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- Top Font Pairings That Will Keep Your Audience Coming Back in 2025
Top Font Pairings That Will Keep Your Audience Coming Back in 2025
Nailing This Small Detail Can Do Big Things for Your Business

You might be thinking, “I already have so much to do to grow my newsletter; why do I have to think about fonts, too?!” As the old saying goes, “The devil is in the details.”

Nailing your newsletter font pairings, can mean the difference between someone choosing to read your whole newsletter or clicking off after the first paragraph because something doesn’t feel right.
Yes, it’s that important! People like you and I may find this unbelievable, but there are people out there whose job is to sit around thinking about fonts all day.
Now that I think about it, you landed on this page, so you may be one of them. If so… Are you ok?
Fonts, like anything else, are a rabbit hole. A whole branch of psychology (unsurprisingly called font psychology) is dedicated to studying which fonts make people feel in which ways. Yes, different fonts evoke different emotions in people.

Font choice matters.
If you want to choose a newsletter font pairing and then forget about fonts forever, congratulations! You’ve come to the right place. We’ve done the heavy lifting for you.
Just look through some of the pairings we’ve put together below, choose a few you like, and implement them into your newsletter design.
Important Notes on Fonts
Before we dive in, let’s quickly cover some basic font terminology to help you follow the font pairings we’ll show and pair in this guide.
Serif: Serif fonts have small lines, known as “serifs,” attached to the ends of their main strokes. This gives them a more traditional, classic look.
Sans-Serif: Sans-serif fonts don’t have extra lines at the ends of strokes, giving them a clean and modern look. "Sans-serif" means “without serif.”
Below is a visual guide to the font styles we’ll discuss in this post.

If you ever need a free resource to look up different fonts, use Google Fonts! They’ve put together a library of every font you can imagine.
Now onto the pairings! Each card below shows a perfect newsletter pairing that’s been specifically chosen by beehiiv experts as one you could use in your newsletter.
I’ve used text from my favorite speech, JFK’s “We Choose to Go to The Moon,” as the example text for each font pairing.
Serif and Sans-Serif Pairings
Classic Pairings
Garamond & Arial

Georgia & Lato

Alegreya & Alegreya Sans

EB Garamond & DM Sans

Libre Baskerville & Open Sans

Contrast Pairings
Palatino & Arial

Times New Roman & Helvetica

PT Serif & PT Sans

Noto Serif & Noto Sans

Bitter & Roboto

Modern Pairings
Playfair Display & Raleway

Didot & Helvetica

Merriweather & Montserrat

Lora & Source Sans 3

Taviraj & Work Sans

Sans-Serif Combinations
Modern Sans-Serif Pairings
IBM Plex Sans & Space Grotesk

Inter & Poppins

Gothic A1 & Lato

Helvetica & Verdana

Roboto & Open Sans

Geometric and Humanist Sans-Serif Pairings
Montserrat & Raleway

DM Sans & Work Sans

Libre Franklin & Source Sans 3

Oswald & Lato

Serif Combinations
Traditional Serif Pairings
Garamond & Baskerville

Georgia & Palatino

EB Garamond & Libre Baskerville

Alegreya & Cormorant

Contrast for Readability
Playfair Display & Source Sans 3

Oswald & Georgia

Didot & Lato

Eczar & Open Sans

Bitter & Roboto

Where To Go From Here
In any newsletter, the content does the heavy lifting. The font is just one small part of the design process, but it can have massive implications for your brand.
Choosing the right font is as important as choosing the right newsletter provider. It can have long-term effects on your brand’s voice, tone, and level of audience participation.
If you're ready to start a well-branded newsletter, it’s time to sign up for beehiiv. Our platform pairs with Google Fonts, so you’ll have unlimited font choices.