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How Growth Daily Decreased CAC by 30% With the beehiiv Ad Network

How One Marketing Legend Tapped Into beehiiv’s Ad Network To Grow

There are multiple ways to grow your newsletter or business, and they usually require two things:

  • Investing your time

  • Investing your money

Determining the most effective ways to grow your business requires finding the most efficient ways to invest your money or time. 

The beehiiv Ad Network does just that — enabling you to pay for sponsorships, but saving time by doing all the work for you.

That’s what Marketing Max is doing with his beehiiv newsletter, Growth Daily.

In this case study, we break down how Growth Daily was able to decrease its customer acquisition cost (CAC) by 30% by leveraging the beehiiv Ad Network.

Let’s dive in!

Why Listen to Me? I’ve generated over $1 million with email and written over 1,000 blog posts. I run Storey Time, a newsletter where I teach people how to become full-time digital writers. Feel free to reach out to me on X anytime!

What Is the beehiiv Ad Network?

The beehiiv Ad Network is an advertising channel that enables brands to sponsor hundreds of premium newsletters.

Built by the same team that built Morning Brew's internal ad tools, the Ad Network is the simplest way to grow your business by leveraging the power of thousands of highly engaged audiences.

Leveraged by top brands like BetterHelp, Babbel, Brooklinen, and more, the beehiiv Ad Network is a seamless way you can generate more revenue, drive conversions, and double down on your goals.

By using beehiiv’s Ad Network, you leverage:

  • Over 1 billion monthly impressions

  • Nearly 60 million unique readers

  • 15,000+ top newsletters in the world

  • Average open rate of 39%

  • Average click-through rate of 4.3%

  • Average ad click-through rate of 1%+

Plus, you get access to transparent first-party data and reporting to ensure that you know you’re getting your money’s worth.

Start growing your business with the beehiiv Ad Network today.

How Growth Daily Decreased Their CAC by 30%

Growth Daily is a daily marketing newsletter all about optimizing your marketing growth.

In it, you’ll learn the latest growth marketing news, resources, tools, and techniques to fuel your marketing and grow your business.

Read by over 85,000 CEOs and marketers, this daily beehiiv newsletter is jam-packed with tips to fuel business growth regardless of your background or niche.

Marketing Max’s goal with Growth Daily was simple…to practice what he preaches and focus on growth.

His challenge was to grow the subscriber base of his newsletter while keeping customer acquisition costs (CAC) low.

Marketing Max began leveraging the beehiiv Ad Network to promote his newsletter in other newsletters.

Since he started, he shared how “The beehiiv ad network has grown from about 10% of our monthly marketing budget to almost 40% in a very short time.”

You might be thinking, Why would he want to be spending more on beehiiv’s Ad Network? The short answer? It’s giving him an incredible return on his investment (ROI).

Max explained, “From an economic perspective, we've been able to decrease our CAC by 30% using the beehiiv Ad Network.”

Through the Ad Network, Max has been able to find incredible placements for his ads to promote his newsletter (by placing it in other beehiiv newsletters).

And rather than spending tons of money through other sources, Max has found that he’s able to acquire subscribers at a cost-effective price. Plus, not only is he able to grow his newsletter fast, he’s also doing it without breaking a sweat - the Ad Network lets his sponsor hundreds of newsletters at once, without spending the time to negotiate or deal with each and every placement.

Max shared, “The Ad Network has made it easy to scale ad buys across multiple newsletters at an extremely effective and easy process. I have spent almost 6 figures worth of newsletter ads and never found anything as easy at this scale.”

Keep in mind: Max isn’t a marketing newbie (as you may have guessed by his name). He’s been in the game awhile and has extensive experience in leveraging paid media.

Max explained how beehiiv is one of his top acquisition channels overall. He shared, “OMG, this marketing channel has been our second best across all 15+ of our acquisition channels. From a CAC and quality perspective, it's a no-brainer once you crack your landing page!”

Is the beehiiv Ad Network Right for You?

With the beehiiv Ad Network, Marketing Max was able to reach his Growth Daily newsletter goals by growing his audience while simultaneously reducing his CAC.

By tapping into the highly engaged audiences within beehiiv’s newsletter network, Max was able to reduce his customer acquisition cost by 30% and continue growing fast.

Max shared a final thought, “The [beehiiv] team is amazing, and their communication skills are 10/10, which is so rare for any ad network or ad-buying service! I plan to use them for years to come.”

Are you looking to tap into new growth strategies?

It’s probably best to listen to the advice of the marketing expert with 85,000 newsletter subscribers and start advertising within the beehiiv Ad Network.

Double down on growth now by checking out the beehiiv Ad Network.


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