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Email Broadcasting: Everything You Need To Know

A Step-by-Step Beginner's Email Broadcasting Tutorial

Sam Ryan is an emerging artist, skilled in crafting a diverse array of paintings.

Email Broadcasting: Everything You Need To Know

Sam gained popularity when Joe Rogan and Morgan Freeman reposted portraits of them painted by Sam. 

This reposting brought attention to Sam's Instagram page, but as you may not know, attention differs from followers, buyers, and earnings. 

According to Hootsuite, on Instagram, the average reach rate for brands with large followings is 12% for posts and 2% for Stories. And it only lasts for 24 hours. 

However, Sam did something clever to take advantage of the momentum and 5 minutes of fame he got. 

What did he do? 

He started a newsletter using beehiiv to broadcast emails to everyone. 

Since starting his newsletter, Sam's paintings are sold minutes after an email broadcasts to his audience. This creates great urgency for every subscriber to run and open any new email he broadcasts every week. 

In this article, you will learn how to email broadcast to your audience and take advantage of the most effective marketing tool.

Understanding Email Broadcasting

Email broadcasting is a powerful marketing tool that plays a pivotal role in reaching and engaging audiences effectively. 

At its core, email broadcasting involves simultaneously sending a single message to a large group of recipients, usually newsletter subscribers. 

This method is commonly used for various purposes, including marketing campaigns, announcements, and spreading information. 

While algorithms restrict posts on social media platforms, the appeal of email broadcasting lies in its seamless capacity to overcome geographical boundaries.

This medium empowers you to connect with your target audience seamlessly without the constraints imposed by algorithmic preferences.

How Email Broadcasting Works

Email Broadcasting: Everything You Need To Know

Email broadcasting is a lot different from regular emails where messages are typically sent on a one-to-one basis. 

While email broadcasting revolves around sending a single email to multiple recipients. 

It is the sweet balance, allowing for mass distribution without sacrificing personalization. 

It involves creating a message template, selecting a recipient list, and leveraging automation to ensure efficient delivery.

Benefits of Email Broadcasting


One of the primary advantages of email broadcasting is its cost-effectiveness. 

Traditional marketing methods often incur significant expenses, but email broadcasting allows for a broad reach at a relatively low cost. 

The automation aspect further contributes to cost savings by reducing the need for extensive manual effort. 

This affordability makes it an attractive option for artists like Sam Ryan, who may operate on a limited budget but aspire to showcase their work to a larger audience.

Reach and Engagement

Email broadcasting excels in reaching a wide audience while fostering meaningful engagement. 

Through carefully crafted messages, artists can convey their artistic vision, upcoming exhibitions, or new releases directly to their subscribers.

In an interview with the beehiiv team, Sam reported a 50% and 60% open rate in his weekly newsletter. 

The ability to personalize content ensures that recipients receive relevant information, enhancing the likelihood of positive responses. 

By building a curated email list, artists like Sam Ryan can connect with individuals interested in their work, fostering a community of engaged supporters and buyers.

Email Broadcasting: Everything You Need To Know

For artists, musicians, business people, or anyone seeking to amplify their presence and share their art with a broader audience, becoming adept at email broadcasting can play a vital role in their promotional strategy.

Best platforms for email broadcasting

Email Broadcasting: Everything You Need To Know

beehiiv excels in providing an intuitive platform for email broadcasting, making it easy for users like artists to design visually appealing emails.

The drag-and-drop editor simplifies the creative process, while automation features streamline campaign management. 

beehiiv's focus on user-friendly design ensures that even those without extensive technical skills can create and broadcast engaging emails efficiently.

This will ensure your email broadcasting follows the best practices and is ranked well on your recipient's inboxes.

Also, its robust analytics tools offer in-depth insights into campaign performance, helping users refine their strategies. 

With features like A/B testing and detailed reporting, beehiiv empowers artists and marketers to optimize their email broadcasting efforts for maximum impact. 

Email Broadcasting: Everything You Need To Know

is a versatile email marketing platform known for its scalability and user-friendly interface. It empowers businesses to create, automate, and analyze campaigns.

However, some users note limitations in advanced automation features and pricing changes that may impact certain businesses negatively.

Email Broadcasting: Everything You Need To Know

Constant Contact is an email marketing platform featuring an extensive template library for visually appealing campaigns. 

With a focus on deliverability, it ensures emails reach the target audience.

However, users have reported limitations in automation complexity and the potential for costs to increase as the subscriber list grows.

Your Seven Day Guide to Email Broadcasting Success

Email Broadcasting: Everything You Need To Know

Sam Ryan embodies success, and there are countless individuals with similarly triumphant stories. It's now your opportunity to transform your own narrative into one of success. 

Every journey begins with a single step. Here are your first steps toward success in email broadcasting. 

Day 1: Define Objectives and Target Audience

Identify your goals for the email broadcast:

The first step is clearly outlining your aim with your email broadcasting campaigns. 

Whether it's driving sales, building brand awareness, or fostering engagement, having specific goals directs your strategy.

For Sam, it was to engage with his audience, bring awareness to his paintings, and ultimately sell those paintings. 

Define your target audience and create buyer personas:

Understand your ideal recipients by defining demographics, interests, and behaviors. 

Create detailed buyer personas to humanize your audience. This ensures that your content resonates with their needs and preferences.

If you need to know your buyer persona, share some of your art and see which people comment on your work. This will give you an idea of whom you are attracting. 

Day 2: Choose an Email Marketing Platform

Research and choose a suitable email marketing platform:

Investigate platforms like beehiiv, Mailchimp, or Constant Contact to find the one that aligns with your needs. 

Consider factors such as ease of use, scalability, pricing, and available features. This choice forms the backbone of your email broadcasting strategy.

Set up your account and explore available features:

Create an account on the selected platform and familiarize yourself with its features. 

Understand how to import contacts, design emails, and utilize automation tools. This step lays the groundwork for efficient campaign management.

Day 3: Build an Email List

Create a sign-up form on your website:

Design a user-friendly sign-up form on your website, prompting visitors to subscribe. 

Collect essential information and set expectations for the type and frequency of emails they will receive.

Leverage social media to encourage sign-ups:

Promote your email list on social media platforms. Use engaging content to encourage followers to subscribe. 

Leverage visual elements and clear calls to action to drive sign-ups.

Consider offering incentives for subscriptions:

Boost sign-up rates by offering incentives such as discounts, exclusive content, or free resources. 

Make the value of subscribing apparent to potential subscribers, motivating them to join your email list.

Sam gives some paintings or posts to his subscribers for free based on a referral program. The more you share, the more you can win a free painting. 

Day 4: Craft a Compelling Welcome Email

Design a welcome email for new subscribers:

Create a visually appealing welcome email that reflects your brand. Express gratitude for the subscription and provide a brief overview of what subscribers can expect from your emails.

Introduce yourself and set expectations for future communications:

Personalize the welcome email by introducing yourself or your brand. 

Clearly communicate the value subscribers will receive, whether it's exclusive content, updates, or special offers. Set expectations to establish a transparent relationship.

Day 5: Create Engaging Content

Develop content for your first broadcast:

Craft content that aligns with your objectives and resonates with your audience. 

Whether it's a newsletter, promotional offer, or storytelling piece, ensure it provides value and captures attention.

Keep it relevant, valuable, and aligned with your audience's interests:

Tailor your content to address your audience's interests and needs.

Ensure it's relevant, valuable, and aligns with the expectations set in your welcome email. Maintain a consistent tone and style that reflects your brand.

Day 6: Design and Test Your Email

Use the email marketing platform's tools to design an eye-catching email:

Utilize the design features of your chosen platform to create visually appealing emails

Pay attention to layout, images, and formatting. Ensure your branding elements are consistent across all communications.

Test the email on different devices to ensure compatibility:

Test your email on various devices to guarantee a seamless viewing experience for all subscribers. 

Check responsiveness, load times, and overall appearance to address any issues before the broadcast.

Day 7: Schedule and Analyze

Schedule the email broadcast for optimal timing:

Choose the best time to send your email based on your audience's habits and preferences. 

Consider factors like time zones and industry-specific peak hours. Schedule the broadcast for maximum impact.

Monitor key metrics such as open rates and click-through rates:

Once the email is sent, closely monitor key metrics like open rates and click-through rates

Analyze the data to understand audience engagement and identify areas for improvement in future campaigns.

Gather insights to refine future email broadcasts:

Reflect on the performance metrics and gather insights. Understand what worked well and areas that may need adjustment. 

Use this data to refine your email broadcasting strategy for future campaigns, ensuring continuous improvement and success.

Final Thoughts on Email Broadasting

Well, there you have it, all the information you might need to kick off your emailing journey. Sam Ryan is just one of many examples of email broadcasting success. 

Anyone can achieve the same results by following this method and leveraging their own skillset.

With beehiiv, you don't have to be an email marketing expert to get significant results. You put in the work; we provide the tools for success. 

Try it for yourself and savor the results. Take your first step today!


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