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  • 10 beehiiv AI News Newsletters That Should Be On Your Radar for 2024

10 beehiiv AI News Newsletters That Should Be On Your Radar for 2024

Discover the Top 10 AI Newsletters for 2024

Dive into the forefront of AI innovation with this curated selection of newsletters. The latest developments, trends, and insights across various AI domains, meticulously crafted to keep you informed and ahead of the curve in 2024.
Data as of 2/23/2024

Interested in sponsoring these AI newsletters?
Get in touch here. 

Written by: Tak Lo & Daniel Akpobare

  • Description: Get the latest developments in AI, without the technical babble. Join 20,000+ professionals from top companies like Google, Microsoft, Hugoboss, Siemens, and more

  • Topics covered: AI developments, industry insights

  • Most recent post:

Interested in sponsoring The Automated? Get in touch here. 

Written by: Pete Huang & Noah Edelman

  • Description: Don't fall behind on AI. Get the AI trends and tools you need to know. Join 400,000+ professionals from top companies like Microsoft, Apple, Salesforce and more

  • Topics covered: AI trends, tools, industry news

  • Most recent post:

Interested in sponsoring The Neuron? Get in touch here. 

Written by: Tim O'Shea 

  • Description: Grow your business faster with AI in 10 minutes for free. You'll get an actionable AI marketing deep dive, plus a round-up of the best AI tools and ChatGPT prompts by email each week. Join 16000+ CEOs, entrepreneurs, business owners and founders today

  • Topics covered: AI marketing, business growth strategies

  • Most recent post: 

Interested in sponsoring The Boost? Get in touch here. 

Written by: Alex Banks

  • Description: Join 40,000 readers of Sunday Signal, who receive a curated selection of AI highlights and broader insights that intrigue and inspire

  • Topics covered: Curated AI highlights, broader insights

  • Most recent post: 

Interested in sponsoring Sunday Signal? Get in touch here. 

Written by: Lior

  • Description: Covering the latest in AI R&D • ML Engineer • Ex-Mila researcher • MIT Lecturer • Building AlphaSignal, a technical newsletter read by 170,000+ ML experts.

  • Topics covered: AI and R&D

  • Most recent post:

Interested in sponsoring AlphaSignal? Get in touch here. 

Written by: Zain Kahn

Description: Learn how to leverage AI to boost your productivity and accelerate your career. Join the world's biggest AI newsletter with 600,000+ readers from companies like Apple, Amazon, Google, Meta, Microsoft and more

Topics covered: AI productivity, career acceleration

Most recent post:

Interested in sponsoring Superhuman? Get in touch here. 

Written by: Ben Tossell

  • Description: Learn about AI. Curated news and product launches, daily. Deep dives on business use cases, weekly. Over 100,000 subscribers

  • Topics covered: Curated AI news, product launches, business use cases

  • Most recent post:

Interested in sponsoring Ben's Bites? Get in touch here. 

Written by: Moritz Kremb

  • Description: Learn how to leverage the latest AI tools and master the skill of AI prompting. Join 20,000+ AI warriors

  • Topics covered: AI prompting, AI tools

  • Most recent post:

Interested in sponsoring The Prompt Warrior? Get in touch here. 

9. Turing Post

Written by: Ksenia Se and Valeriia Kuka

  • Description: Join over 50,000 readers for in-depth knowledge and forward-thinking analysis, to make smarter decisions about AI & ML. Save time. Gain wisdom. Stay ahead.

  • Topics covered: AI and ML

  • Most recent post:  

Interested in sponsoring Turing Post? Get in touch here. 

Written by: Alamin and Hossain

  • Description: Sharing top 20% of AI content that matters. We bring you the latest AI news, tools, tips, and developments directly to your inbox.

  • Topics covered: Top 20% AI content, AI news, tools, tips, developments

  • Most recent post:

Interested in sponsoring 80/20 AI? Get in touch here. 

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I’ve taken a non-linear career path, which in the last 3 years had led me to discover the power of newsletters, and newsletter marketing. Most recently I built a newsletter ad network, Swapstack, and sold it to beehiiv to build the biggest, most impactful newsletter ad network on the planet.

Interested in sponsoring these AI newsletters?
Get in touch here. 


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