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Mastering the Saturday Send: When to Hit 'Send' for Maximum Impact

Saturday Success Playbook: Tactics for Sky-High Open Rates

Saturday newsletters? Yeah, most folks think that's a no-go zone.

Here's the thing: the big email gurus will tell you it's a bad move. Why? Because it's the weekend, and people are busy living their best life, not checking emails.

Only a tiny 5% of newsletters get sent on Saturdays. So, you might think, "Well, if the pros aren't doing it, there's gotta be a solid reason, right?"

Think about it—during the week, your inbox is like Times Square on New Year's Eve. It's packed! What are the odds of someone spotting your newsletter in that crowd? Pretty slim, I'd say.

Now, picture your newsletter landing in an inbox on a quiet Saturday. It's like having a billboard on a deserted street. It's going to get noticed.

So, let's dive into how you can make your Saturday newsletter the one that breaks the mold and actually gets read.

Why Timing Matters for Email Success

Mastering the Saturday Send: When to Hit 'Send' for Maximum Impact

When figuring out the best time to send an email on Saturday, the "when" matters just as much as the "what."

The when comes down to knowing your audience. And I'm not just talking about their names and emails. I mean really knowing them—what makes them tick when they're likely to open their emails, and what they're into.

So, how do you find that out? By using data and testing as much as possible. Experiment with different send times, track the results, and find that sweet spot. Eventually, you’ll find the sweet spot but it's different for every crowd.

Now, here's where it gets interesting. Saturdays are not your run-of-the-mill weekday. People are in chill mode, sipping on their coffee and scrolling through their inboxes without the Monday-to-Friday hustle. This is your moment to shine.

Think about it—your email landing in their lap during these leisurely hours? You're not just another task on their to-do list; you're part of their me-time. That's a privilege.

Understanding Email Engagement on Weekends

Mastering the Saturday Send: When to Hit 'Send' for Maximum Impact

Here’s how to fine-tune your approach and really get those engagement rates soaring:

Who’s Reading? Understanding who’s on the other side of that email is crucial. We’re not just blasting messages into the void here. Are your readers early risers looking for a good read with their morning coffee, or are they catching up on their emails after a day of adventures? Segment your audience based on their weekend persona—morning warriors or night owls. Throw a quick question via a poll in your emails or run a snap poll on Instagram. 

Test the Waters: Sending times can make or break your open rates. Try setting up A/B testing for your send times. Split your list and shoot the same email at different hours of the day. See which time slot gets you more high-fives (opens and clicks).

Geographic Timing: Adjusting for Time Zones

If your audience is spread out over the globe, timing gets trickier but not impossible. Aim for a window when most of your audience is likely to be online. Use an email tool that lets you send according to where they live by setting up a custom field for each subscriber based on the city they live in. 

Grab Their Attention: This is your make-or-break moment. Use words that make them think, laugh, or just have to know more. There are tools out there, like CoSchedule’s Headline Analyzer that can help you craft that perfect line. Think of it as your email’s pickup line—it needs to be good.

Deliver Value: It’s Saturday, so give them something worth their time. Whether it’s insights, a laugh, or an irresistible offer, make sure your email adds something positive to their weekend.

Keep an Eye on the Ball: Keep an eye on what works. Open rates, clicks, loves, and shares—this is the feedback that tells you if you’re on the right track. Use it to tweak, adjust, and perfect your game. Most email platforms will show you these stats, including beehiiv where we allow readers to leave comments on your newsletter.

Why Trust Me? Russell, the founder of InboxConnect marketing agency, has over five years of deep expertise in email marketing. Under his leadership, the agency has become known for innovative strategies with notable successes, including campaigns for renowned clients like Payoneer. 

Best Time To Send An Email On Saturday

Mastering the Saturday Send: When to Hit 'Send' for Maximum Impact

beehiiv’s crunched the numbers, and based on the data, the best time to send an email on Saturday is 10 am local time for your reader.

According to beehiiv’s data, Saturday at 10 am statistically has an open rate of 44.52%.

Rolling into midday, consider a 12 PM send-off. The open rate here is a solid 38.13%, which means you’re still catching a good chunk of your audience while they munch on their lunch or plan their afternoon.

As night falls, look to 8 PM, where the open rate holds steady at 36.46%. It's the downtime slot, perfect for when your readers are unwinding from the day's buzz and hopefully have the time to engage with your content.

Now, how does Saturday stack up against the rest of the week? Monday through Friday hover around the 38-39% open rate mark, with a slight peak on Thursdays at 39%. 

Your Saturday sends at 10 AM surpass these by a good margin. When I first discovered this, I was just as surprised as you probably are. 

For the best engagement, you want those emails opened within the first hour.

Industry-Specific Timing Insight

Different industries will experience varying levels of engagement on weekends. For example, retail and leisure sectors may see higher open rates due to consumers planning shopping or recreational activities. 

B2B emails might not perform as well, as professionals tend to disconnect from work-related communications. 

However, this isn't a signal to go silent. Instead, it's an opportunity to stand out. Tailoring your email's timing to the unique pulse of your industry can dramatically sway the success of your Saturday newsletters.

Retail and E-commerce: Timing for Promotional Success

Mastering the Saturday Send: When to Hit 'Send' for Maximum Impact

For retail and e-commerce, consider launching your promotional emails early in the morning. This tactic places your offer front and center as your audience scrolls through their inbox, planning their weekend shopping spree. 

Tailoring your message with eye-catching subject lines about "Weekend Exclusive Offers" or "Saturday Flash Sales" can significantly boost your open rates

Remember, the key here is relevance and urgency, making your audience feel like they're getting the first pick on limited-time deals.

B2B Communications: Professionalism on a Slow Day

For you B2B folk out there, Saturdays might seem like ghost towns, however, a late morning or early afternoon email send might just catch them at the right time. 

Your content should lean towards thought leadership, industry insights, or helpful resources rather than hard sales pitches. This should keep your brand on their radar in a subtle, value-driven way. 

Services and Subscriptions: Keeping Up with Weekend Plans

Mastering the Saturday Send: When to Hit 'Send' for Maximum Impact

For services and subscriptions, the weekend is a fantastic time to remind your subscribers why they love you.

Help your audience with their weekend plans or offer a respite from the usual. Perhaps you could suggest a binge-worthy series or a meal subscription box with a delicious recipe.

For this segment, you’ll probably want to send out emails in the late morning so you can catch your audience as they're planning their day or weekend. 

Consider incorporating dynamic content such as product showcases, themed weekend collections, and personalized recommendations based on past interactions. 

Now, let's talk frequency. beehiiv’s data reveals that more than 10,370 creators are opting for monthly sends. These creators are the marathon runners, building anticipation and delivering value-packed content that's worth the wait.

On the other end, over 903 beehiiv creators are all about that daily touchpoint. It's a high-frequency, high-touch strategy that keeps their content top of mind, making their voice a daily part of their audience's routine.

And then there's the weekly warriors, over 6,880 strong. Depending on your sending frequency and your industry, it might be worth looking into a Saturday send. 

Best Subject Lines for Saturdays

Your subject line is the number one factor that determines if your newsletter will be opened or ignored. 

David Ogilvy, the father of advertising, once laid down the law:

Mastering the Saturday Send: When to Hit 'Send' for Maximum Impact

That's the kind of sharp thinking you need when writing your subject lines. They've got to be creative, yes, but they also need to pack a punch that resonates with your audience.

As for Saturdays, your readers are likely to be easing into their day, coffee in hand, with no office hustle on their minds. They're looking for that blend of leisure and novelty. So hit them with a subject line that's got the weekend written all over it. 

How about something that stirs the senses like "Unlock This Saturday’s Secrets" or goes straight for the feels with "Make Your Weekend Memorable"? "Super Bowl, Lunar New Year and..." is another good example

Like I touched on before, you should be A/B testing subject lines. Then, let the data do the talking. Which one gets the clicks? Use those insights to guide your next move. 

Finally, because it’s the weekend, don't be afraid to toss in a few emojis or a dash of personalization. 

Demographic Considerations

As you already know, taking your email game to the next level will require a good understanding of your audience. 

Let's break down how demographics will affect your Saturday email sends, shall we?

Age Groups and Their Email Habits on Weekends

Mastering the Saturday Send: When to Hit 'Send' for Maximum Impact

Gen Z: It's the weekend, and there’s no way Gen Z is waking up early to check emails. They're likely scrolling Instagram or TikTok catching up on last night’s activities. If you want to catch their eye, hit them up in the late afternoon or early evening. That's when they're actually paying attention to something that isn't a 15-second video.

Millennials: We love digging through our emails while eating avocado toast and sipping our delicious lattes. This group is your brunch-time email checker.

Gen X: A late morning send time works wonders. They appreciate content that gets straight to the point—none of that beating around the bush business.

Baby Boomers: Early risers and diligent email checkers. Hit them up with an early morning send. They've got the time, the interest, and possibly the reading glasses ready to dive into what you've got to say.

Geographic Timing: Adjusting for Time Zones

Time zones—email marketing's version of playing 4D chess. You've got to be part strategist, part psychic to get the best deliverability and engagement rates possible.

East Coast vs. West Coast: Remember, while New Yorkers are halfway through their day, Californians might still be in dreamland. You’ll likely have to use smart segmenting strategies for sending emails to the right audience at the right time. 

Around the World: A global audience is the ultimate balancing act. You're trying to hit that sweet spot where most of your audience is awake, engaged, and not cursing your name for a 3 am ping. Again, use beehiiv’s custom fields/segmenting and then schedule sends to each audience.


I want you to start thinking of the weekend as a potential email goldmine. Depending on your industry, your audience could be more relaxed, receptive, and ready to engage. 

When writing content for the weekend, get into the heads of your users. An easy way to do this is to write an email that you’d want to open. 

By recognizing the unique dynamics of weekends and aligning strategies with the psychological aspects of user behavior, businesses can unlock the full potential of their email campaigns, fostering increased engagement and ultimately driving success.

So, what are you waiting for? 

With beehiiv, you can program your Saturday newsletter, boost engagement, and track every aspect of the email newsletter game. Join beehiiv today.

Happy Mailing!


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