometimes flag and decline certain transactions due to internal policies or security reasons.

  • Card Information Errors: Any discrepancies in the card information (like billing address and CVV number) can result in a failed transaction.

Update your payment information or contact your bank to clear any blocks or misunderstandings to resolve the issue.

5. Violation of Content Standards

If your account has been deactivated, reflect on the nature of the content you've been sending. 

Mailchimp has strict policies against content that is discriminatory, hateful, or harassing. These policies are in place to ensure that the platform is used responsibly and ethically.

Discriminatory content includes any communication that unfairly differentiates or advocates against individuals or groups based on aspects like race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, or nationality. 

Hateful content refers to messages that promote hatred or violence against particular groups or individuals. Harassing content involves unwanted or threatening messages that create an environment of intimidation or abuse.

Such content can adversely affect the user experience and reflect poorly on Mailchimp's brand image, so they will just suspend your account.

Reinstating your account will involve demonstrating to Mailchimp that such violations won't recur and that future content will adhere to their guidelines.

6. Anonymous Account Information

Spammers often use fake or generic information to create multiple accounts for sending unsolicited emails. ESPs like Mailchimp are vigilant about such practices to protect their users and maintain the quality of their service.

So, when you use generic or anonymous details, such as registering as “Jane Smith” from “Generic City, USA,” it immediately signals potential issues to Mailchimp.

Also, laws governing electronic communications, like the CAN-SPAM Act in the United States, require that senders provide accurate information about who they are. Non-compliance can lead to legal issues.

So, did you use real, verifiable information when setting up your Mailchimp account? This includes your name, a valid physical address, and other contact details. 

7. High Rate of Hard Bounces

Why Has My Mailchimp Account Been Deactivated

Hard bounces occur when the recipient's mail server permanently rejects an email. This is due to reasons such as:

  • The recipient's email address is invalid

  • The domain name doesn’t exist

  • The recipient's email server completely blocks delivery

Many hard bounces suggest that your email list contains outdated or incorrect email addresses, indicating poor list management or using purchased or scraped email lists, which are against Mailchimp’s policies.

Mailchimp detected a high rate of hard bounces in your email campaigns, which raised a red flag, potentially leading to the suspension or deactivation of your account. 

This protective measure ensures that their service is not used for spam or other illegitimate purposes.

To handle the hard bounces, try cleaning and updating your email list. Remove invalid or outdated email addresses and ensure your list comprises subscribers who have actively opted in.

8. High Unsubscribe Rates

High unsubscribe rates often suggest that the content is not resonating with your audience. 

It could be perceived as irrelevant, too frequent, or needing to provide more value, leading subscribers to opt-out.

Subscribers who find the unsubscribe process cumbersome or continue receiving emails after opting out mark emails as spam. This affects your sender's reputation and triggers scrutiny from Mailchimp.

High unsubscribe rates reflect negatively on this experience, prompting Mailchimp to take action like deactivating your account.

Are your emails providing value to your subscribers and are tailored to their interests and needs?

Also, how frequently are you sending out your emails? Too many emails can overwhelm subscribers, leading to higher unsubscribe rates.

9. You Allowed Third Parties to Use Your Account to Send Campaigns

Mailchimp's terms clearly state that your account is for your use only. Allowing others to use your account for their email campaigns directly violates these terms.

Third parties may adhere to different standards or understand email marketing rules and regulations. 

This could lead to sending non-compliant emails, which can attract legal issues and damage your reputation and Mailchimp's.

If you get your account back and need to collaborate with third parties, consider alternative approaches like setting up a multi-user account with Mailchimp, which allows for collaborative work while maintaining individual account responsibilities and security. 

Always ensure that anyone involved in your email campaigns is aware of and complies with Mailchimp's policies and email marketing best practices.

Steps to Take When Your Mailchimp Account Is Deactivated

Why Has My Mailchimp Account Been Deactivated

If you find yourself in the unfortunate situation of having your Mailchimp account deactivated, take this structured approach to resolve the issue.

1. Check Your Email

Mailchimp sends a notification to the Primary Account Contact regarding the deactivation. This email contains specific details about why your account was deactivated and the steps you need to take to address the issue.

Make sure to read the email carefully. It often includes the policy; rule violated, or issue (like high bounce rates or spam complaints) that led to the deactivation.

Sometimes, this email might land in your spam or junk folder. So, if you don’t see it in your inbox, check these folders as well.

2. Log in to Mailchimp

Once you log in to Mailchimp, go to your account page. This section typically provides additional information or details about the deactivation.

Look for a detailed breakdown or report of the issues that contributed to the deactivation. This information can guide you in understanding what went wrong and how to correct it.

3. Resolve the Issue

The action required will depend on the reason for deactivation. For instance, if it's due to a high bounce rate, you will need to clean up your email list by removing invalid or inactive email addresses.

If the deactivation was due to policy violations, ensure you understand and implement Mailchimp’s guidelines:

  • Change how you collect email addresses

  • The type of content you send

  • How frequently do you email your list

Sometimes, you might need to provide Mailchimp with documentation or evidence that you have rectified the issue. This could include revised email strategies, list management practices, or other relevant changes.

4. Contact Mailchimp Support

If you’re unsure why your account was deactivated or need help resolving the issue, reach out to Mailchimp’s support team.

When you contact support, have all relevant information handy. This includes details about your account, the notification email you received, and any steps you’ve already taken to address the issue.

If your issue is not resolved immediately, follow up regularly. Keep track of any correspondence. This is useful if the issue needs to be escalated.

Final Thoughts

Mailchimp, like any other email service provider, operates within a framework designed to ensure effective and responsible use of its platform. 

The integrity of your email campaigns, the quality of your subscriber list, and the adherence to legal and ethical standards are central to the success of your email marketing efforts. 

Understanding why your account got deactivated is the first step in ensuring that your future campaigns remain compliant and effective.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Are the First Steps to Take When You Find Your Account Deactivated?

The first step is to check your email — the inbox of the primary account contact. Mailchimp sends a detailed notification explaining the reason for deactivation. 

Check your spam or junk folders if you don’t find it in your inbox. Next, log into your Mailchimp account and visit the Account page, where you'll find additional information or specifics regarding the deactivation. 

Based on the reason provided, start resolving the issue. If the reason for deactivation is unclear or you need further assistance, contact Mailchimp’s support team for guidance.

How Can I Better Understand Mailchimp’s Terms to Prevent Future Issues?

Start by thoroughly reviewing their Terms of Service and Acceptable Use Policy. Pay special attention to sections detailing permitted content, list management practices, and compliance with laws. 

Additionally, regularly check for any updates to their policies, as terms can change.

Is There a Way to Appeal a Mailchimp Account Deactivation Decision?

If you believe your account was deactivated by mistake or have rectified the issues that led to the deactivation, you can contact Mailchimp’s support team.

When doing so, provide a clear and concise explanation of your situation and any evidence or details supporting your case.

Use beehiiv Instead for Your Newsletters

Why Has My Mailchimp Account Been Deactivated

If you're encountering challenges with Mailchimp or simply seeking a more tailored solution for your newsletter needs, consider switching to beehiiv

beehiiv is specifically designed for newsletters. We offer features to help you create, publish, grow, or monetize your newsletter.

We integrate automation capabilities using a grid builder, allowing you to design a personalized automation journey for your subscribers. 

This includes adding steps, time delays, and conditional branches to create a tailored experience.

beehiiv’s advanced 3D analytics provides you with deep insights into the performance and engagement of your posts, allowing you to make data-driven decisions. 

You can filter your data by engagement metrics, helping you understand what resonates with your audience and where to improve. 

This feature is beneficial in managing and reducing unsubscribe and hard bounce rates, ensuring the health and effectiveness of your newsletter.

Switch to beehiiv and take your newsletter to the next level. Get started with our 30-day free trial.


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