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How to Launch an Effective Email Marketing Blast in 2023

Seven Tools & Five Strategies to Maximize Email Impact

What is a marketing email blast, and how does it differ from other types of email campaigns?

When marketers use the term 'email blast,' there's an unspoken negative connotation. A marketing email blast is considered an outdated marketing technique that lacks sophistication and personalization.

‘Blast email marketing’ implies sending an identical message to a large group of people. Modern email marketing campaigns (as opposed to 'blasts') include elements of segmenting and personalization that help connect the readers to the messaging.

But email marketing blasts can still play a significant role in your marketing strategy in 2023 — especially for email newsletter creators.

In this article, we'll discuss some of the best tools for marketing email blasts in 2023. We’ll also go over five key principles to ensure effective marketing campaigns and provide an overview of how to get started with marketing email blast campaigns.

Let's dive into it!

Email Marketing Blast (Five Best Practices for Newsletters)

Before discussing the best marketing email blast tools, it's important to understand some best practices for marketing email blasts, specifically for newsletter creators.

  1. Curate a specific audience: If you're sending niche content to a tightly curated audience who has opted in to receive your newsletter, then you're golden. While you can still divide your audience into segments and personalize your messaging, it isn't strictly essential.

How to Launch an Effective Email Marketing Blast in 2023
  1. Keep your list clean: Keep a clean email list of subscribers who are engaged with your content. This will help you avoid spam filters, maintain good sender reputation, and ensure that your messages get delivered to their inbox.

  2. Provide value: The key to marketing email blasts is providing value for your readers. Whether it's an industry article or a discount code, make sure your marketing emails provide something of value to your subscribers.

  3. Don't overdo it: Don't send marketing email blasts too often — otherwise, you risk annoying your readers and getting unsubscribes.

  4. Deliver what you promised: If people signed up for a weekly roundup of stock market news, don't start sending daily updates about bank interest rates unless they've opted into that list separately.

Marketing Email Blast (Best Tools For 2023)

Here are some of the best tools you can use when creating your email blast.

  • Grammarly: Grammarly is an AI-powered writing assistant that can help you optimize your content so it looks polished and professional. The free version offers one of the best proofreading experiences on the market, correcting your grammar, punctuation, and word usage. If you upgrade to the paid version, you'll unlock suggestions to improve your tone and clarity.

How to Launch an Effective Email Marketing Blast in 2023
  • Canva: Canva is a simple graphic design software that can help you create marketing emails with stunning visuals. Create a brand kit with your signature fonts, colors, logos, and design elements for cohesive branding. At the free level, the app offers a wide array of templates, fonts, clipart, and stock photography. Upgrade to a paid version to get even more high-end art plus collaboration tools for your team.

How to Launch an Effective Email Marketing Blast in 2023
  • Pexels: Pexels is an excellent resource for images for your email blast marketing. The library offers a huge selection of free stock photos that are royalty-free and licensed for commercial use.

How to Launch an Effective Email Marketing Blast in 2023
  • Subject line generator: Compelling subject lines are vital to get people to open your messages. This free AI-powered tool will give you lots of options to choose from. Just type in what your email is about, your company name, and the tone you're trying to convey. Then hit the button and you'll get a whole list of ideas.

How to Launch an Effective Email Marketing Blast in 2023
  • Jasper.ai: Jasper is an AI-powered writing platform that can help you come up with marketing angles, headlines, and content. While you should avoid using generic AI-written content in your emails, Jasper can act as a writing partner to help you flesh out and express your own original ideas.

How to Launch an Effective Email Marketing Blast in 2023
  • Ubersuggest: Neil Patel's Ubersuggest is an SEO tool that can help you research marketing email blast ideas. Input keywords and the tool will show you related topics as well as the popular search terms that people are looking for.

How to Launch an Effective Email Marketing Blast in 2023
  • beehiiv: Of course, this list wouldn't be complete without mentioning an email platform built for growth. beehiiv offers state-of-the-art editing tools, templates for branding, and built-in features like a media library to help you grow and monetize your audience.

How to Launch an Effective Email Marketing Blast in 2023

Blast Email Marketing (Getting Started In 2023)

Getting started with marketing email blasts in 2023 is easier than ever. Here are a few steps to get you up and running:

  1. Set up an email marketing platform: You'll need a platform like beehiiv to manage your mailing list, segment your subscribers, design marketing emails, and send out campaigns.

  2. Create a marketing plan: Put together an email marketing plan that outlines the kind of content you want to create, how often you want to send it out, and who you want to target. Be as specific as possible about who your audience is, what you plan to offer them, and what will make your emails stand out in a crowded inbox.

  3. Set SMART goals: Create SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-bound) marketing goals to focus your marketing email blast efforts. For example, reaching 10,000 subscribers by December, or having an open rate above 40% by January. SMART goals help keep your marketing plans on track and give you something to measure against later on.

    How to Launch an Effective Email Marketing Blast in 2023

  4. Build an audience: Use social media or other online channels to start marketing your business so that people know about you and opt-in to your email list. You can also use paid ads to get more people on board quickly. It's best to work with a tight niche audience so you can easily provide content that is tailored to their needs.

  5. Create emails: Use a template to keep your email content consistent. Make sure to include branding elements, visual content, and anything else that will make the email stand out. Many creators also use a template for the content, delivering the same sections, charts, and interactive elements in each edition for consistency (and to save time).

  6. Analyze performance: After you send out your marketing email blasts, review the results to see which campaigns performed best and how you can optimize for better results in the future. Compare your actual numbers to the SMART goals you set. This can help inform your marketing strategy going forward.

FAQs About Email Blast Marketing

What is a marketing blast?

A marketing blast is an email that is sent out to large groups of people at once in order to promote products or services. These marketing blasts are typically designed using visuals and compelling text that will catch readers' attention and encourage them to take action.

What are blast emails?

A blast email is an email marketing campaign that is sent out to a large group of people at once. These marketing blasts typically include visuals and persuasive text that will encourage readers to take action, such as buying a product or signing up for a service.

Does email blast marketing work?

Yes, email blast marketing can be an effective marketing tool when used correctly. It's important to curate your audience carefully and send them email content that is engaging and valuable to them.

How do you email a marketing blast?

Start by setting up an email marketing platform with a tool like beehiiv. You'll also need to create a marketing plan, build an audience, design your emails, and analyze performance to optimize for better results.

Email Blast Marketing (Closing Thoughts)

Email blast marketing is an effective way to reach new audiences and keep existing customers engaged. It's important to have a plan in place for marketing email blasts, with thoughtful content and visuals that will help you stand out from the crowd.

Use the tools above to get started, analyze performance, and optimize your campaign for better results. With careful planning and effort, marketing email blasts can become an integral part of your marketing strategy.

If you’re interested in email marketing, beehiiv is a great place to begin. Once you set up your account, you can start building your audience and designing emails right away!

How to Launch an Effective Email Marketing Blast in 2023


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