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Creator Spotlight: Doone Roisin of Female Startup Club shares her content and business structure

Growing from podcast to newsletter

This creator spotlight has been reposted from creatorspotlight.com

About the Creator

Doone Roisin started her content creation journey with her podcast, Female Startup Club, at the end of 2019. She started by creating quick videos on social media with no real intent of doing anything with it. At the time she was building a DTC jewelry brand and unsure if it was something she wanted to do long term.

She began chatting with her founder friends for insights, advice, and a bit of guidance. She then started posting these conversations on social media, because she felt it was valuable information.

That’s when she realized how much she was getting out of it.

Fast forward to 2020 - the pandemic hits. In March of 2020 she had just a few episodes, each about 10 minutes long, all of which were recorded from her phone. She decided to start posting more episodes, thinking that people would derive more benefit from that then they would from jewelry.

She shut down her jewelry brand and began her transition. The pandemic allowed her the time she needed to consistently create and post content, which she began doing seven times a week. She quickly identified her niche in E- commerce, because that was her background and what she felt most comfortable speaking confidently on.

Her podcast took off soon after and she started building her community. She realized what was missing was a more direct line of communication with her audience, which was when she decided to start her newsletter in 2021.

About the Newsletter

How did you create your content strategy after expanding into newsletters?

DR: We kind of just talked about the newsletter on social media and on the show, but what we do is take the gold bits from the show, and we repurpose that into the newsletter. We put breakdown strategies of “how to do X,” or “these are the top three things that we learned from this amazing founder, who sold her company for $200 million,” whatever it might be. We then started to add in different things that we thought our audience would appreciate, in just one wrap up, like if they're coming to one newsletter to read, what do they need to read.

We started pulling together all the news and adding elements of pop culture as well because it does draw interest. We include insights, strategies and job opportunities at female founded companies. It keeps it simple to read, and basically just like this kind of nice, juicy breakdown that you start your week with, to get up to speed and get a bit smarter.

What sparked the interest in Female founded startups?

DR: I remember this moment where I was reading Tim Ferriss' book, Tools of Titans, and I loved it. I was like, this is super cool, these are all super direct, no bullshit strategies, biohacking, like, all these things that are just my vibe. It was a good breakdown of strategy where they were covering important things like money or the mistakes people make, growth, and all these other non-fluffy topics. But when I was reading the book, I was like, gosh, it's just all dudes in here. There were only a handful of women in the book.

And I thought to myself, I want to hear this same strategy and the same approach but from successful women, because it's harder for me to relate to these guys. So I decided to start focusing on women and just kind of follow that same blueprint of strategies. You know, biohacking. Like, how do you win the day? That's how it started and where the overall inspiration came from.

How were you able to build connections with such big CEO’s/Founders?

DR: So in the beginning, it started with me just emailing hundreds of people all the time that I was really inspired by, I would follow up, ask questions, and had to really hustle. But once I started getting guests that had more of a hook to them and were more in the scene is when things really started to change. I was able to get a different caliber of guests. That was kind of in the beginning.

But now what's really beautiful and amazing is, I just get so much inbound, I'm connected to all the PR companies, I'm connected to a lot of people who inbound to me, but what I also have done since the very beginning, is my onboarding for the podcast, I have a section that asks for referrals. Like who else would be amazing? Because every entrepreneur has at least one friend that's an entrepreneur.

Learn more about the inspiration behind Female Startup Club…


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