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What Makes Us Human? 7 Key Traits That Define Us

A Deeper Dive Into the Core of Human Identity

Humans have done some incredible things in their short existence. We’ve built cities, created art, invented the internet, and have even managed to fully understand the fundamental laws of things like gravity.

But have you ever stopped to wonder how the heck we got here? What fueled humanity's stratospheric rise?

The answer is hardwired into our DNA through millions of years of evolution. Our traits, or the essence of what makes us human, have helped our ancestors survive harsh environments, outcompete predators, and ultimately sparked the rise of civilization as we know it.

Keep reading as I uncover the 7 unique characteristics of human beings and how they have shaped who we are today.

Exploring the Essence of Humanity: What Makes Us Unique?

Humans have many remarkable abilities, but our ability to create and use language is what allows us to form deep emotional connections with one another.

I’ll explore the common characteristics and universal human traits of our cultural and behavioral identity below.

Cultural Influence: The Social Fabric of Human Identity

What Makes Us Human? 7 Key Traits That Define Us

Culture shapes our beliefs, behaviors, and traditions. Across the globe, cultural diversity highlights the commonalities and unique expressions of human traits. 

For instance, anthropologist Edward T. Hall emphasized that cultural context influences communication styles, which can vary dramatically across societies. 

This diversity showcases universal human traits like the need for social connection and the expression of emotions, while also allowing for individual uniqueness. 

Gert Jan Hofstede's research on cultural dimensions further supports this. It shows how values like individualism versus collectivism can shape societies differently.

What’s fascinating is that different cultures make us unique individuals and shape our belief systems, but they’re also what brings us together. It’s quite the conundrum. 

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The Impact of Language and Communication

What Makes Us Human? 7 Key Traits That Define Us

Language is more than words. Noam Chomsky’s theory of universal grammar suggests that humans are innately capable of acquiring language, a key element of our uniqueness. 

Through language, we express our cultural identity and connect with others. This ability to communicate complex ideas is one of the universal human traits that highlight what makes humans unique.

Whether through spoken word, sign language, or written text, our diverse communication styles reflect the rich tapestry of human experience and our innate need to connect and understand one another.

Analyzing Human Uniqueness: The Role of Emotion and Intellect

What Makes Us Human? 7 Key Traits That Define Us

Research by Paul Ekman on basic emotions reveals that certain emotional expressions are universal. 

Our emotions are what drive us, influence our decisions and behaviors, and distinguish us from other species.

And then there is our intellect. Our capacity for complex thought, problem-solving, and innovation are human characteristics that no other species on the planet has.

Studies on human cognitive development by Jean Piaget highlight how our intellectual abilities evolve, showcasing the unique human traits that define what makes humans unique.

Think about it. From a young age, we have a natural desire to be our own person and develop a one-of-a-kind identity.

At the same time, our ability to think and understand grows through the experiences and lessons we get from the culture and community around us.

This back-and-forth between being an individual and being part of a group is key to our human experience. 

The culture we're raised in gives us the language, rules, and viewpoints that shape how we see and make sense of the world, but each person builds their own unique way of looking at things based on their personality, life story, and feelings. 

Our smarts and our emotions are two forces that determine how we interact with and understand what's going on around us.

Some cultures push being independent and finding one’s distinct identity. Others emphasize sticking together and putting the group first over standing out on one’s own. 

But no matter the culture, we all have to balance wanting to be unique while still being part of the human family.

Creativity and Innovation: The Hallmarks of Human Progress

What Makes Us Human? 7 Key Traits That Define Us

Without a doubt, creativity is the driving force behind every major advancement in every field. 

From inventing the wheel to exploring space, our ability to think of new ideas and turn them into reality has changed societies and expanded what's possible. 

Psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi's research on the "flow state" shows that creativity thrives when we're deeply involved in activities we love and are good at.

Many animals show intelligence and emotions, and some very intelligent animals like the orangutan do show some level of creativity, but our unique blend of high-level thinking, deep self-awareness, and boundless creativity puts us on a pedestal.

Unique Human Traits:

  • High-Level Thinking: Unlike many animals, humans combine intelligence with deep self-awareness and boundless creativity.

  • Self-Awareness and Language: Our ability to reflect on ourselves and use complex language sets us apart.

  • Symbolic Thinking: We create and understand symbols, adding depth to our communication and culture.

  • Complex Social and Cultural Structures: Our intricate societies and rich cultures are a testament to our unique abilities.

These three core human characteristics should be celebrated:

  • Emotions

  • Intelligence 

  • Creativity

They are the forces behind centuries of achievements and changes. They’ve helped us adapt, solve problems, and explore new uncharted territories.

Diving Deeper: The 7 Human Attributes That Define Our Existence

Below, I’ll take a closer look into the core human qualities that define who we are and how they mix with our unique personalities to create the rich diversity we see in people.

Linking Personality Traits to Human Evolution

We all share some fundamental human traits: creativity, self-awareness, emotional depth, adaptability, curiosity, empathy, and the ability to pass on knowledge. 

However, humans are incredibly diverse. How we express these traits is shaped by culture, environment, and our evolutionary paths.

Most of us have these qualities to some extent, but they show up differently in everyone.

Our personalities shape how these traits come to life. Psychologists often talk about seven aspects of personality: openness, conscientiousness, extroversion, agreeableness, neuroticism, honesty-humility, and risk-taking. 

The mix of these personality traits with our basic human qualities results in the fascinating diversity we see around us.

Embracing Diversity: The Spectrum of Human Expression

What Makes Us Human? 7 Key Traits That Define Us

How creativity is expressed can vary greatly depending on the personalities and values of a society.

  • In individualistic Western cultures, creativity might be about self-expression.

  • In Eastern collectivist cultures, creativity might focus more on maintaining harmony within the group.

The wide range of human expression comes from our multidimensional personalities mixed with the core traits given to us by evolution. 

Some cultures value traits like humility or conformity for the group's survival. Others prize bold traits like bravery or ambition to thrive in tough environments. 

At the end of the day, the incredible range of human expression stems from our personalities, which are intertwined with the core human traits imprinted on us by evolution.

To Wrap This Up

As you go through life, reflect on the unique blend of personality traits and human qualities that make you, you! 

Embrace the incredible spectrum of human traits you possess. Culture, language, emotion, intellect, creativity, and evolution all form the essence of who we are.

I encourage you to share your story and celebrate what makes you unique in the world. If you do, beehiiv is a fantastic platform to get started on.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What are the unique characteristics of human beings? 

Humans' unique characteristics include cultural influence, language and communication, emotions, intellect, creativity, personality traits, and diversity of expression.

What makes each human unique? 

Each human is unique due to a combination of genetic, cultural, emotional, and intellectual factors, which shape individual personality traits and behaviors.

What is the character of a human? 

Human character encompasses the moral and ethical qualities, personality traits, and behaviors that define an individual and influence their interactions with others.


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