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News They Can Use: Content Inspiration for Your Email Newsletter

Capture Readers’ Attention From Beginning to End

Are you looking for a compelling newsletter idea that people will line up to read?

(We’re going to assume you are–I mean, who looks for boring ideas that no one wants to read?)

A successful newsletter must capture people's attention, provide them with intriguing content, and leave them looking forward to the next issue. That's a tall order — but there is a clear path to creating a captivating newsletter, and we’re here to share it with you.

What Makes a Successful Email Newsletter?

News They Can Use: Content Inspiration for Your Email Newsletter

To begin with, you need a solid understanding of your target audience and their content needs. You also need a unique slant on your idea that you can market with a single sentence. When all three of these factors come together, you've got a winning idea.

Begin by thinking about your target audience and content. Be specific — the best way to compete in a crowded marketplace is with a focused and tailored niche approach.

Here are some questions to help you identify the niche that's best for you:

  • Are you already an influencer with any specific groups?

  • What niche best fits your knowledge and expertise?

  • Are you a vocal member of any online groups?

  • What topics fire you up in conversation?

  • What kind of information do you enjoy exploring? Which internet wormholes are most likely to suck you in?

As you narrow your niche, you'll realize that content and target audience go hand in hand. For example, if the burning interest that you feel driven to explore is ballroom dance, your target audience will be ballroom dancers.

But even that area may be too broad if it's already well-serviced with information. You could drill down further and target ballroom dance instructors, competitive ballroom dancers, or those who are just starting out.

News They Can Use: Content Inspiration for Your Email Newsletter

How Do I Make an Email Newsletter More Interesting?

News They Can Use: Content Inspiration for Your Email Newsletter

Once you know who your audience is, make a list of the problems they face regularly. Look at the world from their point of view. Join their online groups and look at the questions they ask each other repeatedly.

For example, if your target audience is ballroom dance instructors, your first instinct might be to start writing content about teaching techniques and the history of different dance styles.

But once you get inside their heads, you may realize that their daily concerns include:

  • How to market classes

  • How to price classes

  • How to find the best places to teach

  • Dealing with difficult students

  • Finding more sources of revenue

  • Music rights for public performances

This is the content they really need. Your newsletter will be instantly more attractive to your audience once you focus on their needs instead of on the content you're interested in delivering.

How Do I Make a Catchy Newsletter?

Once you've identified your niche and its content needs, it's time to specialize further by creating your unique slant to deliver that content.

For example, our dance instructor newsletter could still go in several different directions, such as:

  • The Business of Ballroom: Marketing, profitability, and tax tips for dance instructors

  • Dance Instructor Weekly: Hot tips for your ballroom dance business

  • Ballroom Teacher Magazine: A monthly edition with ideas for marketing, creative teaching, and additional revenue

  • Business Bootcamp for Ballroom Teachers: Learn how to grow and franchise your ballroom dance biz

Each of these ideas would slant slightly differently when it comes to content. The same instructor might sign up for all four!

What Should I Say in an Email When Sending a Newsletter?

News They Can Use: Content Inspiration for Your Email Newsletter

When it comes to content ideas, keep in mind that readers engage with newsletters that offer helpful tips, informative news, and exciting stories.

But mostly, what they want is "news they can use" –content that helps them improve their lives or feel more knowledgeable about topics that matter to them. Give them what they're looking for, and they'll keep coming back for more.

Here are some ideas for what to write about:

  • Interviews with experts

  • Profiles of industry leaders

  • Listicles with tips and tricks

  • In-depth how-to articles

  • Round-up articles with ideas from lots of people

  • News about trends in the industry

  • Glossaries of technical terms

  • Resources like templates and printables

  • Top 10 lists

  • Compelling stories from within your target audience

What Are 5 Elements of an Effective Newsletter?

News They Can Use: Content Inspiration for Your Email Newsletter

When you're putting all that content into your newsletter, there are five main principles to consider:

  1. An eye-catching subject line

  2. A "scannable” design: headlines, topic headings, short paragraphs, and bulleted lists

  3. Quality content that's timely and relevant

  4. Engaging visuals (images, videos, etc.)

  5. A strong call to action or link for readers to take further action

If your newsletter includes all five of these foundational building blocks,, you'll have designed a compelling newsletter that readers will be eager to open and absorb.

What Are the Three Pillars of a Newsletter?

News They Can Use: Content Inspiration for Your Email Newsletter

Design is essential, but don’t let it distract you from the essence of your idea. Keep coming back to these three pillars:

  1. Target audience: know who your readers are and what they value

  2. Content needs: create content tailored to their interests, concerns, and goals

  3. Unique slant: market your idea by creating a unique angle on delivering relevant content

By focusing on these three areas, you can create a newsletter that will engage your readers and have them looking forward to each new edition.

Not only that–by providing targeted and valuable content, you’re more likely to earn referrals from your readers. They’ll be more likely to share your content with their friends and colleagues, helping to grow your mailing list even further. That's the power of an effective email newsletter!

Take the First Step

Ready to launch your newsletter? beehiiv is standing by with a platform designed to make creating and scaling your newsletter as easy and enjoyable as possible. For example, our email editor takes the hassle out of newsletter design, our analytics tools provide deep insights into reader engagement, and we offer built-in features for monetization, referrals, and more.

We're here to help make it easy for you to launch and grow a successful email newsletter. Sign up today and start engaging readers with content tailored to their interests!


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