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How to Claim a Google Search Console Property

Grow Your Business With Google Analytics

With analytics, you can enhance the reach and impact of everything you publish. Without it, you’re flying blind.

We’ve shown you how to make the most of Google Analytics, but here we’re going to focus on claiming a Google Search Console property.

As a quick refresher, Google Search Console is the free tool that enables you to access Google Analytics. It reveals areas where you can improve your Search Engine Optimization (SEO), as well as pointing out issues you should fix.

Search Console can also show you what’s bringing users to your site and analyze clicks and impressions.

Before we get too deep into the weeds, let’s take a look at what we mean by adding a property to Google Search Console.

By “property,” we mean a specific URL or an entire domain that Google can analyze. There is an important distinction between these two kinds of property.

Adding a Domain as a Property in Google Search Console

Your website may have different configurations. For example, whether someone types http://yourstuff.com, www.yourstuff.com, https://yourstuff.com, or a few other permutations, these are all variations of the same domain: yourstuff.com.

When you add your domain as a property, Google can track and analyze data regardless of which variation was liked or typed when a user arrived at your site.

Most business owners will want to add a full domain as a property. However, there are exceptions.

Adding a Single URL as a Property in Google Search Console

A single variation, such as https://www.yourstuff.com, creates a different effect. In this case, you have only claimed one specific variation as a property. If someone reaches your site without typing www in the URL, their activity won’t be included in analytics.

Most likely, you don’t want to limit your results in this way. But there may be exceptions.

For one thing, it is easier to add a single URL, and you have more ways of verifying that you own the property, which is the first step.

In addition, there may be situations in which you want to test the performance of different pages or different variations. Some of the most ambitious SEO experts will add both the domain and individual URLs.

We'll show you how to do all of this in a moment.

How Do I Claim Google Console?

Google search console is free and available for everyone. All you need is a Google account. If you use Gmail, YouTube, or Google Drive then you’re already set up.

How do I Add a Property to Google Search Console?

Once you’re in Search Console, you will be able to see any properties you have in the dropdown menu in the upper left of your screen.

How to Claim a Google Search Console Property

If your property isn’t on the list, you can add it in three basic steps.

Step 1: Decide Whether to Add a Domain or a URL Property to Search Console

Click the drop-down menu we showed you above. At the very bottom of the menu, select Add Property.

How to Claim a Google Search Console Property

A dialogue box will open, asking you whether you want to add a domain or a URL. Make your choice, enter the relevant information, and click “Continue.”

How to Claim a Google Search Console Property

Step 2: Add Google Code to the Property

At this point, Google will give you various choices.

If you are just adding a URL, these choices mostly involve uploading a file to your website or copying and pasting a string of code somewhere in your site’s html. Google will give you instructions on how to do this.

If you are adding a domain as a property, you will need to log into either the account where you registered your domain or your web hosting account.

Once you do so, the instructions will vary, but generally you are looking for a place where you can add or edit “DNS records.” You will have to copy and paste a long string of code in the DNS records.

Step 3: Verify the Property

Once you have pasted or uploaded the data, go back into your Search Console and click “Verify” at the bottom of the popup instructions.

How to Claim a Google Search Console Property

It may take some time for Google to detect the code you added to your site. Fortunately, if you have to leave in mid-process you won’t have to start over from scratch. You can simply click “Verify Later” and continue where you left off when you have time again.

It’s also important to keep in mind that once you’ve uploaded or pasted the information Google provides, it may take up to 24 hours to update. When you click “Verify,” Google will confirm that you were successful, but if this doesn’t happen right away you may just want to sit tight and click “Verify” after you’ve had a meal or a good night’s sleep.

How to Claim a Google Search Console Property

Can You Transfer Ownership of Google Console?

There are some confusing and ever-changing methods to transfer ownership of apps in your Google Play Console, but we won’t cover those here.

In the case of Google Search Console, you can’t transfer ownership, because the Search Console is a part of your Google account. This would be like transferring ownership of your Gmail.

How to Give Access and Permissions in your Google Search Console

You may want to hire a webmaster, virtual assistant, or other employee to manage your website. When you do this, you can easily give other people full or limited access to any property added to your console.

This isn't hard to do. Just go to Search Console and select the right property from the dropdown menu. Then scroll down the menu on the left until you get to Settings.

How to Claim a Google Search Console Property

Once you’re in Settings, Click on “Users and Permissions” near the middle of the screen.

How to Claim a Google Search Console Property

Click “Add User” at the top right.

How to Claim a Google Search Console Property

Enter the Gmail for the user you want to add, and open the dropdown menu under “Permissions.”

How to Claim a Google Search Console Property

From this menu, you can assign different levels of access.

If you designate someone an Owner, they will have full access to the property in Search Console. They can view all the data, and use all the tools. They will also have the ability to make changes in Settings, and add or remove other users.

A Full user can view all the data and can use some of the tools. (Google doesn’t specify what they can or can’t do.)

A Restricted user can view the data, but can’t make changes to your Google Search Console.

Harness the Power of Google Analytics the Easy Way

Now that you know how to add a property to Google Search Console, we would be irresponsible if we didn’t show you a simpler way of getting the same information and benefits.

You see, newsletter analytics are one of the main pillars of beehiiv. If we are hosting your website, you can easily use Google Analytics to track new signups and gain important insights about your readers.

If you prefer to bypass all the steps we outlined in this article, then all you need to do is start a beehiiv newsletter.


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