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Best Solutions For Email Mass Marketing 2023

Email Mass Marketing Top Tips and Services

Email mass marketing has been around for many years, and with around 306.4 billion emails sent and received daily, it shows no signs of slowing down. Mass marketing is key to gaining exposure for your brand on a higher level. But what is it, and how can you use it to jump-start your email marketing?

Best Solutions For Email Mass Marketing 2023

Mass email marketing is, essentially, the marketing strategy of sending bulk emails to a large group of recipients. Mass emails are often used to promote a product or service, to onboard new customers, and to increase exposure for a brand.

Keep reading to learn all about mass email marketing, including whether it’s effective, top considerations, and our recommended tools to supercharge your mass email marketing.

What Is Mass Email Marketing and Is It Effective?

Best Solutions For Email Mass Marketing 2023

As briefly explained above, mass email marketing is the practice of creating an email template and sending it to a large list of email addresses. This is also known as an email blast, as you can organize a quick ‘blast’ of emails to increase exposure for your brand.

If carried out correctly, mass email marketing can be very effective. We’ll discuss best practices in further detail later, but here’s a quick-fire list of things you definitely want to avoid:

  • Spammy emails. Emails that include too many sales buzzwords, such as ‘promo’ or ‘free’,’ can hit spam filters. When sending emails en masse, it’s super easy for your email address to be blacklisted, especially if you send too many spammy emails.

  • Using brand new domains. This is a surefire way to hit your subscribers’ spam folders, as brand new domains won’t have built up a good sender reputation. Warm up a new domain by gradually sending emails to more and more people before using it to send a mass email campaign.

  • Sending mass emails to unverified lists. Ideally, when sending mass emails, you want to know that your mailing list is full of subscribers that are likely to open your emails. Sending to unverified contacts could result in a high bounce rate or low open rates, and no one wants those.

Mass Email Marketing (Best Options)

We’ve put together a few more mass email marketing solutions to give you a broader look at what’s available to you. Check them out below.


Best Solutions For Email Mass Marketing 2023

If you’ve been in the email marketing game for a while, you’ve probably heard of ActiveCampaign. These guys have over 150,000 small business customers and allow you to send unlimited emails in each of their plans.

They offer some decent CRM features and provide benefits such as A/B testing and machine learning to their customers.

However, ActiveCampaign can get pretty pricey as your subscriber lists grow. You’ll be looking at a monthly price of at least $299 if you have 100,000 contacts or more, so ongoing costs are worth bearing in mind before sign-up.


Best Solutions For Email Mass Marketing 2023

Sendinblue is worth a look as a mass email marketing service if you’re not a developer but still want to send beautiful email templates en masse.

With their drag-and-drop editor, Sendinblue enables customers to create a design from scratch without needing to be a technical expert. Other features include decent reporting capabilities, plenty of automation, and contact segmentation. It’s a little cheaper than ActiveCampaign, at $173 per month for 100,000 contacts. However, this is still expensive when compared with beehiiv’s top plans.


Best Solutions For Email Mass Marketing 2023

Next up on our list of recommended email mass marketing solutions is the company Moosend, which offers unlimited sending to all their customers, no matter the number of subscribers they have.

The Moosend platform is very user-friendly–plus, you’ll have access to all their features even from their cheapest plan of $10 per month.

However, the Moosend system looks quite dated, and if you have a high number of subscribers in mind for your mass email marketing campaigns, their high monthly fee may sting. Moosend charges $585 per month for 100,000 contacts, which would get super expensive just a few months down the line.


Best Solutions For Email Mass Marketing 2023

For smaller email lists, MailerLite is a good option.

MailerLite still allows you to dabble in mass email marketing, offering customers 12,000 email sends per month for free. This is ideal if you want to try out some mass email campaigns without getting in deep too quickly.

However, this only applies if you have fewer than 1,000 subscribers; and sending 12,000 emails to 1,000 people each month will likely result in a very high spam score for your domain.

The system is also pretty basic, lacking crucial features such as advanced customization or A/B testing.


Best Solutions For Email Mass Marketing 2023

Last on our list is ConvertKit, which is worth a look if you’re looking for a mass email marketing provider that caters to creatives, such as bloggers or teachers, for example.

Benefits include automation, the ability to sell digital products/subscriptions, and both HTML and HTML-free email templates.

The main downside to ConvertKit is that they don’t offer many in-depth features, such as A/B testing or advanced reporting. It’s also the most expensive out of all the tools we’ve talked about today, with a monthly fee of $679 for 100,000 contacts - gulp!


Best Solutions For Email Mass Marketing 2023

You may think we’re biased, but the beehiiv system is perfectly designed to send emails en masse. Unlike other mass marketing email services, we don’t penalize our customers financially for building larger email lists. Our top plan, Enterprise, allows you to store unlimited subscribers in your account, with unlimited sends. You’ll also gain the functionality of dedicated email blasts, allowing you to bulk-send emails in just a couple of clicks.

Even with our free plan, you can store up to 2,500 contacts and benefit from unlimited sending! Sign up with beehiiv today to set up your mass email marketing campaign without spending a single dime.

Mass Email Marketing Service (Key Considerations)

Best Solutions For Email Mass Marketing 2023

Now you know our recommended mass email marketing services, let’s take a more in-depth look at some best practices and key considerations for mass email sending.


Frequency is arguably the most important consideration when preparing to send a mass email campaign. Sending to a high number of contacts is all very well, but over-sending is a guaranteed way of your emails hitting spam folders.

When people think of mass email marketing campaigns, they may think this means sending 1,000 emails at once to one person; however, this is definitely not the case.

Think carefully about how often you want to bulk-send email to your subscribers to ensure you’re maintaining a good domain reputation and keeping your subscribers happy.

If you want to know more about how often you should email your subscriber lists, take a look at our blog for helpful articles.

Subject Line

Subject lines are important with any email campaign, but they’re particularly important when it comes to mass emails. If many of your emails go unopened, you’ll have a high unopen rate on your account, and you want this to be as low as possible. Subject lines are one of the most influential factors in a reader’s decision to hit ‘open’ or ‘delete,’ so they need to be top-notch if you want to keep that unopen rate low.

Come up with a topic for your email first, and then craft a catchy subject line to grab your subscribers’ attention when your email lands in their inbox.

For inspiration on subject lines, check out the beehiiv blog.

Valuable Content

Valuable content is super important when it comes to bulk emails. As mentioned earlier, people are used to receiving many emails every day, and they’ll only engage with the ones that stand out and provide them with something they’re interested in.

Get to know your subscribers before you run a bulk email campaign, and tailor the content to ensure good open rates and conversion rates.

If you have contacts in Gmail you’d like to send your bulk emails to, this can also work. Check out our how-to guide for tips on how to send a mass email in Gmail.


On a similar note, personalization is key when creating a bulk email campaign. Bulk emails get a bad rap in terms of personalization, as typically they’re just blanket emails with no clear purpose other than to reach as many people as possible.

Personalizing a bulk email is very easy, and can make all the difference when giving your subscribers a more customized experience. Start the email with their first name, for example, or even try including their name in the subject line. This will make the email appear more relevant to them, encouraging them to open it and engage with your brand.

Call To Action

Last, but certainly not least, is a strong Call To Action (CTA). While bulk emails are great for exposure, ultimately you want your subscribers to take an action once they’ve read your email rather than forgetting all about your brand once they’ve stopped reading.

Good CTAs include ‘Book An Appointment’ or ‘Start A Free Trial’. Think carefully about what the aim of your email is and what action that you want your subscribers to carry out. Make sure to include at least a few CTAs throughout your bulk email template.

Mass Marketing Email Service (Getting Started)

So there you have it. Everything you need to know about mass email marketing, including some recommendations of different providers and best practices.

Now, let’s get your mass email marketing campaign up and running with beehiiv! It’s free to sign up, and you’ll be able send unlimited emails to a maximum of 2,500 subscribers without paying a penny. beehiiv is considerably more affordable than other mass email platforms and provides essential features, such as dedicated email blasts, audience segmentation, and the ability to monetize your newsletters.

Get started for free with beehiiv today and start spreading the word about your brand!


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