Beyond the Inbox: The Power of Community

Benefits of building community around your newsletter

In a world dominated by social media platforms, where algorithms determine what content you see, newsletters have emerged as a game-changing medium for authors to communicate directly with their readers.

Unlike social media, newsletters cut through the noise and deliver valuable content straight to your inbox, helping forge a more personal connection. Email becomes an asset for your business and creates a unique connection with your audience that other channels can’t.

And the best part?

Your connections with each reader who hands over their precious email address are enduring and portable.

When comparing your social media account to your newsletter, it becomes clear that your subscriber count holds far greater value than your follower count. I’m sure we can all agree that the dreaded unsubscribe hits much harder than an unfollow.

So, I guess I’d caveat what I said about your email list, as even if you consistently deliver exceptional content, it doesn’t mean you’ll retain subscribers and the connection.

“Unsubscribe” is a scary word in the newsletter world. It can also be quite mysterious, like trying to solve a riddle without any clues. The hard thing about unsubscribes is it’s very difficult to determine why someone chose to do so.

Was it your content?

Did they not have time to read it?

Were they oversubscribed to newsletters and need to do an inbox cleanse?

All of the above?

We truly don’t know, and the reasons can be endless. However, what you can be certain of is that they lacked an emotional connection with you and your newsletter. At best, they were merely passive readers.

Beyond the Inbox: The Power of Community

But I have good news for you – while we may not have control over who unsubscribes or why, we can absolutely take action to transform those passive readers into more devoted fans. And that's where community– the focal point of this article–comes into play.

To truly engage your subscribers and turn them into advocates and die-hards, you’ll need to go beyond the confines of the inbox.

You must build a vibrant community that fosters connections, meaningful interactions, and a sense of belonging among your readers – something that they couldn’t imagine losing and are consciously aware of not accidentally clicking unsubscribe.

Let's dive into a real-life example.

During the pandemic, I ran a small newsletter tailored to helping new software engineers navigate their careers. It was the perfect time for it, with people realizing the importance of acquiring new skills and considering career changes while stuck at home.

With each edition I sent out, I often received a handful of questions on the given topic, many of which were similar or asked the same exact question.

After a few months of repeatedly addressing the same set of questions, I had the idea to throw together a Slack group where I could answer them all in one place. My mind was not on “community building,” and little did I know about the immense potential and opportunities it would create for my newsletter.

Most of the time, topics to write on came pretty easily to me, and I also kept a backlog of ideas, but there were certainly weeks that I would just feel stuck and writer's block would set in – I’m sure you know the feeling.

However, those moments became few and far between almost from day one of opening up my Slack group. Although the intent of the group was to save time answering questions from my newsletter content, as my subscribers joined the community, they began asking for help or posting questions about various programming topics I wasn’t actually writing about.

Ah, the sweet, sweet smell of fresh content ideas was filling the air for me.

Sure, I had my backlog, but now I could see right in front of me what my readers wanted! No more guessing if this week’s edition will resonate – I could almost guarantee it.

Now, where I really started to understand what community unlocks was seeing not only the wealth of content ideas and value it added for me, but the benefits for members themselves. As they engaged in the group, they started forming relationships, helping one another via answering posted questions, sharing something new they learned or projects they were working on. Two members even teamed up to work on a project together!

My newsletter became the catalyst that brought these like-minded individuals together, all driven by the common goal of becoming professional software engineers.

It was having a much greater impact than just me writing basically 1:1 to each subscriber. Also, my newsletter was free. But as members started to feel a sense of belonging and a deeper connection to me individually, I monetized really easily. I never offered a premium edition of the newsletter but would host paid weekend workshops where we’d build something together. I kept the workshop space rather limited, but spots would get reserved within the first few days of posting to the group.

Could I have done this without the Slack group? Sure, but I truly believe what made it a success was that I had built trust and fostered connections with my audience. They trusted me and didn’t see themselves as a “subscriber” but as an actual member of something special.

But enough about me. I want to dive deeper into the hows and whys of building a community around your newsletter. However, to set the stage properly, we first need to clear up the fuzziness around the definition of community.

We've got ourselves a definition dilemma.

You probably hear the term “Community” a lot these days. It has become an overused buzzword, losing its true meaning in the process. It's often thrown around in marketing materials to make sales positioning feel less commercial.

As newsletter operators striving to build an engaged and loyal audience, we should view a newsletter community as a gathering of individuals united by shared interests, values, and objectives. Rather than referring to our audience as "subscribers," we should see them as members who can forge connections with like-minded individuals and experience a sense of belonging. That's where the real magic of community lies.

Beyond the Inbox: The Power of Community

By nurturing your email newsletter and that 1:1 relationship, you start to build a true connection. From there, you can build on top of that and leverage unique tools to foster a true community.

Tapping into a Basic Human Need

Humans are social creatures with an inherent need for connection. We yearn to relate to others, share experiences, and find like-minded individuals who can provide support and validation. By building a community around your newsletter, you can tap into this need and build deeper connections with your audience.

If you think about it, newsletters, by default, are a one-way street, providing content directly to readers' inboxes with limited opportunities for feedback or interaction. While readers can reply to newsletters, these interactions often lack meaningful conversation or engagement, especially at scale. However, as the newsletter author, you can play the role of facilitator and connect your subscribers with one another.

By bringing them together to discuss and share, you create a space for more meaningful interactions. This scalable approach allows readers to connect, enriching the overall content of your newsletter and fostering a sense of ownership among your members.

Building Trust and Credibility with Community as Your Channel

Beyond the Inbox: The Power of Community

More than delivering great content alone is required to build trust with subscribers. Trust must be earned through various channels by keeping commitments, seeking input, providing accurate information, and demonstrating care for your subscribers. The beauty of a community is that it allows you to address all these trust-building aspects through a single channel.

Engaging in two-way communication

As I mentioned, newsletters are often one-way streets when it comes to interacting with the audience. With a community, you can participate in real conversations by responding to questions, comments, and feedback.

You can also encourage dialogue among members, creating rituals like thought-provoking questions or sharing "uncut extras" from your latest newsletter. Actively engaging with your audience through two-way communication shows that you value their input and are willing to listen and respond to their needs, establishing trust.

Seeking and incorporating input from your community:

When making decisions or creating new content, involve your community. While you may know a lot about your audience, you don't know everything. Seek suggestions, opinions, and ideas from your community. Run polls or surveys to gather feedback on potential topics, formats, or improvements to your newsletter. Look at conversations that are being had within your community and participate. By incorporating their input and giving credit where due, you build trust and show that you genuinely care about delivering valuable content.

Show genuine care and support within your community.

Within a community, you can demonstrate that you genuinely care about your subscribers' well-being and success. Create posts to acknowledge and celebrate member achievements, offer encouragement during challenging times, and provide the support they need. Be welcoming, ask questions with genuine curiosity, and seek out members' stories. By fostering a nurturing and trusting environment, you build trust that translates into increased loyalty and a willingness to share your content with others.

Amplifying Reach and Impact

Beyond the Inbox: The Power of Community

A strong and engaged community can be a powerful asset for any newsletter. When readers feel connected to you and other subscribers, they are more likely to become passionate advocates for your content. This can profoundly shape the reach and impact of your newsletter.

Members are more inclined to share your newsletter with their networks, recommend it to friends and colleagues, and actively promote it on social media. They become brand ambassadors for your content, amplifying its influence far beyond what you could achieve alone.

Monetization Opportunities

Building a community around your newsletter brings intrinsic benefits and opens up new monetization opportunities. A loyal and engaged audience is more receptive to premium content, paid subscriptions, sponsorships, or collaborations.

By cultivating a community, you create a pool of potential customers who value your content and are willing to support your work financially. These avenues can help sustain the growth and development of your newsletter while still (and most importantly) maintaining its integrity.

Bullish on community building yet?

In today's fast-paced digital landscape, newsletters need more than just subscribers—they need a community. By prioritizing community building and transforming subscribers into passionate advocates, you’ll unlock a range of benefits.

From establishing a sense of belonging and trust to creating meaningful connections and amplifying reach, building a community around your newsletter enhances its value for both readers and the author.

Now, keep in mind – building a thriving community is not something you can create a task list for and check the boxes as you go. It requires constant attention; no auto-pilot mode here. And one of the first challenges you’ll face is deciding where your community will live, the home base. As a shameless plug,

I run InboxHype, the only community platform built specifically for newsletter operators. We give you all the tools you need to build a community around your newsletter content.

Beyond the Inbox: The Power of Community

If you made it this far and are eager to learn more and start building a community around your newsletter, you can reach out to me at christian (at) or subscribe to the official InboxHype newsletter (powered by Beehiiv of course!).

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