How to Migrate from Revue to beehiiv

How and Why You Should Make the Switch

If you have used the same email platform for a long time, the thought of switching to something different may feel stressful. However, the unique mix of features available on beehiiv is too powerful to ignore.

In addition to its robust features, beehiiv offers a simple process for Revue users to import their subscriber list and content. This makes it hassle-free to migrate from Revue to beehiiv.

The following is an overview of the key benefits driving newsletter creators to make the switch to beehiiv. You’ll learn the key steps involved in making this move for your business, including a detailed guide on exporting your subscribers and content from Revue to beehiiv. This has now become very timely based on Revue shutting down completely.

Why Switch from Revue to beehiiv?

Chances are, you’re here because you’ve been pondering a switch from Revue to beehiiv, and you wanted to know how the migration process works. Before looking at the migration process, it is helpful to know the main reasons people move to beehiiv.

Affordable, Flexible Pricing: beehiiv has a free plan if you are relatively new to email newsletters or you are slowly developing your subscriber list and content. For users serious about growth, there are a couple of paid plans with advanced features to help you increase your audience and build a best-in-class email newsletter.

How to Migrate from Revue to beehiiv

Innovative Focus on Growth: A lot of email service providers focus on enabling content creation and delivery. However, the developers of beehiiv focus on innovative features to help users grow their subscriber base. Advanced analytics provide you with powerful insight into your users and their interaction with your content. beehiiv also has an excellent built-in referral program that rewards your subscribers for referring others to your newsletter contact list.

Audience Polls: In addition to advanced analytics, collect first-hand data from your audience at any time using one-click polls. Audience insights allow you to find out what features and content your subscribers want.

API Access and Integrations: The digital marketplace thrives on efficiency through app integration. beehiiv allows integration with many of your favorite apps through API access. Integrations include Discord, Privy, Shopify, Squarespace, Webflow, WordPress, Wix, Zapier, and Zoom.

Versatile Content: beehiiv serves users with existing websites that use their newsletters for growth and audience retention. If that’s you, you can publish your newsletters to your on-site blog to boost your SEO results. beehiiv also caters to people who want a standalone newsletter.

Comprehensive Monetization: For writers looking to make money from their newsletter content, beehiiv offers a couple of great monetization options. You can set up a subscription plan and charge readers for access to some or all of your content (using paywalls). beehiiv also provides a great network of premium ad servers if you want to earn revenue from non-paying readers. beehiiv is unique among newsletter platforms because it doesn’t collect fees on your earned revenue.

Great Design Features: Like other providers, beehiiv offers templates for your newsletters. However, the real design strength lies in advanced customization features. You control the look and feel of your content, which optimizes your branding.

How to Migrate from Revue to beehiiv

Excellent New User Guide: You might have concerns about learning a platform when switching email service providers. beehiiv recognizes that, and has an excellent initiation guide to assist new users in learning how to set up and distribute newsletters successfully.

Optimized Delivery: Undelivered emails are a major frustration for newsletter creators. You take the time to build great content and grow your subscriber list, only to have emails fail to reach recipients. The significant personalization included in the design of newsletters with beehiiv reduces the potential that your emails will trigger spam detectors. They also have advanced deliverability features to help minimize the risk of email rejection.

Steps for Migrating from Revue to beehiiv

1. Export your subscribers from Revue.

How to Migrate from Revue to beehiiv

To prepare for your migration to beehiiv, you need to first capture your audience from Revue. To do so, go to the “Subscribers” tab in your navigation and choose “Options.” After that, choose “Export your Subscribers.” The process begins, and Revue sends you an email with your CSV file soon after.

Save the CSV file to your device or cloud storage for easy retrieval when you need to access it to upload to beehiiv.

2. Import your subscribers into beehiiv.

You are now ready to bring your audience into your beehiiv account. Simply go to “Settings” and select “Import Subscribers.” You will see two options for importing subscribers. The first is to “Upload Email List CSV” and click on the “Choose File” button. The other option is to input emails manually. You might choose this option if you need to add more emails.

After you choose “Upload Email List CSV,” you can attach the file you stored from your Revue export process.

How to Migrate from Revue to beehiiv

When ready, hit the “Import” button, and you will soon have your contact list loaded into beehiiv and ready to receive fresh contact.

Keep in mind it is important that all of the contacts you import have consented to receive your content for compliance with anti-spam laws and the beehiiv user policy.

How to Migrate from Revue to beehiiv

Once you hit import, you'll then be able to choose additional columns to import as well as create custom fields if you need to.

This is useful if your CSV has a column for [first name] and [last name].

How to Migrate from Revue to beehiiv

If you want to pull these in, it's straightforward.

Tick the columns First and Last. Type, First Name, and Last Name in the relative custom field section.

Then select the Data Type as String.

How to Migrate from Revue to beehiiv

This pulls in the user's email address, first name, and last name.

Now hit import.

You can then refresh your page and confirm the status of the import.

How to Migrate from Revue to beehiiv

Depending on which platform you used, you might have more subscribers in your previous platform than you do in beehiiv.

If you do see a slight difference in the number of subscribers, usually it's because of the validation process.

Every email added to Beehiiv runs through a validation service to ensure the email is not going to bounce and that it's a legitimate email and not one that's known from a spam list.

If they are found to be invalid, beehiiv won't add them.

So, keep that in mind when you're importing subscribers. You may see a smaller number than what you had in your previous platform.

3. Import your Content into beehiiv.

A fear of losing access to existing content is one of the main reasons a lot of business owners are reluctant to switch email newsletter platforms. Fortunately, you don’t have to worry about this issue with beehiiv. Importing content from Revue to beehiiv is especially simple. beehiiv has an automated import process for both Substack and Revue users.

To complete this step, you go to the “Settings” page just as you did to import your contacts. This time, choose “Import Content.” You then indicate where your content is currently located. Choose “Revue” (additional options are “Substack” and “Other”).

How to Migrate from Revue to beehiiv

After you choose the “Revue” import option, you need to enter either the publication URL where your content is located or your profile URL. Then, click on the “Import” button.

How to Migrate from Revue to beehiiv

That will then create new posts within your account under the posts section.

How to Migrate from Revue to beehiiv

Next, you can start creating and editing templates.

How to Migrate from Revue to beehiiv

Just go to the Templates tab and choose "start writing."

From the drop-down menu, select "use template." You can use one of beehiiv's templates or create your own from scratch.

How to Migrate from Revue to beehiiv

You can customize the layout, colors, and branding and add additional blocks like text, images, or buttons.

Don't forget to save your templates so you can reuse them for future emails.

How to Migrate from Revue to beehiiv

Once you have your templates set up, you're good to go.

Simply choose the template you want to use, add your content, and set your recipients.

Pretty easy, right?

You can now send your emails to all your subscribers or segment your list and send it to a specific group.

How to Migrate from Revue to beehiiv

You can also schedule your emails to be sent at a later date or time.

That's it. You're all done!

Preparing for the Migration: Tips and Best Practices

Here are a few tips and best practices to consider as you prepare to make the switch from Revue to beehiiv.

Back up your data

Before starting the migration process, it's crucial to create a backup of your data in case anything goes wrong during the transfer. This includes your subscriber list, newsletters, images, and other important information stored in Revue.

Inform your subscribers

It's important to let your subscribers know that you will be switching to a new platform and provide them with any necessary information on how the change will affect them.

This could include details on any changes to the content or frequency of your newsletters and instructions on how they can continue to receive your emails if they are not automatically transferred to the new platform.

Test the migration process

Before completing the migration, consider testing the process by transferring a small group of subscribers or a limited amount of content to ensure everything works correctly.

This can help you identify and fix any potential issues before they affect your entire subscriber base.

Update your website and social media accounts

If you have a website or social media accounts linked to your Revue newsletter, be sure to update these with information about the switch to beehiiv.

This could include a note on your homepage, a blog post about the change, or a social media update letting your followers know what to expect.

Seek support if needed

If you have any questions or have issues during the migration process, don't hesitate to seek support from the beehiiv team or online resources.


If you are a Revue newsletter user looking for more features and faster growth, beehiiv is the right platform for you. The migration process is simple, with fast contact uploads and automated content importing. Just follow the steps outlined here.

The benefits of beehiiv are fueled by the innovative thinking of our founders and their focus on helping writers grow an audience. With monthly payment plans and no long-term commitment, there is limited risk. We also offer annual billing discounts for users committed to sustained growth.

Sign up for beehiiv with your email address to get started!


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